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Dragonero News

We ask for help from the Japanese and Chinese community

We are asking for your help!
We have a Simplified Chinese translation and a Japanese translation that we are not satisfied with.

We'll release the game with the Japanese language and our goal is to release the Chinese version by the end of October. Right now the team is working hard to polish the game and unfortunately there is no time to include other languages.

With time we have plans to include many other languages, such as French, German, Russian and Korean.

We would like to ask for help from the community to get feedback on the quality of the translation before we officially release it.

If you were interested, please join our discord: https://discord.gg/Y25R3Wu7Em to know more.

And obviously you'll be Honorary Members of the Team and included in Dragonero's credits!

Sera of Frondascura

Welcome Imperial Scouts!

Today we're going to tell you about one of the playable characters available in the demo: Sera of Frondascura, the empathetic and lively elf.

[h2]Sera of Frondascura, the nature-loving sylvan elf[/h2]
Luwiemaste is an Ancient Language term meaning Botanical Master, these people have a special and deep relationship with nature.
Sera belongs to this category of people, thanks to this relationship she is able to find her way in any environment, understands the language of plants and animals and can call upon nature's help in combat.

[h3]The story of Sera[/h3]
Sera is an exile. She left her hidden city, Frondascura, to reinvigorate the ailing Black Forest with her skills as a Master Botanist. This gesture, though positive, cost her exile. In fact, a sylvan elf cannot leave his own city, even for a mission.
Following her exile, she therefore joined Ian and Gmor to whom she is bound by a deep friendship, particularly with the orc. Although the two often play pranks on each other, the bond that unites them is similar to that between a father and daughter.

[h3]The sylvan weapons[/h3]
Sera fights with a whip and can use a blowpipe to hit enemies with soporific darts.

[h3]Sera: Skills inside the dungeon[/h3]
Inside the dungeon, Sera can make use of her blowpipe to put enemies to sleep. This skill can save lives in dangerous situations!

[h3]Sera: Battle Skill[/h3]
Sera is a warrior with skills that can change the course of a battle. A general overview of the skills will be given here. Try them out in the demo to find out all their parameters!
  • Arrow Strike: Causes piercing damage.
  • Healing Ointment: Applies regeneration status for 3 turns and cures from toxin.
  • Narcotic Dart: Causes no damage and numbs targets for 3 turns.
  • Sylvan Blade: Causes piercing damage and applies wounded status to targets.
  • Whiplash: Causes non-lethal slashing damage to a column of enemies.
  • Freeze: Immobilizes targets for 3 turns.

Sera's lightheartedness brings a burst of energy to the battlefield, but not to opponents! With her soporific ability, the sylvan elf is a valuable member of the group in all kinds of situations.

Follow Dragonero and put the game on your wishlist not to miss the news!
Khame adwerte nàu oméa!

Dev Logbook: Gmor Burpen, the civilized orc

Welcome Imperial Scouts!

Today we tell you about the second initial character available in the demo: Gmor Burpen, Ian's trusted companion.

[h2]Gmor Burpen, a gruff but irreplaceable ally[/h2]
Gmor is an unusual ogre; he likes to read, cook, and live in the civilized world. He carries out numerous intelligence missions with his traveling companion, Imperial scout Ian Aranill, to whom he is bound by a deep friendship.
Expert in the use of the battle-axe his rougher side is revealed during battles and fights, at which he never backs down.

[h2]Gmor's history[/h2]
Gmor knows Ian as a boy and they spend their teenage years together, only to be separated for a time.
Following a violent episode he is exiled from his clan and begins a life of travel in the service of the various orc clans that ends in a Destinian monastery. Where the orc devotes himself to reading and meditation.
This moment of peace is interrupted when Ian re-enters his life with a proposal to have him join the Imperial Scout Corps. From then on, the two go on numerous missions together.

[h2]The Troll Slaughterer[/h2]
Gmor's weapon of choice is a heavy battle axe. Its name comes from its blade, which is so sharp that it can cut even to the very tough skin of trolls.

[h2]Gmor: Skill within dungeons[/h2]
Inside the dungeon Gmor can use his might to destroy environmental obstacles such as trees or rocks with his Remove Obstacle skill. The result could be a new path or some useful materials.

[h2]Gmor: Battle Skill[/h2]
Gmor is a very good fighter and his weapon is difficult to parry, a general overview of the skills will be given here. Try them out in the demo to find out all their parameters!
  • Truncate: causes slashing damage and decreases the target's parry.
  • Smash: causes impact damage and is a nonlethal attack, applies stunned status.
  • Trample: causes slashing damage and decreases target's parry, applies weakened status.
  • Stab: causes piercing damage and decreases target's parry.
  • Fling: causes piercing damage and makes Gmor unarmed for two turns.
  • Devastate: causes slashing damage and makes Gmor unarmed for two turns.

Whether he is your starting character or a group member Gmor will surely prove to be an irreplaceable companion.

Follow Dragonero and put it on your wishlist!
Khame adwerte nàu oméa!

Master Mode

Master Mode allows you to play Dragonero in the role of Master, as we understand it when playing RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons: creating your own adventure and placing it persistently in the game world, making it playable by other players with the ability to share stories and challenges.

You will be able to build the layout of your dungeon, write the story, and choose from a multitude of custom enemies. Master Mode will allow you to:
  • create adventures from scratch, leveraging assets and setting
  • place your adventures in the game world.
  • share adventures and challenges with other players.

Master Mode consists of three tools: Dungeon Wizard, Creature Wizardand Quest Wizard.

[h2]Dungeon Wizard[/h2].
With the Dungeon Wizard, it is possible to create a dungeon at a specific location on the map. Whether it's to create a new and exciting challenge or to bring an epic quest to life, you can customize every aspect of it.

In this mode you can:
  • choose the depth of the dungeon, choosing how many rooms it will have.
  • customize each room
  • insert dozens of different enemies and battle formations, including custom creatures in the Creature Wizard
  • choose rewards and obstacles for your players

As you build the dungeon you will see its Challenge Value, which determines how deadly it will be for players.
The dungeon's biome will be defined by the part of the world in which it is created.

[h2]Creature Wizard[/h2].
Select a race of the Erondàr and customize it as you like. With the Creature Wizard editor you can modify every parameter, skill and even battle formations.

In this mode you can:
  • Select the name, description and appearance of your creature.
  • select its threat level
  • customize statistics and resistant
  • equip skills and define battle style
  • build formations composed of custom and classic creatures

Find the right balance and bring the characters of your imagination to life, breathing life into them and releasing them into the Dragonero universe.

[h2]Quest Wizard[/h2].
In the Quest Wizard you can link all your creations: dungeons, characters, and creatures that will bring the epic adventures you create to life.

In this mode you can:
  • choose which city or part of the world to start the quest in.
  • build each phase of the quest
  • customize each phase by choosing what actions the player must take.

The Quest Wizard allows you to start an entire adventure made up of quests and explorations that will bring other players into your vision within the world of Dragonero.

Creating a new adventure in the world of Erondár is simple and we are sure it will give you great satisfaction. Sharing of created content will be done directly through Steamworks and we hope to see as many stories as possible set in the wonderful world of Dragonero.

It will be possible to try out the Master Mode at the Festival RPG Direct on July 27.

Are you ready for this epic journey? Follow Dragonero and put the game on your wishlist so you don't miss the news!


Khame adwerte nàu oméa!

Update Demo v.0.4.4

  • Added enemy Health bar in battle
  • Added mouse tooltips about Statuses that affects characters in battle
  • Added mouse tooltips about statistics in Character Selection
  • Improved Quest Tracker: when you are moving in worldmap, an arrow will tell you where the tracked quest is located so you can move accordingly
  • Intro Cutscene removed from New Game. You can view it through a dedicated Main Menu button.
  • Fixed graphics in some cutscenes
  • Fixed UI graphics in World Map and Dungeon