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Dev Logbook: the Camp, a time of rest for our heroes

Welcome Imperial Scouts!

Today we are talking about the Camp.
During their long journeys the heroes will tired. In order not to make them weaker during confrontations, it is best to start setting up tents!

Encampment is a central moment in Dragonero gameplay and allows the heroes to recover from exploration. Do not underestimate this moment of rest. Each character has his own function, chose the most suitable actions for him to receive greater bonuses.

Within it there are numerous choices available to you, let's see them in detail.

  • Gather water: Choose a character and send him to gather water. It allows you to make special recipes such as stews or soups.
  • Cooking: You will have to choose the ingredients and then the character will prepare the meal for the whole group.
  • Seeking Supplies, Finding Supplies, Gifts of Nature: These three skills allow you to not use ingredients in your inventory and instead use those that characters find in the camp area. The result is a "journey food" quality meal. The quality of this meal is related to the cook. For example, Ian is not very good at cooking and this will affect the quality of the food. Gmor, on the other hand, is an over-the-top cook and his dishes are outstanding.
  • Vegetarian cooking: Sera cooks a meal for the group. The elf uses only vegetarian ingredients.
  • Go to Sleep: Resting will make 6 hours of game time go by. Sleeping in the Encampment provides less rest than sleeping in the inn. Having a real bed to sleep on improves the quality of sleep; this also applies to untamed heroes.

The after-meal features new, varied choices related to the characters' backgrounds. We prefer not to describe them in detail here. You will, however, have plenty of options to allow the heroes to recover health, energy or receive bonuses. Use this time wisely!

Remember: if you find yourself in trouble during the adventure, perhaps it is time to rest.

Follow Dragonero and put the game on your wishlist so you don't miss out on what's new!

Khame adwerte nàu oméa!


Dev Logbook: Ian Aranill, the dragon hunter

Welcome Imperial Scouts!

From today we will begin telling you about the heroes of this world. And what better start than from Dragonero himself: scout Ian Aranill!

[h2]Ian Aranill: the Imperial Scout with a noble soul[/h2]
Ian is a man of quiet disposition with a strong sense of honor. Trained from an early age, he is a skilled fighter.
A hardened traveler, Ian explores the lands of Erondàr together with two faithful companions, the orc Gmor and the elf Sera. His role as an imperial scout allows him a fair amount of freedom of action in the various quests he undertakes for the Erondarian Empire.
His missions are sometimes joined by his sister Myrva Aranille and the luresindo Alben.
You will soon get to know these characters as well.

[h2]Ian's story[/h2]
A human belonging to the noble family of Dragon Slayers, a lineage famous for their ruthless hunt for the last Sentient Dragons. For unknown reasons, he gave up his military career to become an imperial scout, handling secret missions on behalf of the empire. He lives in Solian, an important seafaring city, when he is not intent on one of his many travels.

[h2]Saevasĕctha, the Cruel Cutter[/h2]

The weapon Ian uses, a bastard sword marked with the frieze of a rampant dragon. When bathed in the blood of a dragon its blade turned black, no longer icy to the touch but warm as if endowed with the very life that its use extinguishes.
The sword needs no sharpening and exudes a dark aura full of blood lust. For Ian, it is not only a formidable weapon but also a burden that always threatens to drop him into a grip made of pure violence.

[h2]Ian: Skill within dungeons[/h2]

Inside the dungeon Ian can make himself valuable with the reconnaissance skill that allows him to reveal hidden items within a room. This will allow him to find hidden traps and monsters but will cost more exploration time.

Ian: Skills in battle

Ian possesses various skills useful in battle; a general overview of the skills will be given here. Try them out in the demo to find out all their parameters!
  • Vertical Slash: causes slashing and necrotic damage and ignores opponent's defenses
  • Side Slash: causes slashing and necrotic damage and ignores opponent's defenses, applies wounded status
  • Lunging: causes piercing and necrotic damage and ignores opponent's defenses
  • Crooked: causes slashing damage and applies unarmed status
  • Throwing knife: causes piercing damage
  • Lasso: Does no damage but applies the immobilized status

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Dev Logbook: Game Overview

Welcome new Imperial Scouts!

Good news comes from the realm of Erondár, with an overview that will touch on the various features of Dragonero: Rise of Draquir and the new update.
Here are the topics in brief:
  • New update: new features and revisions.
  • Dungeons: now NPCs will appear inside them
  • Camp: make heroes rest as best as possible
  • Improvements to cities
  • Master Mode: the world of Dragonero is in your hands

[h2]The near future, new update[/h2]

The development team is working on an overhaul of the user experience and implementation of the mouse, selecting skills or various locations in the empire will be easier than ever. Hunger has been rebalanced to make it less tedious in movement.
Fonts for dialogue and titles have been changed. The opening cutscene has been removed and its narrative content will now be narrated throughout the game.

[h2]New encounters in dangerous places[/h2]

Dungeons are one of the main stages of the game, ready to test your skill in confrontations and resource management.

In addition to facing enemies and finding treasures from now they will also be populated by NPCs. Are you ready to discover the new surprises that await you as you explore?

[h2]Even heroes need rest[/h2]

Camp is a central moment in Dragonero gameplay and allows the heroes to recover from exploration.
Within it you will have numerous choices, it must be remembered that even at this time each party member has their own function and preferences (for example, Sera is a vegetarian). Therefore, the task best suited to them should be given to each of them.

[h2]A place for exchange and gathering[/h2]

Cities are a key stop on any hero's journey. Find new quests, visit stores and more. There is no limit to the events that can happen in these densely populated areas. From now on, it will also be easier to interact with the various city elements. The UI and text readability have also been improved.

[h2]Unleash your creativity with Master Mode[/h2]

Master Mode is a game section that will be available in the full game. Are you ready to create your dungeon?
Create the layout of your dungeon, write the story and choose from a multitude of enemies.

The Master Mode is divided into three sections:
  • Dungeon Wizard: you can choose the order of the rooms you prefer, the number and type of enemies as well as the rewards.
  • Creature Wizard: create new characters and creatures for your adventures and dungeons.
  • Quest Wizard: create your own adventures, use your imagination to create your own dungeon master work.

Creating a new adventure in the world of Erondár is simple and we are sure it will give you great satisfaction.

Are you ready for this epic journey? Follow Dragonero and put the game on your wishlist so you don't miss out on what's new!

Khame adwerte nàu oméa!


Thank you for your feedback!

[h2]Steam Next Fest has come to a close! Thank you for being with us and sending us your feedback[/h2]

Thank you for trying out the Dragonero demo. We appreciate all of your feedback and look forward to continuing to improve the game. We are already hard at work implementing some important changes that we will release in the next patch, including:
  • UI improvement
  • mouse bugfix
  • balance improvement

In the meantime, you can contact us on our discord server or in the Steam community hub, we will read every comment with interest.

Thanks again for your support and keep following us, there will be news soon!



Follow Massimiliano, Team Leader and developer of Dragonero, in this gameplay explanation.

The Demo is available, play the game now!

We are working to make Dragonero, Rise of Draquir the best experience possible. We value feedback and you can send it directly from the game: just press F11

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