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DoubleWe News

DoubleWe is joining PixElated Fest on July 29th!

Hey everyone!

DoubleWe will be showcased at the PixElated Festival, an online Steam festival about pixel art games.
Join us on the 29th of July for a special livestream with Matt From Awesome Duo, where he'll be playing the demo of DoubleWe.


Don't miss out!


DoubleWe on Indie FPS Summer Fest!

Hey everyone!
DoubleWe will be showcased at the Indie FPS Summer Fest on July 5th along with a bunch of extremely cool games. Check it out:



Introducing New Mutators!

Hey, clones! Maybe you're the original ones I'm not sure.
Anyway, I want to share a sneak peek feature from the full game: Mutators. It's actually partially implemented in the demo but it's now much more improved.

Mutators are game-changing mechanics that unlock when you reach a certain progress. When you kill clones enough times and reach, for example, %50, the game randomly picks a mutator and apply to the games in this run. They stay there until you either die or reach 100% progress.

They're designed to be stacked on top of each other and they combine in fun and unique ways. They can affect the environment, NPCs, You, your target, and anything you can think of. They'll require a shift in your tactics and you have to plan your assassination around these mutators

I think they make the game incredibly fun. I always aim for emergent mechanics in DoubleWe and mutators amplify game mechanics to new heights.

Here's a short highlight:


For the raw gameplay:

There are many more mutators in the game. I only edited some of them. You'll encounter all of them during your gameplay in the release version. Some mutators I've liked but couldn't get the footage of:

Secret Assassins: 3 assassins hide within the crowd holding a knife
Hitman: A killer constantly chasing you
Violent Prisoners: A group of prisoners going on a killing spree
Cannibals: Masked people taking a bite out of you if you hang out near them without a weapon
Paranoia: You see everyone as holding knives (This one makes the game incredibly tense...)
& more

These mutators are not available in the demo and most likely won't be. We have much more planned in the future for this game so stay tuned! I sometimes post random sneak peeks in the screenshot-of-the-day channel in our Discord channel. Best way to keep up with us:

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[h2]Join Discord: https://discord.gg/E87xvrvknm[/h2]


Livestream: Mutators!

Hey everyone!
We'll have a pre-recorded livestream with the FPS fest. And we're going to showcase the new mutators!
I think they make the game so much more fun. They can combine in so much fun and unique ways and you gotta shift your thinking to get through them.

For showcase purposes, we get a mutator after every round but in the game, mutators will be randomly picked once you reach a progress (for example after 50%).

Or you can watch the full gameplay video here:


If you have any comments, feel free to create a post in the discussion forums or send a message on Discord! I'll occasionally pop in the chat to answer questions too!

[h2]Join Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iKN10c[/h2]
[h2]Join Discord: https://discord.gg/E87xvrvknm[/h2]


Try Out The New Demo!

[h2]Hello everyone![/h2]
We added new stuff and upgraded the quality of the demo. And I wrote some core systems you'll see in the released version. There are many changes happened under the hood but here are some highlights:

[h2]Monster Clones[/h2]
Yep, monster clones. Sadly, you won't encounter them during the demo but it'll be on the release version. You'll have to use non-conventional ways to kill them. In this demo, you'll get a taste of the future features (and they might get a taste of you)

[h2]Multiplayer Removed[/h2]
Writing stable networking code and marketing a multiplayer game is a tough nut to crack. Every update I make in the game has to also be implemented and tested for multiplayer. It was costing me a huge amount of time. We decided to make a focused and awesome game instead of a meh game with two game modes. So we're suspending the development of the multiplayer game mode. It might come back for the release version or after the release but no promises. Join the newsletter and get notified when/if multiplayer comes back!

Join Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iKN10c

Singleplayer on the other hand is going strong! We might even repurpose some content from the multiplayer into single-player.

[h2]Mutator: Darkness[/h2]
Mutators will play a big role in eliminating repetitiveness in the full game. In this demo, we've added a mutator called Darkness. It turns off ambient light and makes identifying clones a little bit harder. It activates after you reach 60% progress

In the full version, this mutator selection will be randomized for each run.

We're currently working on the story and persistent resources so you can upgrade your character. We aim to release the game this year.

Join the newsletter to get notified about updates!

[h2]Join Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iKN10c[/h2]
[h2]Join Discord: https://discord.gg/E87xvrvknm[/h2]