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Try Out The New Demo!

[h2]Hello everyone![/h2]
We added new stuff and upgraded the quality of the demo. And I wrote some core systems you'll see in the released version. There are many changes happened under the hood but here are some highlights:

[h2]Monster Clones[/h2]
Yep, monster clones. Sadly, you won't encounter them during the demo but it'll be on the release version. You'll have to use non-conventional ways to kill them. In this demo, you'll get a taste of the future features (and they might get a taste of you)

[h2]Multiplayer Removed[/h2]
Writing stable networking code and marketing a multiplayer game is a tough nut to crack. Every update I make in the game has to also be implemented and tested for multiplayer. It was costing me a huge amount of time. We decided to make a focused and awesome game instead of a meh game with two game modes. So we're suspending the development of the multiplayer game mode. It might come back for the release version or after the release but no promises. Join the newsletter and get notified when/if multiplayer comes back!

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Singleplayer on the other hand is going strong! We might even repurpose some content from the multiplayer into single-player.

[h2]Mutator: Darkness[/h2]
Mutators will play a big role in eliminating repetitiveness in the full game. In this demo, we've added a mutator called Darkness. It turns off ambient light and makes identifying clones a little bit harder. It activates after you reach 60% progress

In the full version, this mutator selection will be randomized for each run.

We're currently working on the story and persistent resources so you can upgrade your character. We aim to release the game this year.

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[h2]Join Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iKN10c[/h2]
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