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DoubleWe News

0.6.2 Fixed Steam Connection Issue

  • Fixed Steam Connection issue. Now the game should be able to connect online using Steam networking


✨New Multiplayer Demo is here! ✨ (+Halloween Stuff!)

[h2]Hello everyone![/h2]
I've been working on remaking the old multiplayer prototype code and now it's finally ready for public! I am still fixing bugs so please let me know if you find any! We're also releasing single-player mode but with Halloween-related content! I highly suggest you play a single-player round or two before jumping into multiplayer.

Right now, we support two types of multiplayer. Steam friends-based and local network multiplayer with one game mode: 1vs1. You both get a knife (unbreakable) and have to find and kill each other within a time limit. You can hide among the people and kill your target in creative ways. The first one to reach a score of 5 wins the game. Before you start, one player has to start a lobby.

[h3]How to start a Lobby?[/h3]
  1. Select "Play Multiplayer" in the demo start computer
  2. Then press the Host Game button (If you're playing on your local network, toggle "Use Local Network")
  3. Optional: Setup game parameters to your liking
  4. Wait for the other person to join
  5. When they join and the "Start Game" button shows up, press it to start the game

[h3]How to Join?[/h3]
  1. Select "Play Multiplayer" in the demo start computer
  2. Then write the steam name of your friend to the area right of the Join button
  3. Press "Join" then wait to join the game
  4. If you're playing on your local network, toggle "Use Local Network" and write the IP address of the host computer
  5. If nothing happens, it means something went wrong. You might be writing the name of your friend wrong or they might be offline
  6. If you successfully join the lobby, you should see some settings along with the text "Waiting for host"
  7. Wait for the host to start the game

You both start with a knife that you can stab with and start with a random tool (Smoke bomb or trap). Press Space to use your tool

[h3]Future of Multiplayer[/h3]
We have these features ready:
  • Basic gameplay loop (Find & kill the clone among the crowd)
  • Environmental Kills
  • Knife Weapon

Right now it's bare bones but the gameplay is there. It's very hard to keep both singleplayer and multiplayer up to date with each other. Multiplayer is not quite at the level of complexity of singleplayer but we'll get there! We're currently working to implement these new features:
  • Multiple Weapons with weapon cases
  • Officers (Blue guys who get mad when you draw your weapon)
  • New & improved multiplayer result screen
  • Steam invite to game functionality
  • NPC talk synchronizations
  • New tools like shape-shifting

[h2]Halloween Stuff[/h2]
These are the things that will be available on Halloween from now on. You can of course disable/enable this anytime. I was mostly working on the multiplayer so there aren't many updates on the singleplayer gameplay except these new Halloween weapons. Check out here:

[Sound ON]

This demo will be available to play during the screamfest. Let me know what you think!

Demo Extended Until August 27!

Hi everyone!
We're extending the deadline for the demo until August 27th!
So if haven't tried DoubleWe yet, now is your chance!

Of course, we'll have more demos in the future with more stuff
We even plan a demo with multiplayer

Join Our Discord: https://discord.gg/AK6qNNXfKz


Demo Available NOW!!

Hi everyone!
For the first time ever, we're releasing a public demo of our game, DoubleWe! Ready your knife because your clone is waiting for you!

Last time the game was published was 4 years ago in a game jam. I've been working on this game for a long time so it's very exciting! If you encounter any issues or bugs, let me know!

The demo features:
  • Core gameplay loop
  • Many, many NPCs roaming around
  • Multiple weapons and ways to kill your clone
  • Officer NPCs that attack anyone with a potential for aggression
  • A complex generated AI for your killer clone. No clone will act the same between rounds!

Demo will be available for August 17 to 20. But we'll have more demos in the future!

Happy clone hunting!

Play The Demo on 17th of August!

Hi everyone!
I've been developing this game for quite a while now but finally, we have a Steam page!
This project started as a jam game in 2019. We received lots and lots of positive feedback and we decided to remake the game.
Now, our demo is almost ready! We're so excited to hear your thoughts!

Join our discord to help us shape the game: https://discord.gg/AK6qNNXfKz

We'll post a single-player demo but we might also have a multiplayer demo in the future!
Let us know if you want to try that too!
