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  2. News
  3. Quick Update On The Progress

Quick Update On The Progress

This announcement was posted on 23/01/2025 in our Discord!

[h2]Hello everyone! [/h2]

We wanted to take a moment to update you on things. We know you’ve been waiting and like to hear from us, so here’s where we’re at right now:

We’re working on a big update that’s coming soon. It will include things like bots, the start of a new season, many bug fixes, and several new functionalities! It’s a very ambitious update that has taken a lot of time already, especially after the holiday season.

Meanwhile, we’ve been doing more than just working on the game. Over the past seven months, we have been navigating the world of game development, attending events and meeting amazing people, and even recruiting talent to help us lay a strong foundation for the future of BODYCAM and Reissad Studio!

Last month, many opportunities and collaborations have materialized, and we’re excited to share that we’re now working with people that have incredible talent, including professionals who’ve worked on major games!
With these collaborations, we will be able to push our capabilities even further with improving BODYCAM, delivering quality content, and polishing the game to the point of the full release out of early access!

[h2]We have three major announcements coming :[/h2]
(Not in order)

A message about the evolution of Reissad Studio: who we’ve recruited, who we’re collaborating with, and most importantly, how these partnerships will benefit both Bodycam and the studio itself!
We cannot wait to share this information with you, We’re confident this will be super exciting, and you’ll be hyped about the game’s future!

The 2025 roadmap!
Yes, we’re taking our time... but only to make sure it’s well thought out and achievable!
We will present all the amazing features that it will include, share our vision, and even explain how we plan to bring them to life!
This will also be a great opportunity for you to share your own suggestions about what you’d like to be prioritized and what is important to you.

And last, we will announce the major 1.3.4 update, detailing all the new features and changes!

Thank you so much for your patience, and thank you again for your support, we couldn’t have pushed this project to such lengths without you!

See you soon for these exciting announcements!

[h3]Reissad Studio[/h3]