Skystead Ranch V1.0.46
Skystead Ranch V1.0.46 Patch Notes
[h2]New Features[/h2]
- Added a new setting "Always Show Resources UI" (defaulted to off) - When enabled, the resource values in the top left of the screen are always active.
[h2]Bug Fixes and Misc[/h2]
- The Skyships no longer restart their enter animation when you exit the cave.
- Fixed a bug where some thorn junk objects in the Cave would respawn when you reenter the cave. This may have been related to a bug where objects you build in the cave sometimes would appear floating when you go back in. Please let us know if this still occurs (it is a nightmare to replicate).
- Added functionality for using a controller in the shop.
- Increased the buying speed in the shop with a controller from 1 second to 0.7 seconds.
- When using a controller, we made the settings dropdowns cycle around to the first option when you get to the bottom or top of the list.
- Improved the screenshot tool we use to gather images for assets. This should fix three 3 items in the build menu that were missing images as well as fix some light blue artifacting.
- Fixed a bug that stopped Skylets spawning where they were at the point of saving the game. This will allow you to make working pens with fences, and more importantly, this will prevent Skylets from being pushed onto the edges and pathways such as staircase down to the lift. (Please Note: If you already have Skylets blocking your stairs etc, then they will still be on the stairs in your save, we intend to add a a new spell that will allow you to carry/move Skylets to clear the blockage).