Skystead Ranch V1.0.28
Skystead Ranch V1.0.28 Patch Notes
[h2]New Features[/h2]
- New Skylet "Cherrish"! - If you read our roadmap post last week, you will already know that we wanted to show our remorse for the state of the game at launch so we made a poll asking the community what they would like as a gift. Unsurprisingly, more than half of you wanted a new Skylet! So meet Cherrish, a Skylet picked by the community, named by the community, and shiny look picked by the community. This won't make an impact on the additional 10 we have committed to for the Beach Island update 🙂 Cherrish won't have any voice lines with this update but we will implement them in future.
- New Audio Setting "Skylet Calls" (Default to whatever your SFX slider is set to) - We have split out the Skylet audio into its own subcategory for better control. Previously they were controlled by the SFX slider. We know some of you wanted to dial their voice lines down, but the side effect is that us devs can now turn them up... SHELLY ❤️
- New Audio Setting "Skylet Call Chance" (Default to 100%) - Allows you to reduce the chance of Skylets making noises.
- New Sensitivity Setting "Zoom Sensitivity" (Default to 1x) - Allows you to control the speed at which you can zoom in and out with the camera.
- New Camera Setting "Free Look Camera" (Defaulted to Off) - When enabled, the camera movement changes to a much less restricted 3rd person camera.
- New Camera Setting "Hold [Right Click] to look" (Defaulted to On) - When disabled the need to hold the right click to look around is not needed, allowing for a more immersive experience.
- New Camera Setting "Camera Shake" (Defaulted to On) - When disabled, the camera will no longer play its shake animation. Like when destroying an object for example.
- New Camera Setting "Follow Lag" (Default to On) - When disabled, the camera will always be locked perfectly to the player instead of the slight lag it usually exhibits.
[h2]Bug Fixes and Misc[/h2]
- Fixed a bug where occasionally during a lag spike, the camera would spin around the player.
- Fixed an error that listed Kitsu's final happiness requirement as 0 Luxury objects which conflicted with an earlier requirement. This has now been swapped to 0 Simple objects which we believe to be the original intention.
- Fixed an error that had Faun listed as disliking Nuts twice. Adjusted one of these disliked item tags to be mushroom instead.
- "Rock Tree Seed" now is listed as such in the shop instead of "Rock Tree".
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't destroy Fire Pits.
- Rock Bush now has a hitbox.
- Skylets can no longer get stuck on top of a Shiny Bush.
- Updated Patreons on the Credits page.
- Refreshed Kickstarter Backers on the Credits page. Also broke it down by the tier people backed.
- Updated in-game roadmap (we won't be getting much rest in Feb anymore 😢)
- Fixed a bug where "Look Sensitivity Y" didn't seem to actually affect anything.
- Renamed the "Movement" tab, in the settings window to "Sensitivity" which more accurately represents its purpose.
- Renamed the "Visibility" tab in the settings window to "UI" which more accurately represents it's purpose.
- Two new Achievements have been added. One for taming the new Cherrish Skylet, and the other for building the nighttime upgrade to the Sky Pier which was added in the last update.
- Fixed an issue where Grizzle wouldn't highlight when you tried to interact with it.
- Fixed a bug where Skylets would only call when they first spawn and when interacted with. They should no longer call when they first spawn or when you change zones like exiting the cave. They now also randomly call every couple of minutes on their own. Interacting with them still triggers the audio as before.
- Loading screen Skylet Icons now features the full 31 Skylet roster.
- Adjusted the target point for the camera when using the crook to be 80% between the player and the target point instead of 50%. This will make it much easier to view what you doing.