1. Skystead Ranch
  2. News
  3. Skystead Ranch V1.0.20

Skystead Ranch V1.0.20

Skystead Ranch V1.0.20 Patch Notes

[h2]New Features[/h2]
  • New Sky Pier upgrade "Sky Pier Beacons" that allows night time Sky Ships to approach.
  • Night time only "Observatory" Skyship.
  • New Daytime Skyship "Minerva"
  • Keeper appearances change slightly each time a new Skyship appears.
  • New "Fast UI Animations" setting (defaulted to off) - When enabled, fading between UI screens is instant.
  • New "Crook Mode Menu Input" setting (defaulted to Press and Hold) - Can be changed to Toggle which lets you toggle the spell selection UI's visiblity instead of having to hold down a key.
  • New "Grass Density" Setting (defaulted to 100%) - Allows you to control the amount of grass spawns. Will require a save and load to refresh any currently placed grass but any new grass will respect the setting.
  • New "High Quality Grass Distance" (defaulted to 10) - Allows you to control how far grass is rendered at full density before reducing for better performance. 10m is the default the game has been operating in so far, this updates in real time so changes should be obvious.
  • New "Low Quality Grass Distance" (defaulted to 50) - Allows you to control how far the reduced grass extends too, anything after this distance will be ignored. 50m is the defualt the game has been operating with so far and this setting should update in real time.

[h2]Bug Fixes and Misc[/h2]
  • Fixed the mountain stairs - Some people were reporting that they couldn't complete the build all the way.
  • Improved Skyship animations
  • Adjusted the spawn locations for entering and exiting the cave to avoid an infinite loading glitch.
  • Adjusted the favourite food items for the Spook, Spore, Mewmew, Korgi and Kitsu.
  • Adjusted the food requirements of Skylets across the board to be more forgiving.
  • Fixed a bug where Taming a Grizzle will cause the Spook achievement to unlock.
  • 7 more loading screen Skylet icons.
  • Made sure the name for the Cat Water Orb is the same in the shop as when held.
  • Glowshrooms now glow.
  • Rock Tree Seed item now displays the correct name.
  • Rock Tree fist stage in the shop now shows the correct plant.
  • Added missing screenshot assets for the third stage of the mountain path.
  • Imported new localisations provided by a few incredible community members :heart: you are the best.
  • New store page assets! Some of you might noticed the AB testing we were doing the past couple of days but today they are hear to stay.

Skystead Ranch V1.0.21 Patch Notes

[h2]Bug Fixes and Misc[/h2]
  • Fixed a bug where the fist stage of the Sky Pier couldn't be built.

Skystead Ranch V1.0.22 Patch Notes

[h2]Bug Fixes and Misc[/h2]
  • Fixed an issue where Skyships would only appear if you waited a full day and night cycle.