Patchnotes Dungeon Clawler Early Access 0.6.1
[h3]New Features[/h3]
[h3]New Items[/h3]
[h3]New Perks[/h3]
[h3]Improvements [/h3]
- New playable character: Cuddline Floofington
- Added special room which is only available during Christmas holidays
[h3]New Items[/h3]
- Teddy
- Glass Cleaner
- Eyepatch
[h3]New Perks[/h3]
- Cuddly
- Critical Strength
- All modified fluff items are now executed instantly when picked up instead of added into the tube
- Modified Fluff does not count as an Item anymore and therefore can no longer be dodged or reflected, but also do not trigger Perks that react to an attack.
- The damage of burning Fluff no longer scales with strength, as it's no longer a usable item, but an indirect attack.
- Tentacle-, Harpoon- and Magnet-Claw pickup buff can now be stacked and use up a stack each turn
[h3]Improvements [/h3]
- Some new and improved Sound effects
- You can now move on the map by clicking with the mouse
- The title of items in the mouseover tooltip is now colored based on item rarity
- Added item detail display to shredder room
- Poisonous Attacks, Poisonous Weapons and Vampire Fangs are now only triggered if the attack was successful and not when avoided or mirrored.
- Permanent pets can no longer be replaced by temporary ones
- Fixed bug where temporary upgraded items did not update their values correctly (credit card, syringe, etc)
- Fluff eaten by piranhas is now removed for the duration of the fight and won't spawn again
- Damage modifiers now also affect poison that was spread using the contagious poison perk