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Dungeon Clawler News

Holiday Update & Skin Challenge

Dear Clawlers
The first content update after the launch just dropped 🎉

This update features:
- Cuddline Floofington, a new character focused on interesting synergies with Fluff
- New items and perks
- a Special room which is only available during Christmas holidays
- Varies balancing improvements and bug fixes

Check out the full patch notes: store.steampowered.com/news/app/2356780/view/500560073905405996

Our team is collaborating with different influencers (such as Blitz, RCE and Jokefish) to let them design a skin for their favorite character. Come join our Discord to grab them all 🎩

Also on our Discord we’re now running a special skin design challenge. Finalists can win a Dungeon Clawler full game key and the winning skin gets added to the game!

Thanks for your continued support and happy holidays 🎄🎄🎄

Cheers & Thanks,
Stray Fawn Studio

PS: Check out the demo of our upcoming game River Towns that we just released ❤️


Patchnotes Dungeon Clawler Early Access 0.6.1

[h3]New Features[/h3]
  • New playable character: Cuddline Floofington
  • Added special room which is only available during Christmas holidays

[h3]New Items[/h3]
  • Teddy
  • Glass Cleaner
  • Eyepatch

[h3]New Perks[/h3]
  • Cuddly
  • Critical Strength

  • All modified fluff items are now executed instantly when picked up instead of added into the tube
  • Modified Fluff does not count as an Item anymore and therefore can no longer be dodged or reflected, but also do not trigger Perks that react to an attack.
  • The damage of burning Fluff no longer scales with strength, as it's no longer a usable item, but an indirect attack.
  • Tentacle-, Harpoon- and Magnet-Claw pickup buff can now be stacked and use up a stack each turn

[h3]Improvements [/h3]
  • Some new and improved Sound effects
  • You can now move on the map by clicking with the mouse
  • The title of items in the mouseover tooltip is now colored based on item rarity
  • Added item detail display to shredder room

  • Poisonous Attacks, Poisonous Weapons and Vampire Fangs are now only triggered if the attack was successful and not when avoided or mirrored.
  • Permanent pets can no longer be replaced by temporary ones
  • Fixed bug where temporary upgraded items did not update their values correctly (credit card, syringe, etc)
  • Fluff eaten by piranhas is now removed for the duration of the fight and won't spawn again
  • Damage modifiers now also affect poison that was spread using the contagious poison perk

Patchnotes Dungeon Clawler Early Access 0.5.3

Hey Clawlers!

We just added the first 20 Steam Achievements to the game.
The ones where you need to win a run with a character or on a certain difficulty level will be granted retroactively based on your highscores when you start the game.

Also we plan to add more fun and challenging achievements with each content update!

[h2]Patchnotes Early Access 0.5.3[/h2]

[h3]New Features[/h3]
  • Added the first 20 unlockable Steam Achievements

  • Updated localization
  • Fixed the size of Chief Bunners lucky paw

Happly Clawlering!

Patchnotes Dungeon Clawler Early Access 0.5.2

Dear Clawlers,

We just released a small balancing and bugfixing patch, adressing some frustrating parts of the game based on your feedback! Thanks alot for all the feedback!

And for those of you who can't get enough of the game, don't worry we are already hard at work on the next content patch which will come soon and will include Steam Achievements, a new character and some new Items and improvement :)

Here are the full Patchnotes:

[h2]Patchnotes Dungeon Clawler Early Access 0.5.2[/h2]

New Features
  • Added Code Redeem button to the Options Menu, used in the future to unlock stuff.
    (Enter "SlimeSlime" to unlock a testing skin for sir bunalot ;) )
  • Added a second battle music track
  • Enemy attack damage and health is a bit lower on normal difficulty to make it easier to newcomers.
  • Inky now only fills the tank with Ink once
  • Thief Perk no longer increases Squalos strength, only piggy banks and coins picked up from the machine will
  • On Floor 12 a crafting room with all 3 stations is now guaranteed
  • Reroll and other buttons now show a shortened price number
  • Honeyballs are a bit less rigidly connected to other items, so that items can be compressed or torn away with enough force
  • Honeyballs lose their stickyness in the exit chute to avoid blocking it
  • Claws move a tiny bit further right before releasing the items
  • The skip button displays shows skip and collect rewards in the Perk-o-mat room, so you don't have to be afraid to click it
  • Default resolution on Steamdeck is now 1280x800
  • Fixed some localization issues
  • Plastic items should now also be moved back into the box if they are placed on the ledge in the top left. (looking at you, Piranhas)
  • Fixed bug where the treasure chest reverted back to wood when opened
  • Fixed bug where the water pistol reverted back to plastic when filled with liquid
  • Fixed bug where wood oil could be applied to morning stars and helmets to have an unwanted effect that caused the armor to get multiplied alot
  • Fixed small bug where claws moved a bit to the right when despawned
  • Fixed bug where the drop-claw button got auto triggered when using mouse only mode
  • Fixed bug where the game did not notice that the player died when killing the last enemy at the same time
  • Fixed bug where Honeyballs having weird connections when items got removed or replaced (for example Squalos' piggy banks)
  • Fixed gamepad navigation for news and promo panel and display the button needed to press in order to close them.

Nominate Dungeon Clawler for the Steam Awards

Dear Clawlers

Thanks for all your support! Dungeon Clawler has had an amazing first week on Steam.
The game has sold over 50’000 copies already 🤯

Rest assured that we’re going through all of your feedback and are doing our very best to improve the game and add lots of content to it in the coming months 😀
We’re currently working on a new character, Steam achievements and are reworking some of the more frustrating aspects of the game (dang you, honey balls!)

While we’re busy fixing and adding stuff, it would mean the world to us if you could nominate us for the Steam awards! We have picked ‘Most Innovative Gameplay’ and hope you agree that the game is a good fit.

Getting nominated would be huge!!!
Nominations are only open for a few days, so please nominate us nooow 🙏🙏🙏

Cheers & Thanks,
Stray Fawn Studio