1. Hauntsville
  2. News
  3. Thank you for the feedback and reports!

Thank you for the feedback and reports!

I want to thank all of you so much for providing feedback on the game and sharing the bugs you've experienced so that I can address them. Since launch, I've already released two patches and am working on a third patch now! You can find the changes/improvements I've already made below.

[h3]Patch #1[/h3]
  • Short loading screen (4 seconds) for fast travel to prevent players from falling through the ground.
  • Longer dismount time of 60 seconds for placed building parts. (Press X to remove placed part)
  • Furnace doesn't overlap chest and can process Gold Nuggets to Gold Bars.
  • Audio levels of tools has been adjusted to be more balanced.

[h3]Patch #2[/h3]
  • Tweaked the network settings for better multiplayer performance
  • Overall performance should be better as well
  • Adjusted the audio levels
  • Optimized the overlaps for bed, chest and doors in the base to not block the interacting of each other.
  • Increased the gunpowder amount that can be looted

[h3]Upcoming fixes (coming very soon)[/h3]
  • Fixed occasional item loss when using the Furnace
  • Adjusted jump velocity
  • Stats UI updating properly when loading the game
  • Quests are no longer set back when reading old quest letters

Again, thank you so much for your feedback! If you have any feedback to share or experience any issues, please let me know in the Bugs & Feedback discussion forum here on Steam or in the Hauntsville Discord!