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Hauntsville News

Patch #3

[h3]The things I fixed in this Update:[/h3]
- The compass is now map oriented
- Jumping velocity is more realistic
- Iron is not disappearing when processed by the furnace
- Stats are properly updated when loading a game
- Quests are not set back when picking up old letters or keys

[h3]As always more updates are on the way![/h3]

Thank you for the feedback and reports!

I want to thank all of you so much for providing feedback on the game and sharing the bugs you've experienced so that I can address them. Since launch, I've already released two patches and am working on a third patch now! You can find the changes/improvements I've already made below.

[h3]Patch #1[/h3]
  • Short loading screen (4 seconds) for fast travel to prevent players from falling through the ground.
  • Longer dismount time of 60 seconds for placed building parts. (Press X to remove placed part)
  • Furnace doesn't overlap chest and can process Gold Nuggets to Gold Bars.
  • Audio levels of tools has been adjusted to be more balanced.

[h3]Patch #2[/h3]
  • Tweaked the network settings for better multiplayer performance
  • Overall performance should be better as well
  • Adjusted the audio levels
  • Optimized the overlaps for bed, chest and doors in the base to not block the interacting of each other.
  • Increased the gunpowder amount that can be looted

[h3]Upcoming fixes (coming very soon)[/h3]
  • Fixed occasional item loss when using the Furnace
  • Adjusted jump velocity
  • Stats UI updating properly when loading the game
  • Quests are no longer set back when reading old quest letters

Again, thank you so much for your feedback! If you have any feedback to share or experience any issues, please let me know in the Bugs & Feedback discussion forum here on Steam or in the Hauntsville Discord!

Patch #2

[h2]For this update I did more optimization for better performance.[/h2]

- More audio adjustments
- Chest is accessible near the bed
- More Gunpowder to loot
- Multiplayer performance increase
- Overall performance increase

Patch #1

[h2]I made a quick update fixing some of the problems that have been reported so far[/h2]

- Short loading screen (4 seconds) for fast travel to prevent players from falling through the ground.
- Longer dismount time of 60 seconds for placed building parts. (Press X to remove placed part)
- Furnace doesn't overlap chest and can process Gold Nuggets to Gold Bars.
- Audio levels of tools has been adjusted to be more balanced.

I will continue to make updates and try to fix reported bugs as soon as possible.
Things I will address in the next Update are:
- Performance
- Any other problems with overlaps of interactable items.
- Other bugs that are reported.

Thanks for your feedback.

Hauntsville is available NOW!

Thank you so much for all the support and the feedback along the way. It really helped during development and kept me motivated! I'm happy to announce that Hauntsville is finally here!


[h2]🤠 Explore and survive the cursed West[/h2]
Search the haunted town for supplies or try to survive on what you can find in the wild, pursued by creatures straight from North American folklore! Use your guns or tools to fight off a variety of supernatural beasts. Keep your eyes open, there could always be something hiding in the woods.

[h2]⚒️ Build and Farm[/h2]
In a dynamic environment with changing weather and dark nights, it is essential to have shelter. Use the resources available in the wild. Everything from trees and plants to wildlife and ores found in abandoned mines, to help build your base and survive. You can be very creative when setting up your base and defense methods! Grow your own crops and collect rainwater to make your life a little easier.

[h2]❔ The Mystery[/h2]
Find out more about the disappearance of the population and the curse that lies upon the mountain valley. There is plenty of information left behind by fleeing inhabitants. And remember, it's always a good idea to have some friends with you along the way!

Hauntsville 20% Discount

[h2]💰 Save 20% at Launch![/h2]
Hauntsville will be 20% cheaper during the first 2 weeks!

[h3]💞 How You Can Support Me[/h3]
As a indie developer, there are so many ways you can help support me and the game.
  • If you buy the game, please consider leaving an honest review on Steam! Reviews have a massive impact on indie games and I'd love to see your thoughts and experiences through a review.
  • Sharing the game through word of mouth with family and friends or on social media with your followers can really help spread the word and give others a chance to discover their next adventure. So many indies are discovered with a simple share or casual discussion.
  • Join the amazing community in our Discord to share in the excitement and get to know other great gamers.