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Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot News

Slime 3K Demake is Available to Play! Wait, a Demake?! 🤔


[h3]First things first - hop on and try out our new free rogue-lite game called Slime 3K: Demake; it's live on itch.io.[/h3]
It’ll hurt, but in a good way—like a plate of spicy wings.

[h2]👆 PLAY ON ITCH.IO 👆[/h2]Beat it and unlock a unique ability for Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot

Just so there's no confusion: Slime 3K (let’s call it just Slime from here on) is our game in Early Access on Steam, and we’re officially launching version 1.0 on October 31st on Steam and consoles. It's pixel-art, rogue-lite with meta-progression, inspired by games like Vampire Survivors and auto-chess games. It's not really a retro game, but many people think that "pixel art = retro." However, Slime 3k: Demake (we'll just call it Demake) is a separate game made in the Game Boy style, both when it comes to the graphics and sound. It’s a free title that's playable right now. Why should you play it, you ask.🤔 Well, apart from just having some old-school fun, here's why:

[h3]If you beat the Demake, you'll get a code for unlocking a secret ability in the main game, Slime 3K![/h3]

Q.: How do I redeem the code?
A.: In Slime 3K's main menu, enter the code from the Demake using the arrow keys. If entered correctly, this will put an S-tier ability card called Secret Moon into your deck-building inventory.

Now, let's talk about how Demake came to be. When Slime was about to launch in Early Access, one of our artists, Arcade Hero, sketched a Demake concept for fun. We asked the team to come up with anything that might bring new players during the 1.0 launch, and that concept is what we came up with. We posted this on X and pretty much forgot about it.

A month later, out of nowhere, our tester, neworderseo, posted a fully playable Demake build (!) based on the art from Arcade Hero. And boy, did it look awesome! We gathered as a team and discussed it, and our decision was clear - let’s ship it! The art neworderseo had originally done didn’t quite match the quality of the initial concept, and there were gameplay elements to tweak as well. Demake went through three gameplay revamps and ended up having similarities to its big brother Slime but with enough differences to stand out as a smaller, minimalist game that’s still fun on its own. It took us nearly a year to complete since it was being worked on only on Fridays – and not every Friday! The project was entirely led by two members of our small indie dev team.

Regardless of how it does upon release, we're proud of the team's work. Here's the takeaway: if neworderseo hadn’t built that prototype in their free time, we wouldn’t have ever greenlit the development of Demake during work hours – there are always more urgent tasks on the main projects. But once you’ve got something tangible and a great concept in your hands, it's hard to say no to setting aside some time for it. So, even if you don’t have a concrete plan, sometimes you just gotta start doing it – and see where it takes you. Or maybe it won’t work out, but hey, at least you tried! But enough of the inspirational stuff! Here, check out some more screenshots from the game:

Reminder: Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot is exiting Early Access development and getting a Version 1.0 update on October 31st. If you beat the Demake that we just released, you unlock a secret ability for the game.


Minor Patch: Bug Fixes

[h3]🛠️ BUG FIXES 🛠️[/h3]
  • Fixed an issue with certain widescreen monitors.

Big Update: Survival Mode! | Version 1.0 Release Date!


Konfa Games here, and we have big news!
[h2]Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot is officially launching into Version 1.0 on October 31st![/h2]

The game will be available on Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. But before we talk about all the awesome stuff coming in the full release, let's see what’s new in today's final Early Access update.

[h3]Survival Mode[/h3]

The big thing in this update? Survival Mode. It’s all about earning as much XP as possible in one run, and the more puny humans you destroy, the more XP you get. So yeah, just running away isn’t gonna cut it here—you need to smash everything.

Survival Mode unlocks after you hit Level 10, so if you’ve already blown through the Early Access content, you’ve got something new to dive into.

[h3]Quality of Life Updates[/h3]
We've delivered several QoL enhancements, among which are:
  • Ability Highlights: In the shop, abilities that can be upgraded will now be highlighted, making it easier to spot what’s ready to level up.
  • Hidden Combo Alerts: You’ll get a flashy effect when you unlock hidden passive combos.

[h2]What’s Coming in Version 1.0?[/h2]
You’ve been asking, so here’s the deal: Version 1.0 will bring TEN new levels, fresh abilities, a total rebalance of the old ones, and other content. And yeah, an old "friend" will be waiting for you at the end as the final boss.

[h3]A Short Retrospective[/h3]
In the previous update, we've added mini-bosses to keep you on your toes, and the main bosses now have some serious new abilities. No more just cruising around from one pick-up to the next—you’re gonna need to dodge some heavy attacks!

Don’t worry, though; Slime 3K is still all about building a killer deck. It’s not just about fast reflexes; you'll have to move more. Of course, there will still be times when you can just stand still and mow down everything in sight. That’s always fun.

Get ready to jump back in, take on Despot, and experience all the new content. You've marked your calendars already, right? It's October 31st—yes, precisely on Halloween, baby. Don't miss it.

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Boss Abilities, Mini-Bosses, Reworked Levels: A Big Slime 3K Update!

[h2]Honk-honk, ya mammals! Mysterious Goose here.[/h2]
I’ve flown to tell ya about how Slime's life has changed with the new update. I'm not sure if it's easier for him to escape from d'Spot now, but it's definitely more fun! At least for me.

[h3] Boss Abilities & Mini-Bosses [/h3]
Now, all bosses have their own abilities! There are also mini-bosses on the levels now—their health is displayed above them so that ya won't mistake those guys. They all charge at Slime, shoot beams, balls, and what have ya—pure fun, I'll tell ya!

[h3] Upgraded Tutorial (Featuring Me, the Mysterious Goose) [/h3]
I, the Mysterious Goose, now narrate the tutorial at the beginning of the game. I’ll work on my speech a tad more, but it should already be clearer for newcomers how to play.

[h3] Info On Hidden Passive Abilities [/h3]
Ya can now view information about Combo Passives on the deck building screen. Very convenient, I suggest ya make use of it.

[h3] Reworked Levels [/h3]
The appearance of levels has greatly improved. It’s more pleasant to kill humans in a nicer environment, let me tell ya.

[h3] Balance Changes [/h3]
The level balance has also been radically reworked. Enemies spawn in a different fashion now; Slime's starting parameters and many abilities have been tweaked—the devs have adjusted everything and surely broke a lot of things in the process, I'm telling ya.

These changes may seem unusual for those who have already played, as most projectiles now travel a shorter distance—less than the width of the screen—so ya need to control the distance to enemies more closely. Since we are in Early Access, let the devs know what ya think about this change. And other changes from this update, too!

Meanwhile, Slime is confidently crawling towards release. Next in production is the Endless Mode, also known as the “Survival Mode,” and after that—a huge pack of new abilities, levels, achievements, and starter Slime conditions. Watch the devs closely, just like D'Spot watches his humans. Se ya!
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[h2]Slime Spotted Roaming Surface of Earth[/h2]

We strongly recommend that humans stay home and use caution. Our Discord server is a safe place—hide there.