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Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot News

Ability Card Contest: Announcing the Winners

[h3]"slime praud ov humanz. meny gud ideaz [/h3]
Sup, people.

The Projectile Ability Card Contest we had initiated in late February concluded last week, and our team has chosen the winners whose projectiles will be added to the game as a new ability for Slime. Yes, the WINNERS! Plural. We decided to select not one, but two since there were just too many rad ideas.

Okay, let's see who our triumphants are.

[h3]๐Ÿ†THE WINNERS ARE...๐Ÿ†[/h3]

1. pelaaja (Steam)

[h2]Projectile: The Moon[/h2]
[Tag: Satellite]
Description: Slowly orbits around Slime, dealing heavy damage and knocking back anything it hits.

2. elgato (Discord)

[h2]Projectile: Electricity Bill[/h2]
[Tag: Targeted, Electricity, Boomerang, Money]
Description: Comes back to you every month and damages hard these days.

We've drawn these two projectiles already! Check them out:

We found the Electricity Bill's description to be straight-up hilariousโ€”and very relatable too! And speaking of The Moon, it just matches our game's tone so perfectly and makes a lot of sense as a Satellite ability. Congratulations, you guys. We will add your projectiles to Slime 3K as soon as they are ready. Don't worry if they don't end up in the game in a week or twoโ€”implementing stuff like this takes some time. Also, keep your eyes peeled for a friend request from our community manager Georgeโ€”he'll send you one Steam key for Slime 3K and one Steam key for the game of your choosing from the tinyBuild portfolio.

We've also chosen three random contest participants who are also getting a Slime 3K Steam key and a tinyBuild game Steam key:

Congratulations, folks. Please check your friend requests/direct messages. And to everybody elseโ€”thanks for participating!

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Auto-Aim, Ability FIlter, New Reward Screen

[h3]"slime luv confeti! luk laik puny human badi partz C:"[/h3]
What's going on, all.

Konfa Games here. In this update, we've finally added a feature many of you have requested. Along with it come QoL changes, balance tweaks, and the REAL version of the reward screen. Here we go.

[h3]๐ŸŽฎ Controls ๐ŸŽฎ[/h3]
We've added an option to toggle automatic aiming on and off. Hold down the R key (โŒจ๏ธ keyboard) / right stick (๐ŸŽฎโ€‹ controller) to switch between the automatic and manual aiming modes. Enjoy, you filthy casuals.

[h3]๐Ÿƒ UI ๐Ÿƒ[/h3]
Now, you can easily find that ability you're looking for by filtering cards by tags.

[h3]๐ŸŽจ Visuals ๐ŸŽจ[/h3]
The reward screen that shows new ability cards you've just unlocked is now so much prettier and flashierโ€”just like we promised! โœจ๐Ÿฅฐ๐ŸŽ€๐ŸŽ‰ See the GIF at the top of this post.

[h3]โš–๏ธ Minor Balance Changes โš–๏ธ[/h3]
This mainly concerns some enemies on some levels. Let's not delve too deeply into details, but if something seemed to you like it seemed, maybe it didn't seem to you after all.

Next on our agenda: rolling out abilities for bosses (sorry that we didn't include them in this updateโ€”ran into some minor complications and the lack of time.) After that, we'll keep going according to our Roadmap. Stay tuned for updates. Piece.

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Ability Card Contest: Suggest Your Projectile

[h3]"slime hold contest! oll humanz get crieitiv! =3"[/h3]
What's going on, everybody.

While my team is working on the next update, which is due somewhere in March, I, the community manager, decided to hold a contest. This one is supposed to be relatively easy to get into and let us all have some fun. Anyways, here's the deal.

(EDIT: The contest has ended.)

  • Simply ๐Ÿ’ฌ comment under this post, suggesting a projectile-based ability card and a tag for it.
    Examples: an apple [Tag: Food], a Nokia 3310 phone [Tag: Electric], an old plush bear [Tag: Homing], a sharpened sushi stick [Tag: Piercing].

    Here is the list of applicable tags: Targeted, Shot, Shotgun, Homing, Boomerang, Satellite*, Food, Finance, Piercing, Fire, Ice, Electric, Darkness, Random**.

    * - a projectile that orbits Slime, damaging enemies.
    ** - a projectile that flies out in random directions.
    It can be ANYTHING that comes to your mind. There are no restrictions on what you can suggest. Add a link to an image to demonstrate the projectile you're offering. You can see some examples of projectile-based abilities that exist in the game already in the GIF above.
  • Multiple submissions from one contestant are allowed. Each submission must feature an idea with ONE projectile unit. To elaborate: if you're suggesting a bottle cap with the Shotgun tag, we will add an ability card that provides you with a weapon that shoots only one bottle cap.
  • After the conclusion of the contest, our team will choose one projectile based on our taste and consideration of what makes sense and add it to the game. When? Can't say for sure; when we have enough time for it. But it's guaranteed to end up in Slime 3K at some point between now and the day artificial intelligence takes over the world, marking the end of humanity. Promise.
  • Prize: The winner will also get one Steam key for Slime 3K and one key for the Steam game of their choosing from the tinyBuild portfolio. In addition, three random participants will get a Slime 3K key and a tinyBuild game key. Prize recipients will be announced in March after the contest ends.
  • Contest duration: February 28, 18:00 CET / 9 am PT / 12 pm ET (starts now) - March 6, 18:00 CET / 9 am PT / 12 pm ET.
  • Preferred language: English, but other languages are welcome.
  • This contest is held here on Steam and also on our Discord server. You can also submit your ideas there.

Good luck, y'all! Let your imagination go wild!

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  • Fixed a bug which prevented usage of additional slots from Increased Capacity upgrade without restarting the game
  • Increased Heretic's Fork ability damage significantly
  • Added an achievement for getting a combo passive ability corresponding to the Piercing tag

New Ability Card, Fresh Music, Gamepad Controls Improvements

[h3]"slime built towah! towah friez humanz wid hellflame! =3"[/h3]

Konfa Games here. This update ain't that big, but boy is it exciting for us. Why?

Apart from the fact that we love adding content for our players to enjoy (occasional sentimental sh*t right there), we've collabed with Heretic's Fork, a crazy-ass deck-building TD about punishing sinners in Hell. In addition to a Special Bundle that offers a cool discount (which means "go buy it NOW"), the Heretic's Fork team, 9FingerGames, have added a Slime-related character to their game. Check him out:

Despotic Slime

Slime infiltrated Hell and demanded to be hired to punish sinners. Capable of mimicking Hell's employees, he possesses an ability to combine completely different structures. Depending on your level of luck, you can either get a higher-tier structure or money.

To that awesome move, we responded by creating a new ability that pays tribute to Heretic's Fork.

[h2]๐Ÿƒ New Ability Card: Heretic's Fork ๐Ÿƒ[/h2]
A hellish tower that came to Slime from another universe.

Ok, let's see what else is new in this update.

[h3]๐ŸŽฎ Controls ๐ŸŽฎ[/h3]
We've significantly improved the controller support. If you felt like some aspects of playing with a gamepad sucked in the previous version, check againโ€”most of the issues should've been fixed!

[h3]โš–๏ธ Balance Changes โš–๏ธ[/h3]
Made some balance adjustments, mainly for those who are just starting to play, so if you've already passed the first few levels, you probably won't notice much difference.

[h3]๐ŸŽจ Visuals ๐ŸŽจ[/h3]
Diversified the visual style of levels. Don't forget to pay attention to new obstacles, fences, and other fancy decorative elements while turning crowds of puny humans into bloody-bony porridge.

[h3]๐ŸŽต Music ๐ŸŽต[/h3]
Two new bangers from our wild composer BxCx!

Future plans: Currently working on boss abilities and various UX/UI improvements, including adding the ability to switch between classic aiming and auto-aim mode. Stay tuned for updates!

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