1. Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot
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  3. Boss Abilities, Mini-Bosses, Reworked Levels: A Big Slime 3K Update!

Boss Abilities, Mini-Bosses, Reworked Levels: A Big Slime 3K Update!

[h2]Honk-honk, ya mammals! Mysterious Goose here.[/h2]
I’ve flown to tell ya about how Slime's life has changed with the new update. I'm not sure if it's easier for him to escape from d'Spot now, but it's definitely more fun! At least for me.

[h3] Boss Abilities & Mini-Bosses [/h3]
Now, all bosses have their own abilities! There are also mini-bosses on the levels now—their health is displayed above them so that ya won't mistake those guys. They all charge at Slime, shoot beams, balls, and what have ya—pure fun, I'll tell ya!

[h3] Upgraded Tutorial (Featuring Me, the Mysterious Goose) [/h3]
I, the Mysterious Goose, now narrate the tutorial at the beginning of the game. I’ll work on my speech a tad more, but it should already be clearer for newcomers how to play.

[h3] Info On Hidden Passive Abilities [/h3]
Ya can now view information about Combo Passives on the deck building screen. Very convenient, I suggest ya make use of it.

[h3] Reworked Levels [/h3]
The appearance of levels has greatly improved. It’s more pleasant to kill humans in a nicer environment, let me tell ya.

[h3] Balance Changes [/h3]
The level balance has also been radically reworked. Enemies spawn in a different fashion now; Slime's starting parameters and many abilities have been tweaked—the devs have adjusted everything and surely broke a lot of things in the process, I'm telling ya.

These changes may seem unusual for those who have already played, as most projectiles now travel a shorter distance—less than the width of the screen—so ya need to control the distance to enemies more closely. Since we are in Early Access, let the devs know what ya think about this change. And other changes from this update, too!

Meanwhile, Slime is confidently crawling towards release. Next in production is the Endless Mode, also known as the “Survival Mode,” and after that—a huge pack of new abilities, levels, achievements, and starter Slime conditions. Watch the devs closely, just like D'Spot watches his humans. Se ya!
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