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Into the Radius 2 News

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Update 0.13.0 (Beta 1)

Hello explorers! 👋
As we mentioned in our previous dev diary, this early beta of Update 0.13.0 is primarily intended for playtesting technical changes aimed at improving quality, stability, and optimization.
Today’s beta won’t introduce the new location (expect it in beta 2 or 3), but it does bring important new content and improvements to existing ones.
Please note that this beta won’t wipe your saves, but after the full release of Update 0.13.0, all progress across all versions of the game will be reset.

💠 To access the beta go to Steam, Select Into the Radius 2 game, Manage>Properties>Betas> select “active-beta”. The beta has its own save folder *(%Documents%/My Games/IntoTheRadius2)* and the saves will be compatible with the live version, once 0.13.0 fully releases. You’ll need to copy your saves from the beta folder.
💠 Be sure to remove any installed mods before playing. Otherwise you might encounter issues due to incompatibility.
💠 Make sure to use the Beta 0.13 sub forum to share your feedback!
  • [Settings] We added a new option for the player’s body behavior when the player tilts their head – in the style of ITR1. The setting has been renamed to Body View and moved from the Gameplay to the Controls section of Settings. Any feedback on this new option will be highly appreciated! It is set by default, but if you’re using your old saves, please select the new option and let us know what you think of it.
  • [Player] The player’s character has been made slightly shorter by default.
  • [Player] The player’s hands are now slightly smaller and their position can be displayed inaccurately when holding an item. This occurs because the poses haven’t fixed yet, but we will do that in the upcoming updates.
  • [Player] Refactored the item grip system to optimize its functionality and simplify its future development. These changes should be seamless and not noticeable to the player.
  • [Weapons] Optimized the Ammo Boxes: now bullets inside are rendered only when visible to the player.
  • [Weapons] Improved the gunfire sounds for all weapons.
  • [Gear] Completely redesigned the weapon and item placement system – now, you can not only use pre-configured Chest Rigs, Armor Vests, and Backpacks but also reconfigure them and even create your own setup from scratch. You have near-complete control over which pouches and holsters you need, where and at what angle they will be placed, allowing you to fully customize your Chest Rigs, Plate Carriers, and Backpacks to fit your playstyle.
    Please also note the following known issues:
    - Old Chest Rigs and Backpacks look broken but still function as before. Please replace them with the new versions as soon as possible. All old Chest Rigs and Backpacks will be removed in the full 0.13 release as well as the saves from beta versions.
    - Due to the major overhaul of the weapon and item placement system, loadout points are not always calculated correctly. As a temporary measure, the weight and capacity parameters of many items have been significantly reduced. These values will be adjusted in future betas after initial playtesting and bug fixes.
    - Pouch rotation does not work in the Supply Depot but functions correctly outside of it.
    - In the future, you will be able to attach any pouch to any strap slot. In the current beta, a pouch with a front strap slot can only have a pouch without such a slot attached to it. After playtesting and bug fixes, we are planning to lift this restriction.
  • [Gear] Added Cartridge Belts for 4, 6, 8 and 12 cartridges, compatible with Chest Rigs, Vests and Backpacks.
  • [Gear] The Anti-Distortion Headgear is now breakable.
  • [Facility] Adjusted the heights of work surfaces and floors at the Facility to ensure that it remains comfortable after the change in the player’s height.
  • [Facility] Separated the checkers and backgammon tables and moved them to the second floor above the Armory.
  • [Radius Locations] Improved the atmosphere for day/night cycle in the Pechorsk Anomaly locations: overall palette, sky, fog, new trees, and more.
  • [Radius Locations] New ash structures have been added to the Pechorsk Anomaly locations.
  • [Anomalies] A new variation of the Hedgehog Anomaly has been added for nature locations.
  • [Anomalies] Changed the appearance of the Distortion Zones to make them less bright and more ominous.
  • [Enemies] Added a new variant of the Fragment monster – with an explosive core.
  • [Enemies] Added a new variation of the Creep monster – a hunter version.
  • [Enemies] Mimics with shotguns now operate at closer range, shooting and reloading while walking.
  • [Enemies] The visuals of Mimics have been refined to make them more sinister and grim: glowing jaws have been removed and the death visual effects have been changed.
  • [Enemies] Added new Mimic voice lines and monster sounds, made the voice lines louder and more fitting for the situations.
  • [Enemies] Adjusted the distance at which different enemies can see the player in the Distortion Zones.
  • [Co-op] Refactored the way firearms work in Co-op. This should resolve all major issues related to their use for both the host and the client.
  • [Co-op] Refactored weapon cleaning in Co-op.
  • [UI] Made a number of improvements to the UI, including new buttons and sounds, and adjustments to the size and display of some elements.
  • [UI] You can turn off the music in the Supply Depot by hitting the button on the computer screen.

  • [Settings] Fixed an issue with enemy spawns when the ‘No Enemies’ setting is applied.
  • [Player] The items you hold no longer offset when your wrist moves.
  • [Weapons] The IZh-27 info now correctly displays the number and type of loaded cartridges. The cartridge colors have been fixed, too.
  • [Weapons] The pistol silencer can no longer be used with PP-19 Bizon.
  • [Weapons] Pistols reload sound effects no longer play after any transition.
  • [Gear] The Anti-Distortion Headgear sounds will no longer play when the Combat Helmet is put on.
  • [Gear] The backpack loadout indicator now displays correct values from all angles.
  • [Radius Locations] Made various environmental tweaks and bug fixes, including collision adjustments, visual improvements, and updates to object positioning.
  • [Co-op] The host no longer hears endless gunfire SFX after the client fires any weapon in Full Auto mode.
  • [UI] Info windows no longer become distorted when inside the Distortion Zones.
  • [UI] Fixed the incorrect display of defense parameters in damaged helmets.

  • Vertical grips have been removed from all firearms, but they will return to the game later.
  • Equipped armor plates might not reduce the damage taken by the player.
  • After transition between locations, the client may lose some of his pouches.
  • Some Mimics may continue to produce gunfire SFX after death, even though they are not actually shooting.
  • Fragments’ death animation sometimes displays incorrectly (their shards simply fall to the ground and remain motionless).
  • Cartridges in magazines may display incorrectly.

See you in the Radius!

[h3]Latest Diary Entries[/h3]
🔸 The Tips and Tricks
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Dev Diary // The Tips & Tricks

Hello, explorers 👋
Our team is actively working on the upcoming 0.13 update, and in February, we plan to launch its first beta. As we mentioned in our last dev diary, we’re changing our approach to beta versions, initially focusing on technical testing, with new content and features added gradually as they’re ready. So don’t expect the new location in the very first beta!

We’ve been reading your comments and watching your videos, and today’s post is dedicated to a Tips & Tricks roundup, highlighting some mechanics that may not be obvious or are often overlooked. Feel free to share your own life hacks in the comments so we can build the ultimate ITR2 guide collection together!
• Most firearms allow you to partially eject a magazine instead of dropping it completely. Hold A/X instead of just pressing it, and you’ll be able to pull the magazine out manually with your other hand. (Keep in mind - not all guns have this feature!)
• While holding a gun with both hands, press Y/B on the supporting hand to hold your breath for a steadier shot.
• You can transfer rounds between ammo boxes, not just from boxes to magazines.

• Empty ammo boxes you no longer need can be disposed of in the trash container at your Base. The Committee’s maintenance crew will clear it out while you’re in the Radius.
• Every firearm in the game—except for double-barrel shotguns—features a slide/bolt lock (even when not entirely realistic, it’s very useful). To engage it, pull the bolt back and press the fire mode switch button. The bolt will stay locked open. Pressing the same button again will release it.
• Using the bolt lock, you can manually load a round directly into the chamber or quickly charge the weapon when swapping magazines.
[h2]Items & Gear[/h2]
• Your backpack has more storage than you think—you can use the inside of the lid as well as certain outer sections for extra placement options.

• To swap backpacks, first remove your current one the same way you remove a chest rig (hold A/X and press Grip on the same controller). Then, simply equip the new one. Alternatively, use a backpack stand at the Base—just hang up your old pack and put on a new one.
• The headlamp can be worn on its own or attached to a Sfera Helmet. Other ballistic helmets feature rails where you can mount weapon attachments (such as weapon flashlights).
• Attachments can only be mounted while holding the helmet in your hand—you can’t modify a helmet while wearing it.
• To turn on a mounted flashlight, bring your hand close and press Trigger.

• You can store a turned-on flashlight in your thigh pocket, keeping both hands free while lighting your way in an emergency.
• No need to bend down or reach far to grab items—use distance grip instead: point at an item, hold Trigger, then press Grip.

• Health syringes differ in recovery speed, amount healed, rarity, and price:
• Red Emergency Syringe – Common, cheap, heals almost instantly but restores only a small amount.
• Blue Standard Syringe – Less common, more expensive, heals slowly, restores about half of your health.
• Green Full Recovery Syringe – Rare, expensive, heals quickly, fully restores health.

[h2]Expeditions Into the Radius[/h2]
• Gunfire and light sources reveal your position to enemies.
• Mimics can see and hear you, and they remember your last known location. They can’t see through walls, but they move and shoot based on where they think you are.
• Pay attention to sound cues—they don’t just warn of nearby enemies, but also give other useful signals. For example, armor plates and helmets make a distinct sound when they break, so you’ll know your protection is gone without checking.
• Running, walking, jumping, and sleeping all affect your hunger differently. The more active you are, the faster hunger builds up—always carry food and eat in time.
• Different artifact nests require different extraction techniques. Try different approaches to see what works.
• You can check if an item or artifact is a quest objective by holding Y or B while looking at it.
• And remember: red water kills!

[h2]Technical Notes[/h2]
Some VR-specific troubleshooting tips that can help in ITR2 and other VR games:
• If you use Virtual Desktop, disable SSW in the settings for better game stability.
• If you use Oculus Link, open Oculus Debug Tool (found in \Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics) and disable Asynchronous Spacewarp for a smoother experience.

Did you learn something new from this diary entry? Please send it to a newer explorer, and don’t forget to share your own tips & tricks, they just might help someone survive out there.

See you in the Radius ☀️

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Weeklong Deal 20% off until Jan 20th!

PATCH 0.12.3

⚙️ [Gear] The Head Flashlight now functions correctly, with proper orientation and positioning on the head, and no longer slips.
⚙️ [Gear] The Anti-Distortion Headgear no longer resets its charge after a save+load.
⚙️ [Gear] The chocolate bar wrapper or used syringe no longer sticks to the body slot after being fully consumed.
⚙️ [Gear] Cigarettes are now correctly positioned in the mouth.
⚙️ [Missions] The Terminal in the Command Room now always accepts Mission Items on the first attempt.
⚙️ [Missions] Fixed an issue where players could get stuck after reaching the artifact during the Artifact Extraction Mission at Forest.
⚙️ [Missions] The sensor no longer clips through the roof in Top Priority Mission 7.
⚙️ [Enemies] The Creep Monster now consistently retains its animations.
⚙️ [Co-op] Fixed a crash when the player loads IZh-27 for the first time.
⚙️ [Co-op] The shotgun’s audio effects now play correctly for both shots for the client.
⚙️ [Co-op] The backpack no longer desyncs and falls when the client drops it in mid-air.
⚙️ [Co-op] The client no longer spawns under the ground after rejoining the game.
⚙️ [Co-op] Ammo boxes no longer become unusable.
⚙️ [Co-op] The shotgun cartridges being ejected by the host are now displayed correctly for the client.
⚙️ [Co-op] Items on the Supply Depot shelves are no longer missing for the client.
⚙️ [UI] The Anti-Distortion Headgear info window now displays the maximum protection time.
⚙️ [UI] The map now displays the bridge leading to the transition point from Peninsula to Forest.
⚙️ [UI] The objective marker in Top Priority Mission 5.1 (TOP: Field Testing) is now placed correctly on the map.

❗ Anomalies inside buildings may spawn in ways that block pathways or Mission Items. Wait for the Tide to refresh the anomaly positions. If this happens during the very first mission, reload an autosave that is made on entering the location.
❗ Weapons in Co-op still have shooting issues for client, though the situation has improved compared to earlier versions. We noticed that the AKS-74U, PP-19 Bizon, M4A1, and Groza (all their variations) perform the worst – it’s better to avoid using them. Other weapons seem to perform better but may still have issues. Unfortunately there is no easy fix and we are working hard on refactoring the system to eliminate the source of the problem.
❗ It is recommended not to close the game through Task Manager, as this may cause crashes when starting a new game with the same profile. In such cases, you will need to completely delete the Profile N -> Single folder to start a new game with the same profile.

[h3]Latest Diary Entries[/h3]
🔸 Dev Diary // The End of the Year
🔸 The Upcoming Update and More
🔸 The Post Launch Feedback

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