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Into the Radius 2 News

Dev Diary // The End of the Year

Hello explorers! ❄️
Today we’d like to highlight ITR2’s current state, and share a glimpse of what’s to come in the New Year. We hope to provide a sense of clarity for newer explorers interested in playing for the first time, as well as a sense of pride in explorers that have accompanied us on this journey. After all, this game’s evolution wouldn’t be possible without your feedback guiding us.

[h2]Accomplished So Far[/h2]

Intwo the Radius launched in Early Access this July – just 4.5 months ago. In that short time, we’ve released two major updates, bringing new mechanics and content to the game. These updates were also preceded by beta versions, each with at least one follow-up patch. All in all, over the course of 4.5 months in Early Access, we’ve delivered 14 patches – quite the pace!

In this span of time we’ve also posted 4 Dev Diaries, asked 7 Dev Questions, and hosted 15 Giveaways of other titles. Expect more of everything in the upcoming year ;)

[h2]The Current State[/h2]
What can In2 the Radius offer those who’ve already purchased it or are considering doing so during the next sale?
At least 15 hours of gameplay. And for those wanting to explore every detail, the game already offers dozens of hours of playtime.
[h3]Available Locations[/h3]
  • A new Base with all core functionalities.
  • A small starting location.
  • A large, open main location.

These locations feature a dynamic day-night cycle, affecting both strategy and atmosphere. The Tide regularly refreshes enemies, anomalies, and loot.
[h3]Enemies, Anomalies, and Armor[/h3]
  • Enemies: There are currently 10 types of enemies in the game: 6 Mimics with different weapons and tactics, 2 types of Creeps, and 2 types of Fragments.
  • Anomalies: You’ll encounter 3 types of moving and stationary anomalies, as well as Distortion Zones that require special protective headgear.
  • Armor: Players can equip 3 variants of plate carriers combined with tactical vests (each available in left-handed and right-handed versions), which use replaceable armor plates (also in 3 types). In addition, there are 3 types of ballistic helmets.

[h3]Weapons and Customization[/h3]
The game offers 17 types of firearms, represented across 39 variations.
For customization, there are several dozen weapon attachments available, including rails, scopes, lasers, flashlights, and more. Ammunition options include standard and tracer rounds, which can be carried in both small and large ammo boxes.
[h3]Explorer Equipment[/h3]
The Committee has ensured that Explorers are well-equipped for the Pechorsk Anomaly. Available tools include:
  • A basic artifact detector and probe feeder
  • An electronic tablet
  • A flashlight
  • And, of course, several types of food supplies.

[h3]Carrying Equipment[/h3]
To transport all this during your expeditions, players have access to several backpack options (varying in capacity and slots) and 6 types of chest rigs (each also available in left-handed and right-handed versions).
[h3]Mission System[/h3]
All of this can be utilized across 8 main missions and several dozen side missions for the Committee.
[h3]Player Reception[/h3]
We’re thrilled that our efforts are being noticed by both longtime and new players. Reflected in the feedback we’ve received and in the steadily improving recent review scores for Into the 2 Radius. Which at the time of writing are at a 90% “Very Positive” rating!
[h2]What’s Next?[/h2]
[h3]New Location in Progress[/h3]
We’re actively working on the next major update, which we plan to release in spring next year. It will introduce a new large location unlike anything seen in ITR1 or ITR2. This location will retain all the mechanics you know and love while introducing entirely new gameplay elements. Alongside the new main location, we also plan to release several new anomalies and enemies.
[h3]Improving Stability and Quality of Life[/h3]
We’re aware of the current performance and stability issues in the game, particularly in co-op mode. We don’t want these problems to snowball, so alongside developing the new location, we’ll be focusing on bug fixes, optimization, and QoL improvements.
[h3]A New Approach to Betas[/h3]
As part of our efforts to enhance the game’s technical quality, we plan to change our approach to beta versions next year. We’ll regularly roll out technical betas (focused on fixes and optimization, without new content or features) to gather feedback on how successful these improvements are. We aim to release our next beta by the end of January.
[h2]Thank You…[/h2]
  • To those who support the game so early in development, long before it has reached its full functionality and content. Your belief in our work means the world to us.
  • To those who actively share feedback - both positive and negative. We value every bit of it.
  • To those who suggest ideas (even the craziest). While we can’t accommodate every request, we hear you, discuss your input, and use it to shape our priorities and plans.
  • To those who make videos, streams, and art about 2 Into the Radius. Your creativity inspires and motivates us. We watch, share (especially the funny ones), and carefully consider your impressions and constructive criticism.
  • To those who spread the word, recommend the game, showcase its updates, and help newcomers dive into this harsh and unknown world.

Finally, we wish you and your loved ones a wholesome, safe, and cheerful holiday season! May your weapons always be in good condition, your mags full, safeties set correctly, and loot plentiful enough to buy everything you need at Base. 🎁

Happy Holidays and see you in the Radius! 😌

Into the Radius 2 Winter Sale

This holiday season, Into the Radius 2 is on sale for 30% off as part of the Steam Winter Sale, which runs until January 2.


You can also explore the ITR Series Bundle, featuring an additional 10% discount for those looking to expand their gaming library.

[h3]Find out more about the bundle by clicking this link 👇[/h3]


See you in the Radius!

PATCH 0.12.2

⚙️ [Crash] Fixed a whole bunch of rare crashes related to shooting, available missions, grabbing items, holsters, and accepting missions in Co-op.
⚙️ [Player] The position of the virtual floor is now calculated more accurately and no longer shifts when the player moves up or down.
⚙️ [Weapons] The railed gas block on the Stashed and Modified M4A1 now gets coated with gun oil as intended.
⚙️ [Gear] The Head Flashlight has been improved: it shines brighter, no longer has a strap, and is positioned at a more convenient angle (known issue: it may shift when putting on or removing Anti-Distortion Headgear with it).
⚙️ [Guide] The Guide is now always present at the transition points in saves from the previous game versions.
⚙️ [Co-op] The client now always sees the applied gun oil on the weapon.
⚙️ [Co-op] Hints on weapon issues are now always displayed for the client.

[h3]Latest Diary Entries[/h3]
🔸 Common Requests, Update 0.12, and a little more
🔸 The Upcoming Update and More
🔸 The Post Launch Feedback

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PATCH 0.12.1

🔸 [Tutorial] The tutorial now requires you to simply select either standing or seated mode and press the Calibrate button.
🔸 [Settings] Reworked the height calibration system and added an option to adjust your character’s height directly in the game. Calibration in standing mode sets the character’s height equal to the player’s height, while in seated mode, it sets the ratio between the seated player’s height and the set character’s height. Switching modes still triggers automatic recalibration as before.
🔸 [Weapons] A set of iron sights for the M4A1 has been added and is available starting at Security Level 1.
🔸 [Weapons] The gas block on the Stashed and Modified M4A1 has been replaced with a railed gas block.
🔸 [Weapons] Black AK-74 magazine is now available at Security Level 2.
🔸 [Weapons] Adjusted zeroing of the Eodeck Scope.
🔸 [Radius Locations] Added a new transition between the Peninsula and Forest, accessible after completing Top Priority Mission 5 (for new saves) or upon reaching Security Level 2 (for existing saves).
🔸 [Missions] Adjusted the number of Security Points required to unlock Top Priority Missions.
🔸 [Missions] Replaced quest items in Top Priority Missions 2, 5, and 5.1 with recolored versions to prevent confusion with identical items from other missions.
⚙️ [Crash] Fixed a crash when loading a save from one of the previous game versions.
⚙️ [Crash] Fixed a crash when applying modified graphics settings.
⚙️ [Weapons] Fixed a visual bug with the Modified AKM.
⚙️ [Weapons] The weapon no longer duplicates after a saveload if it was in a vise during saving.
⚙️ [Weapons] The attachment positions on the weapon no longer reset to default after a saveload.
⚙️ [Weapons] You can no longer clean weapons without gun oil.
⚙️ [Gear] Attachments on worn helmets and Anti-Distortion Headgear can now be turned on and off without taking off the headgear (use Y/B + Trigger).
⚙️ [Gear] The Anti-Distortion Headgear now always appears in the Supply Depot according to the conditions set.
⚙️ [Missions] Fixed the inability to repair one of the sensors in the Distortion Zone.
⚙️ [Missions] The small Distortion Zone no longer spawns inside the large Distortion Zone during Top Priority Mission 6.
⚙️ [Missions] Fixed the missing text in Top Priority Mission 2.
⚙️ [Anomalies] The Reflector Anomaly no longer sends items into space.
⚙️ [Anomalies] Moving anomalies no longer stop moving after a saveload or a location reload.
⚙️ [Co-op] Fixed a client crash that occurred after the host destroyed a Glass Jar Nest at a long distance from the client.
⚙️ [Co-op] Fixed the synchronization of breaking the barrel and loading cartridges into the IZh-27 between the host and the clients.
⚙️ [Co-op] Fixed the synchronization of food-related actions between the host and the client.
⚙️ [Co-op] Adjusted the positioning of helmets on the head and cigarettes in the mouth.
⚙️ [Co-op] Missions on the Terminal in the Command Room now display correctly for the client.
⚙️ [Performance] Optimized the object spawn system to reduce lag.

[h3]Latest Diary Entries[/h3]
🔸 Common Requests, Update 0.12, and a little more
🔸 The Upcoming Update and More
🔸 The Post Launch Feedback

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Autumn Sale until Dec 4th!