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Permafrost News

Your Best Friend

A few minutes after you start your Permafrost adventure, your trusty german shepherd will be by your side, ready to make surviving in this harsh world a little easier and a lot more heartwarming.

Your dog is an invaluable part of the adventure. It can carry extra items for you, acting as a trusty pack mule when your inventory fills up. Whether you’re scavenging for resources, hauling loot back to your base, or just want to travel lighter, your canine companion has you covered.

And calling your dog is as easy as blowing a whistle. No matter how far you stray or how treacherous the terrain gets, one sharp sound will have your faithful friend trotting back to your side. It’s a simple mechanic, but one we believe adds a comforting sense of connection as you navigate the icy dangers of Permafrost.

But we’re just getting started. In future updates, your dog’s role will grow even more dynamic. Soon, your companion will be able to warn you of dangers lurking nearby, bring you loot it finds in the environment, help you locate hidden resources, and even guide you through the treacherous landscape.

Our goal is to make the dog not just a tool for survival but a true companion—one that players will bond with as they brave the challenges of Permafrost.

Don't forget to put your dog along with Permafrost on your wishlist!




Permafrost Sneak Peek - Solar Facility

In Permafrost we’re designing a world forever changed by the ‘shattering’, a world altering natural disaster that has plunged the world into a new ice age where the temperature and overall climate represents a permanent winter.

In designing the game, creating a contrast between the natural wilderness and man-made architecture is also an important aspect to change up tactical play and the game's visual appeal.

Today we wanted to give you a sneak peek at the solar facility. This modern facility complete with damaged and distorted solar panels, was once an active energy generating location which now lies derelict and will be one of many unique places to explore in the game. Check out the shots below.

Got questions about Permafrost? Join the conversation via our Discord

Crafting Essentials - Moonrock

The story of Permafrost is set in the wake of the cataclysmic ‘shattering', an apocalyptic moon phase phenomenon where humanity finds itself teetering on the brink of extinction as the world succumbs to an eternal deep freeze.

Following the catastrophic events that shattered the moon, fragments of its remains fell to Earth, including a significant moon rock near one of the forest areas. This resource possesses unknown capabilities but has already proven valuable for crafting high-quality, highly durable tools and equipment. Its arrival led to concerns about potential contamination, which, combined with the harsh conditions, prompted the military to abandon their post.

Not to be confused with another valuable resource, coal, the moon rock's mysterious properties and utility have made it a desirable resource in the post-apocalyptic world, inspiring hope but also fear.

Let’s talk Permafrost resources! Join our Discord

Permafrost - 10,000 Polls, What Comes Next?

We know that many of you are curious to know what comes next for Permafrost, the demo was a good starting point for identifying what matters most to you as players for the full game. Over 10,000 of you submitted feedback on the demo and our focus will concentrate based on the points raised and the comments we received, this is what we will work on for the Early Access launch.

[h3]Technical Performance[/h3]
  • We are optimizing the full game to reduce FPS drops and stuttering
  • We will address memory leaks and performance degradation during longer play sessions
  • We will look to Improve overall optimization, especially for lower-end hardware

[h3]Core Gameplay Systems[/h3]
  • Looking to improve functionality where Inventory Management and making backpack switching becomes more intuitive
  • Fix glitches with item transfers and storage for the EA version
  • Improve the overall inventory interface experience for players

[h3]Building System[/h3]
  • Fix camera view issues when building in small spaces
  • Make structure placement more precise and intuitive for players
  • Address issues with building degradation (consider making it toggleable)

[h3]Multiplayer Experience[/h3]
  • Fix connection issues and rubber banding that were apparent in the demo
  • Address player synchronization problems for the EA version
  • Fix bugs where players get kicked from sessions for no apparent reason
  • Improve the dog companion system, especially in multiplayer

[h3]User Interface and Controls[/h3]
  • Smooth out control system
  • Make the UI more user-friendly, functional and intuitive

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
  • Address issues with backpack interactions
  • Fix glitches when searching bodies for loots and resources
  • Resolve sound issues some players experienced in the demo for EA version
  • Fix instances where players can get stuck in textures or environment

[h3]Quality of Life Improvements[/h3]
  • Add a proper saving system!
  • Polish and improve animation

We’ll keep you all updated on the progress and look forward to sharing new insights with you all as we progress.

Keep the feedback coming in and join the Discord to stay updated.

Wishlist permafrost today on Steam.

New Permafrost Demo Update: Fixes and Enhancements

Fellow survivors,

we’re excited to roll out a new update for the Permafrost demo, bringing key fixes and enhancements to make survival in the frozen apocalypse even more immersive. This update addresses performance improvements, stability tweaks, and various quality-of-life changes based on your continued feedback.

A huge thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts and insights with us. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping Permafrost! Dive back in, explore more of the demo, and let us know what you think.

Keep the conversation going over on our Discord and be sure to wishlist the game on steam.

[h2]Changelog for Steam Demo ( - 28.10.24[/h2]

  • Improved Bear boss controller and behavior tree.
  • Raised deer awareness with immediate reaction to player sighting.
  • Rabbit trap crafting with new resource costs.
  • 16 new patterns for character customization.
  • Quick slots are now visible on the HUD.
  • More icicles are added to House Camp and other locations for enhanced visuals.
  • More responsive freezing endurance vignette effects.

  • Multiple instances of assets optimized, improving overall performance and visual fidelity resulting in significant decrease on VGPU (from 6 GB to 4,3 GB in recent tests) which should improve performance and decrease the number of crashes.
  • Various bugs in crafting and inventory UI include fixes to crafting tooltips and actions.
  • Multiple localizations and quest marker updates.
  • Resolved issues with projectile handling and collisions (arrows won't go through bushes).
  • Fixed the camera shake and sounds related to firearms.
  • The player won't count achievement progress when he dies in cold zones.
  • Weapon trajectories fix and user interface cleanups in the inventory systems.
  • The minimum random encounter spawn distances have been adjusted significantly.
  • Tweaked crafting systems for better multiplayer interaction.
  • Cleanups in the character creator UI and adjusted patterns to reduce visual clutter.
  • Video setting "Motion Blur OFF" can cause display issues with some hardware configurations.

[h3]Known Issues[/h3]
  • Occasional client synchronization problems with player movement after the game starts.
  • Persistent minor bugs related to character status and interactions are yet to be fully resolved.
  • Interacting with workbenches with no roof above can corrupt this instance of workbenches.
  • Some trees cannot be chopped down.
  • Performance drops and sometimes frequent hitches can occur, especially when playing co-op mode along with “Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource” crash.
  • Occasionally the Clients lose quest markers during gameplay.
  • Sometimes Robyn Quest Marker can move outside the demo territory, despite Robyn staying in the same place.
  • The effects of weather changes appear inconsistent for Host & Clients.
  • Difficulty balancing is not final (e.g. hunger, energy, dmg dealt by animals).
  • The Save System is currently not implemented.
  • New players will see the character creator shaders loading longer than expected.
  • Some in-game text (ex. hunger, freezing endurance) has problems with localization.
  • Trees flicker when the client is far away from the host.
  • Animals can stop moving when far away from the host.