New Permafrost Demo Update: Fixes and Enhancements

Fellow survivors,
we’re excited to roll out a new update for the Permafrost demo, bringing key fixes and enhancements to make survival in the frozen apocalypse even more immersive. This update addresses performance improvements, stability tweaks, and various quality-of-life changes based on your continued feedback.
A huge thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts and insights with us. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping Permafrost! Dive back in, explore more of the demo, and let us know what you think.
Keep the conversation going over on our Discord and be sure to wishlist the game on steam.
[h2]Changelog for Steam Demo ( - 28.10.24[/h2]
- Improved Bear boss controller and behavior tree.
- Raised deer awareness with immediate reaction to player sighting.
- Rabbit trap crafting with new resource costs.
- 16 new patterns for character customization.
- Quick slots are now visible on the HUD.
- More icicles are added to House Camp and other locations for enhanced visuals.
- More responsive freezing endurance vignette effects.
- Multiple instances of assets optimized, improving overall performance and visual fidelity resulting in significant decrease on VGPU (from 6 GB to 4,3 GB in recent tests) which should improve performance and decrease the number of crashes.
- Various bugs in crafting and inventory UI include fixes to crafting tooltips and actions.
- Multiple localizations and quest marker updates.
- Resolved issues with projectile handling and collisions (arrows won't go through bushes).
- Fixed the camera shake and sounds related to firearms.
- The player won't count achievement progress when he dies in cold zones.
- Weapon trajectories fix and user interface cleanups in the inventory systems.
- The minimum random encounter spawn distances have been adjusted significantly.
- Tweaked crafting systems for better multiplayer interaction.
- Cleanups in the character creator UI and adjusted patterns to reduce visual clutter.
- Video setting "Motion Blur OFF" can cause display issues with some hardware configurations.
[h3]Known Issues[/h3]
- Occasional client synchronization problems with player movement after the game starts.
- Persistent minor bugs related to character status and interactions are yet to be fully resolved.
- Interacting with workbenches with no roof above can corrupt this instance of workbenches.
- Some trees cannot be chopped down.
- Performance drops and sometimes frequent hitches can occur, especially when playing co-op mode along with “Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource” crash.
- Occasionally the Clients lose quest markers during gameplay.
- Sometimes Robyn Quest Marker can move outside the demo territory, despite Robyn staying in the same place.
- The effects of weather changes appear inconsistent for Host & Clients.
- Difficulty balancing is not final (e.g. hunger, energy, dmg dealt by animals).
- The Save System is currently not implemented.
- New players will see the character creator shaders loading longer than expected.
- Some in-game text (ex. hunger, freezing endurance) has problems with localization.
- Trees flicker when the client is far away from the host.
- Animals can stop moving when far away from the host.