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  2. News
  3. Experimental Version Update

Experimental Version Update

We just pushed a new experimental update !

If you want to be the first to see the new features that will come to Unrailed you are in the right place!

You can access the experimental version via right click on Unrailed -> settings-> Betas.
Note that changes are not yet complete and things might change depending on your feedback.
You can give us feedback right here or on Discord ( https://discord.gg/unrailed ).

Changelog v-430-fbac8e9:
- Balance: Versus wagon takes now 8 seconds again to craft items
- Balance: Versus speed increase for the losing team is now 200% + 3% per second of the speed before the winner connected to the station
- Balance: A tool has now a timeout of 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds after it had been stolen with a drone
- Improvement: Versus mode station assets added
- Improvement: Added sound for the torpedo bounce
- Bug fix: Compressed resources in the compactor wagon could not be picked up for 2 seconds after they were crafted
- Change: Time mode is now called “Time Attack”
- Bug fix: Potential fix for music/ambient sounds stopping sometimes