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Unrailed 2: Back on Track News

Experimental Version Update

We just pushed a new experimental update !

If you want to be the first to see the new features that will come to Unrailed you are in the right place!

You can access the experimental version via right click on Unrailed -> settings-> Betas.
Note that changes are not yet complete and things might change depending on your feedback.
You can give us feedback right here or on Discord ( https://discord.gg/unrailed ).

Changelog v-434-97f2406:
- New: Info bubbles for each game mode
- Freeze fix (probably): Mapgen freeze fix (introduced last week)
- Bug fix: Missing skin texts added
- Bug fix: Island biome maps sometimes not correctly initialized in time mode
- Balance: Axe & Pickaxe perks scale now as before but are capped at 8 cartridges
- Bug fix: Versus station icons were mixed
- Bug fix: Mountains didn’t hide when riding
- Improvement: The editor now previews wagon stat changes from extensions
- Improvement: Negative extensions are now listed in handbook and editor
- Bug fix: Torpedos sometimes reflected in void area
- New: Added torpedos and dynamites to editor (adding multiple times on the same time increases its level)

Experimental Version Update

We just pushed a new experimental update !

If you want to be the first to see the new features that will come to Unrailed you are in the right place!

You can access the experimental version via right click on Unrailed -> settings-> Betas.
Note that changes are not yet complete and things might change depending on your feedback.
You can give us feedback right here or on Discord ( https://discord.gg/unrailed ).

Changelog v-430-fbac8e9:
- Balance: Versus wagon takes now 8 seconds again to craft items
- Balance: Versus speed increase for the losing team is now 200% + 3% per second of the speed before the winner connected to the station
- Balance: A tool has now a timeout of 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds after it had been stolen with a drone
- Improvement: Versus mode station assets added
- Improvement: Added sound for the torpedo bounce
- Bug fix: Compressed resources in the compactor wagon could not be picked up for 2 seconds after they were crafted
- Change: Time mode is now called “Time Attack”
- Bug fix: Potential fix for music/ambient sounds stopping sometimes

Experimental Update

We just pushed a new experimental update !

If you want to be the first to see the new features that will come to Unrailed you are in the right place!

You can access the experimental version via right click on Unrailed -> settings-> Betas.
Note that changes are not yet complete and things might change depending on your feedback.
You can give us feedback right here or on Discord ( https://discord.gg/unrailed ).

Changelog v-429-b76db19:

- Improvement: When returning from a game to the lobby, the game mode keeps persisting
- Improvement: The map-gen runs now more parallelized
- Balance: Axe and pickaxe speed cartridges is now capped at 14 cartridges and scale a bit slower (14 is now as fast as 8 before)
- Balance: A single brake wagon reduces the speed by 75% (as before) but not more than 1m/s
- Bug fix: The Torpeboss could fire lava underneath the shrine plates; the shrine is also positioned one tile down
- Improvement: Carriage wagon keeps one commodity when commodities are taken by auto-pull
- Bug fix: Compactor wagon stack for picking was not correctly positioned
- Bug fix: On some occasions a lot of events (eg sounds) etc could be fired when joining a game. This could even degrade the performance for the rest of the session
- Bug fix: Golem torpedoes did still reflect on wagons
- Bug fix: There were some cases where the transformer wagon stalls when pulling from any non box/carriage wagon

- Improvement: In time mode, when no applicable extensions can’t be sampled anymore, new tasks will give 9 tracks instead
- Bug fix: In time mode, the minus for negative time is now correctly formatted
- Bug fix: Ebb and flow should now be working better in time mode
- Change: In time mode, the next map flies in slightly later than before
- Bug fix: Speed is now still being increased after crashing the engine in time mode. The crash itself also gives a speed increase.

Versus (still rather experimental)
- New: There are now 3 bombs and drones distributed on each map
- New: Versus stations offer now one item to buy for bolts
- Balance: First versus tasks comes after 30 seconds instead of 60
- Balance: Versus bomb explosion will mine much less resources but still kills players in the radius
- Change. Versus tasks now give bolts
- Change: In versus, the winning team can now choose the next map
- Bug fix: The crash bar of the blue team had a wrong offset

Experimental Version Update [Update]

We just pushed a new experimental update !

If you want to be the first to see the new features that will come to Unrailed you are in the right place!

You can access the experimental version via right click on Unrailed -> settings-> Betas.
Note that changes are not yet complete and things might change depending on your feedback.
You can give us feedback right here or on Discord ( https://discord.gg/unrailed ).

Changelog v-421-384671e:
- Balance: Torpedos can bounce max 9 times
- Balance: Torpedos from Golems and the Torpeboss don’t bounce anymore
- Balance: Versus wagon won’t appear in the versus shop anymore
- Balance: Versus wagon takes now 16 seconds to craft an item
- Balance: Time mode now samples the upgrade box on the map (similar to U1) and offers two tasks, giving an extension each.
- Balance: A chest station now gives 9 tracks, a normal station gives 3
- Change: We sample now among all biomes for the additional 2 biomes next to the start biome
- Change: Icon for the “Move wagon front” extension
- Improvement: Cartridges now hover up and down, have an outline and there shouldn’t be grass below
- Improvement: Upgrade box has an outline now as well
- Improvement: The map loading screen now comes later (in case the map is not generated when the train passed 70% of the previous map; before it showed at 40%)
- Change: Cartridge bubbles in blueprint areas show the description again
- Bug fix: Tasks showed always 0 bolts in red
- Bug fix: Wagon extensions boxes and upgrade boxes didn’t move away for placing tracks
- Improvement: It’s now possible to place tracks on areas where balloons drop items
- Improvement: The losing team in versus can now choose the next map difficulty and type
- Balance: Each versus station gives now twice the speed increase as before
- Improvement: In versus matches, the losing team can now choose the difficulty of the next map (it’s a bit work in progress and more to come)

Some changes from the last changelog were not correctly added in the build. Those should be added now and some more:

Changelog v-424-5dc2480:
- Crash fix: Crash when remapping a key
- Bug fix: Magnet pick could pick up extensions which would get lost then
- Bug fix: Sometimes it’s not possible to place on a wagon
(Added changes from main)
- Bug fix/Balance: The cartridge slots got priced higher unintentionally with the last update (regression)
- Bug fix: Piggy wagon not sleeping when compressed resource was inserted.
- Improvement: Engine foundry engine images are a bit smaller such that all the text is readable


Hi everyone!

We just pushed a tiny update fixing the overpriced cartridge slots since the last update and a bit more!

Changelog v-420-1b41087:
- Bug fix/Balance: The cartridge slots got priced higher unintentionally with the last update (regression)
- Bug fix: Piggy wagon not sleeping when compressed resource was inserted.
- Improvement: Engine foundry engine images are a bit smaller such that all the text is readable

Thank you for your support!