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Two Point Museum News

Hotfix Patch 1.2.177823

Hey everyone!

Another update for you! Slightly bigger one this time with bug fixes and improvements!

We're working hard to continue to bug fix, improve balance and optimise. Some of the bigger areas of focus right now are working on issues with Mac (some of these are solved but there are still issues with AMD Mac), controllers and Legion Go. The designers are working on security, tours and general balance feedback! We will update again ASAP!

Thanks again for being the best community ever—keep curating, keep causing chaos, and most importantly, keep sharing your museums with us!

Please let us know if you have any problems/issues/questions,

Jo & the Two Point team

Patch Notes 1.2.177823

  • Fixed for subgoal for unlocked POI's becoming out of sync with the number of POI's unlocked
  • Fixed a bug where judgement clouder wasn't always given as intended
  • Fixed some plot objectives in Desert level being impossible if you upgraded the workshop project before making one in Desert
  • Fixed Typo in "On Ice" dilemma
  • Fix for Act 1 Objective in Wailon Lodge not ticking to 85% in some cases
  • Fixed double spaces in Mudbury Festival sign sponsorship offer
  • Fix for non-room doors selecting the building. This should hopefully stop accidental selling of buildings
  • Fix a bug where sometime advisor messages were not disappearing
  • Add double confirmation step for selling buildings in all cases (Sorry we missed this!!)
  • Change the starting buzz bonuses for the first spirit spawned in Wailon Lodge to be a bed instead of a Gramophone
  • Updated Ambience Speaker and Scent Situator functional descriptions to be clearer (these items increase the amount of Buzz that guests receive from viewing the exhibits)
  • Improving text/messaging around Fish and Spirit Buzz Bonuses
  • Security: Increase how long it takes thieves to steal exhibits (this should help give security enough time to reach to camera's spotting thieves)
  • Security: Increase the cooldown of thief guild raids in lower crime levels
  • Update Panoptic Pillar final upgrade objective to be more clear, it how says to "Manually Expose X thieves"
  • Added support to allow characters to be dropped on jobs outside of their assigned staff zones. Once they have finished this job, they will revert back to their normal assigned staff zone
  • Remove queues from Alien Tech exhibit interactions
  • Added support for allowing characters to be dropped on jobs outside of their assigned staff zones. Once they have finished this job, they will revert back to their normal assigned staff zone behaviour
  • Mac: Disable clamping of resolution to 1800p
  • Mac: Vsync options enabled on Mac devices
  • Mac: Tentative fix for Flicking corrupted graphics on Intel Macs (this fix unfortunately doesn't work for AMD)
  • Twitch Integration: Viewer Staff Enabled - Extension needs to be installed https://community.twopointcounty.com/two-point-studios/two-point-museum/blogs/80
  • Stability improvements

As a real life museum employee, I'm a bit confused by the amount of pirate ghosts in Two Point Museum—but it's not going to stop me trying to make the most realistic exhibits I can

You know you’ve worked in museums for too long when you get irrationally excited about staff-only doors. While this is a new feature introduced in Two Point Museum, I know that if it had been in Hospital and Campus, I wouldn’t have had the same unbridled jolt of glee. I didn’t think I could be much more boring, but here we are. Uh, don’t worry—there is a lot more to see in my museum than just special doors...
Read more.

Hotfix Patch 1.2.177372

Hey everyone!

Happy Saturday :) Bug fix update!

We're continuing to work on addressing any bugs and balance problems and will be patching again shortly.

Thanks again for being the best community ever—keep curating, keep causing chaos, and most importantly, keep sharing your museums with us!

Please let us know if you have any problems/issues/questions,

Jo & the Two Point team

Patch Notes 1.2.177372
  • Fix for level loading issue if there was certain exhibits on the inventory (fix for https://steamcommunity.com/app/2185060/discussions/1/603024176009218170/)
  • Messaging improvements with "Unachievable" gates UI
  • Fixed a rounding issue when calculating inspection rating for visitor rating
  • Fixed a case of stuck characters (this was due to adjacent doors causing chaos with some navigation)
  • Fixed some bugs around completing a building (where it wasn't possible to complete a building due to invalid items - in some cases it was actually litter!)
  • Fix for janitors not repairing some interactive displays when there was an active queue
  • Fixed a case on conflicting Ghost buzz bonuses
  • Fix security guards only escorting criminals out of their zone
  • Fixed case of characters getting occasionally stuck in a situation where the closest door to their ticket desk if behind a staff only door
  • Fixed a bug where entrances to the levels seemed too dark (in the level environments)
  • Balanced advisor messages to hopefully make them less frustrating/spammy
  • Fixed an instance where curator class can show negative star rating when autosave frequency is set to never
  • Stability improvements

Museum Bounties 💰

[h2]Welcome to Just Two Point Museum[/h2]

Good news curators!

We've partnered with Just to reward your content and creativity. It’s their way (and ours) to recognise this brilliant community. Most importantly, any content you submit will always remain yours - we just want to help it shine

Just Two Point Museum is the place to earn real-money rewards for creating great content about the latest in this beloved management sim series

These are content creation challenges with real-money prizes. They may ask you to create or share something your community will enjoy, like showing us around your museum, or to accomplish something, like building a successful museum despite a challenging restriction.

You can earn real money from bounties like "Make the worst, silliest, most disastrous museum you can" or even grab awesome screenshots using photo mode to earn bounties!

❗ There are rewards as high as $250 already live and much more to do in the coming weeks~

Get Involved Now!
