1. Ravenous Horde
  2. News
  3. Performance Update (V0.0.8a)

Performance Update (V0.0.8a)

Fellow Hunters!

Here are the patch notes after getting feedback on some bugs and performance issues.

[h2]Patch notes for v0.0.8a[/h2]

- Greatly optimized performance on all maps.
- Your sentry now de-spawns when you die as a hunter.
- Updated the clear night weather condition on the factory map to have lamps to brighten the area a bit.
- Increased the purchase trigger around the ammo refill station
- Zombie characters now use their hats if they had it equipped as a hunter. (AI zombies have random hats)
- Removed the bullet hole / blood decal painting on zombies. (This caused performance issues)
- Added a wishlist button to the in-game pause menu.
- The maximum zombie AI limit changed from 30 to 40.

- Fixed several glitch spots that allowed you to be out of reach of zombies.
- Fixed a bug where people disconnecting from the server would not remove them from the player list in-game. (And would show a full server)
- Fixed a bug where the sentry was louder than nearby allies.
- Fixed a bug where the healing tip on the screen would stay when spawning as a zombie after dying as a hunter.
- Fixed a bug where you could rotate your corpse when dying as a hunter.
- Fixed a bug where player arrows on the minimap would not clamp correctly to the border on wide screens.

Thanks for all the feedback so far!

- Rinke
