Early Access Update - Ship Stats & Fittings!

[h3]Fire and repair directly from the ammunition in the Ship's Hold[/h3]
Cannonballs and Ship Repair Kits can now be consumed while in the Ship's inventory. If there are no cannonballs/ship repair kits in the ship inventory, then they will be consumed from the player's inventory.
Note that the ship always fires the Last Cannonball in the hold (last in first out)
[h3]Ship Resistances and Fittings![/h3]
Ship UI now reflects the ammo type to be fired, the resistances of the ship, amount of repair kits, and crew supplies in the ship's hold. Total of Bulkhead Levels and Crew levels are also displayed in the center of the ship wheel icon.

[h3]New Repeatable Fleet Battle Bounty Mission[/h3]
New Repeatable Quest at the Pangea Bounty Board "Dread Pirate Fleet".
A fleet will spawn at one of four random locations on the map. Upon destroying the fleet, players will obtain the stamp rewards. Note that this is a harder encounter than most missions in the bounty board. You will need a well prepared ship to beat this encounter.

[h3]Other Changes[/h3]
- Increased weight of Cutter, Soul Queen, Dark Soul Queen, and Mary Rose.
- Increased Warboat and all larger ships' resistance by 2-5% per level.
- Increased Mary Rose dreadnaught class damage increased from 200 to 500 (while stationary).
- Cutter Interceptor Class Damage increased from 100 to 150 (while in motion).
- Increased zoom out view for Soul Queen, Dark Soul Queen, and Mary Rose.
- Ship shortcuts have been moved to the right side of the Hotkeys while mounted
- Message in a Bottle in the Forest permanent island allows "set spawn point" when the player is 31 or higher.
- Golden Shovel and Fishing Pole are now repairable at Captain Nyx.
- Plasma can now be sold to Trader using Exchange.
- Crated Goods at small islands and Merchant Fleet can now be broken with Pickaxe, Spear, Knife and Sword as well as the Axe.
- Added recipes to the Workbench that were only available in the Player Crafting "C" window: Ship Repair Kit, Building Repair Kit, Crew Supplies, Advanced Campfire, Chopping Stump, Small Storage Chest.
- Increased damage of Axes and Pickaxes when hitting Treasure Caches and Cargo Crates.
- Increased the amount of copper found in Stone and Copper Hurricane Chests as well as the Ghost Camp Chest.
- Added Raw Hide to the loot for bunnies in the forest.
- Updated Journal text in Ship section that cannonballs will be consumed from the ship's inventory.
- Updated tooltip of Ship Repair Kit that it needs to be in the ship's inventory.
- Updated tooltip of cannonballs Copper, Poison, Iron and Bio that they need to be in the ship's inventory.
- "Sort" button is now visible clearly on the player inventory
- Added shortcut on Login screen for Escape key to open the Login Settings window.
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
- Fixed an issue where Market Stalls were difficult to place on the trading dock.
- Fixed an issue where melee weapons were taking durability damage during Naval Combat
- Fixed an issue with Target cycling using keyboard shortcut T that was not always targeting nearby enemies
- (Now, pressing T will cycle through nearby targets, prioritizing what is in front of the player rather than behind)
- Fixed an issue where Dark Soul Queen sails were conflicting with the ocean.
- Fixed an issue where Sun Lounger and Round Stool had the wrong title
- Fixed an issue with movement for Gorgoss and Captain Khar enemy ships.
A special thanks to all our players, backers and supporters - you all ROCK!
Note: This game is an Early Access Tite, and still under development.
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