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  2. News
  3. Major Alpha Update - Tremors of the Forest

Major Alpha Update - Tremors of the Forest

New Content:

  • The level cap increased to 40
  • New Questlines unlocked
  • New Ship "Providence" now unlocked. Providence is a treasure hunter ship with increased storage and speed. Providence can fire backward cannons at chasing enemies. Providence can be upgraded using bulkheads to boost its Physical Avoidance that will make the ship significantly stronger against ocean creatures and smaller pirate ships.
  • New Forest Survival permanent island, with several new challenges, is now available for exploration
  • The New Sunken Swamp hidden island will now appear on your compass when it resurfaces from the ocean.
  • New Emerald Forest hidden island will now appear on your compass when it resurfaces from the ocean.
  • New Shady Trader will occasionally show up in the ocean with Shady Deed missions and Shady Crate trading opportunities that lead to great rewards.
  • New Ocean Fort anomaly will show up in several key ocean locations. Destroying an ocean fort will yield new resources and rewards.
  • New Items, New quests, and new recipes!
  • New gear added - Pistol offhand, Lucky Rabbit's Foot Charm, Black Pearl Ring, Camo Gear, Fur Gear, Torch, Vicious Cutlass
  • New ammo added - Iron Pistol Ammo, Iron Cannonball, Iron Bio Cannonball, Omni Cannonball
  • New socket gem added - Temporal Emerald
  • New Iron Stove with new cooking potentials unlocked.
  • New crates are added for trading at a market stall.
  • New Crate recipes added to the Packing Workbench - Boiled Egg, Cheese, Wine, Brandy, Ale, Animal Hide, Dark Rum
  • New skill fire gun now unlocked for use with pistol off hand.
  • Lost Pyramid final treasure room now has new artifacts, treasures, and items for collection and trading.
  • Lost Pyramid artifacts can be exchanged for gold at a trader, or used in crafting.
  • Tempest has additional ghost shipwrecks to plunder


  • Log homes are now constructed with Strong Logs found in the permanent Forest Island instead of logs from driftwood.
  • lost Pyramid is up for 24 hours from discovery
  • Map fragment 2 can now be exchanged for 50 IOU instead of 100 IOU
  • Crates are divided up between Market Stalls.
  • Crates including resources from tropical areas can be sold at the Tropical Market Stall.
  • Crates including resources from the forest and swamp areas can be sold at the Forest Market Stall.
  • Some items can be sold at both market stalls.
  • Shark Necklace now has 40% resistance to Bio Damage element that will help against the weather elements and ghosts.

[h3]Revive on a ship![/h3]
  • Upon death, players may revive on a ship, or a saved spawn point (whichever is closer).
  • You may now see the details of ship blueprints and other items by clicking the icons in the trader shop.
  • Sunken Island and Ocean Anomaly timers will now show on the player UI in ticker style format.
  • Players may now open the storage of the boat while piloting by pressing E. Without having to dismount first, and while auto piloting using numlock.
  • A new Inventory sort feature (experimental) is now available in the player inventory window. Click the "S" button to sort.
  • Flotsams now show a beam in the ocean when your ship is closer to it
  • Players may now press X to mount or dismount the vehicles. The old functionality of click to mount is still available in the game, but may slowly be phased out due to conflict with click to attack. For example fighting a shark or ocean creatures with melee weapons.
  • Players can now sit or lay down on furniture.
  • "Fire gun" skill will now automatically fire upon clicking when a pistol is equipped in off hand, and a sword is equipped in the main hand.
  • New and optimized hurricane and tempest effects.
  • Building Damage Ward no longer takes damage in weather and can be destroyed and picked up again.

Disclaimer - this is an Alpha/Closed Beta update, not available publicly. If you are interested in testing and providing feedback, please visit our website www.piratesofpangea.com and subscribe. We have limited keys available, and we will send them out on a case-by-case basis. Thank you!