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  2. News
  3. Closed Beta Update - Pirate Hideout

Closed Beta Update - Pirate Hideout

Dread Pirates have blocked your access to fresh fruit and sugarcane! No Sugarcane, no Rum! They have taken over your secret paradise. Help Fort Pangea fight back and recover these resources.

  • Laid some groundwork for a future multiplayer update.

  • New "Master Key" can be purchased with Stamps from Sir Jim.
  • New quest added to Deadman's to craft a Potent Poison to prepare for the Paradise Island
  • New quest added to Captain Nyx to bring her a Medallion in exchange for Stamps
  • New recipe added to the Workbench to craft a Medallion
  • New melee Pirate enemies on Deadman's Island during the daytime

  • New wakes and sounds on Raft, Warboat and Sailboat
  • Warboat speed has been slightly increased.
  • Cutter speed has been slightly increased.
  • Ship Cannons now fire more naturally instead of simultaneously.
  • New wakes to Sharks, Scavengers, Reinforcements and Tropical Blockade

  • Sound FX normalized for tools and weapons
  • Hurricane is now fading in when it starts
  • Added sound to clams and sea glass when picked up
  • Adjusted Pangea Invasion event sounds
  • New hit FX added
  • New enemies found throughout the Bermuda with Kickstarter reward tier names
  • Added posters to the Bounty Board
  • Added wanted posters around Pangea town with Kickstarter reward tier names

  • Optimized scene loading
  • Building/removing walls, floors and roof with the building hammer now has a sound and FX
  • Fixed gap issue with triangle plank piece
  • "I" will also open inventory window
  • Fixed a bug that was destroying items and not returning them to player when island disappears
  • Added sparkle FX to some special items throughout the Bermuda
  • Adjusted Tempest graphic that would cause the sky to flicker during certain camera movements
  • Adjusted some quest text for better readability
  • Fixed an issue with the farm plot when growing grapes
  • Fixed a missile bug where players could not be damaged by enemy ships

Disclaimer - this is a Closed Beta update, not available publicly. If you are interested in testing and providing feedback, please visit our website www.forgottenseas.com and subscribe. We have limited keys available, and we will send them out on a case-by-case basis. Thank you!