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  3. Closed Beta Update - building options

Closed Beta Update - building options


[h3]Base Building:[/h3]
  • The height limit from sea level on builds has been increased slightly to allow taller builds.
  • New triangle roof options added to plank building menu.
  • New destroy and drop item option added to all buildings in the long click menu.
  • You can now destroy most building items for resources or recover the item back.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing multiple walls to stack at the same location.

[h3] Usability:[/h3]
  • Added shortcut key to disable non-essential tooltips should players no longer need them.
  • Added steps/stairs to ship decks.
  • Durability bars on wearable items now shows up inside the inventory and storage chests.
  • E now opens and closes interaction windows.
  • Adjusted some windows to close automatically.
  • Medium chest lid now opens and closes correctly.
  • Adjusted building snap points to snap easier.
  • Adjust colors on UI backgrounds for better visibility of icons.

[h3] Gameplay:[/h3]
  • Adjusted minimap icons for NPCs
  • Adjusted the text for readability inside inventory.
  • Sasquatch now drops more prime meat and fur.
  • Poison drop rates have been slightly increased from Mushrooms.
  • You can now craft rope in the workbench and player crafting.
  • Added a new Scavenger Pirate ship enemy.

Disclaimer - this is an Alpha/Closed Beta update, not available publicly. If you are interested in testing and providing feedback, please visit our website www.forgottenseas.com and subscribe. We have limited keys available, and we will send them out on a case-by-case basis. Thank you!