1. Forgotten Seas
  2. News
  3. Golden Hour Update: Graphic facelifts, QoL & bug fixes

Golden Hour Update: Graphic facelifts, QoL & bug fixes

In line with our plan, we have made graphic improvements, added facelifts and zings to your tropical experience! Take a moment away from your treasure hunting and sit by your campfire and enjoy the breathtaking sunsets and sunrises.


Some flowers and bushes may have grown at the island that may cause some of you to relocate! We apologize for any inconvenience.



Due to the graphic changes, if some of you experience some stuttering or stickyness, please go into settings menu in the game and change your graphics texture quality settings to "high" or lower.

In most cases, the texture quality setting of "High" will work very well.

Please be advised that we are still testing several things and any changes aren't final just yet.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue that was causing an item description window to not close.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the shipwrecks to not target properly when trying to salvage them. You may now click the shipwrecks easily even when standing on your warboat or raft.

Optimization changes:
  • Optimized some models to speed up rendering.
  • Optimized reflections

  • An item dropped in the ocean might show loot beams from afar.