Alpha Update - Ship Fittings & Ghost Ships!

Ghost Ship Encounter
Ghost ships can be found roaming in lightning storms or tempests near maelstroms. Defeating them can provide items of great benefits. Ghost ships deal extensive 'Bio Damage' so bring the right ship that can handle storms well and is resistant to Bio Damage type.
Introducing Ship Fittings
Fit your ship with Bulkhead Upgrades of various tier levels. Each ship in the game has special Tier benefits. For example, interceptor class ships (such as Naval Cutter) are resistant to Bio Damage
Cruiser class ships (such as Soul Queen) are resistant to Frost Damage and so forth. Check the blueprints of your ship for more details.
Installing a bulkhead in your ship will boost its tier level and make the ship even more resistant to its specialized damage type. For instance, installing a bulkhead in a Naval Cutter will make it more resilient to lightning storm damage and ghost ships. Making it an ideal ship to take to these encounters.
Other Changes:
- Fixed some leaky roofs in player buildings to avoid rain from leaking inside!
- Optimized the rain in hurricane for smoother visuals.
- Outdoor rain visuals are now properly seen through windows and from under shelters.
- More additions to the Storyline Quests. Check Sir Jim at Fort Pangea
- New Bulkhead recipe added to workbench.
- New Upgrade Shards drop from Common and Rare Treasure Caches (ingredient for Bulkheads)
- New Temporal Residue ingredient for higher tier Bulkheads
- New Bulkhead Tier 1 - 3 craftable at workbench
- New Bulkhead Blueprints for Tier 1 - 3 at the Trader
- Bulkhead may be placed in your ship inventory to increase ship tier level. Each ship tier bonuses may be different. Press E near the storage location on your ship to open storage.
- Loot items dropped in ocean can now be picked up at a larger range while mounted. Allowing you to press F while mounted on ships, while the loot beam is under you.
- Quest window "Q" shows Stamps that you will earn after quest turn in
- Bug fix for multiple empty drops when a campfire or storage chest is destroyed.
- Animation improvements
- Tool/weapons adjustments now properly align in hands
- Increased amount of copper in Rare Treasure Caches
- Increased tab target range for ocean entities
- Adjusted shoreline objects so boat doesn't get stuck
- Treasure Island is up for 24 hours
- Added some harvesting sounds
Open ship inventory while mounted (coming soon)
Inventory sort/filter (coming soon)
Please Note: This is Alpha content, currently not available publicly. If you wish to test it, please apply for beta on our website - we have very limited keys, so please be patient. We will notify you by email if you are selected for Alpha or Closed Beta testing.