Crafting Update - Craft from nearby chests!

[h3]Extended Inventory for Crafting[/h3]
You can now craft items using ingredients stored in nearby storage chests when using a workbench or the player crafting menu (C keybind).
This feature only affects workbenches and player crafting menu, but not the tiered processing units such as drying racks, campfires, smokers, etc. Tiered processing units will continue to function (as they were previously) from their own respective storages.
During the crafting process, the crafting system will first check for ingredients in the player inventory, then the storage chests. If ingredients are stored in different chests, the crafting system will progressively check for ingredients in each nearby chest and take what is needed, prioritizing the player’s inventory first.
Note that if similar crafting ingredients are spread out in multiple chests, it will take from a random nearby chest
For players who prefer a classic crafting system, "crafting from nearby chest" feature can be turned on and off using the F9 key (Experimental and Subject to change)
[h3]Shared Multiplayer Crafting from Storage [/h3]

Client and server share nearby storages for crafting. In multiplayer mode, a client can craft from the server’s storage chests and vice versa.
[h3]Other Changes[/h3]
- Removed Winter Event items including Snow Forts, red satchels, and gift box visuals from Common Treasure Cache. Christmas Trees and Presents currently rezzed will still be seen, but the Building Hammer can no longer place them in the world.
- Some visual optimizations to fog and lighting has been done.
A special thanks to all our players, backers and supporters - you all ROCK!
Note: This game is an Early Access Tite, and still under development by a very small dev team of 2
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