Hotfix | V 0.8.9193.27309 #0cfc66458
today we release a small hotfix consisting of bugfixes and stability improvements.
Your Teams from Gentlymad & Assemble | 0.8.9193.27309 #0cfc66458
today we release a small hotfix consisting of bugfixes and stability improvements.

- Buildings: Fixed savegames not loading with the latest update due to uninitialized storages.
- Settlers: Player is no longer able to transfer individual settlers to vehicles when their inventory has not enough space.
- Settlers: Fixed an error that occurred due to too more settlers being transferred from vehicle to zone than the amount set in the UI.
- Settlers: Hotfix for an error that occurred the moment a child grew up to adult but the child did not exist.
- Bulletin Board: Fixed loading of savegames that had events on bulletin boards that were uninitialized due to another bug that was fixed in the last hotfix.
- Education: It is now possible to select 3 educational branches simultaneousely, as it was intended.
- UI: Fixed floating UI of lootable ruins showing an indicator for having resources in their inventory which is not needed in this case.
- UI: Fixed an error that occurred when displaying underlined text in asian languages.