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  2. News
  3. #6 | Major Update | Education & Bulletin Board 🎒📋 NOW LIVE

#6 | Major Update | Education & Bulletin Board 🎒📋 NOW LIVE


A new wave of improvements has arrived! This update introduces Education, featuring Schools, Paper Mills, and a system where settlers earn Badges that grant buffs to settlement buildings and expeditions. Children now grow into the next generation, and the Bulletin Board helps settlers notify you of new missions. Expeditions expand with the new Endzone and Airfield sites, while Modding gets a soft launch for early experimentation.

We've also added Upcycling improvements, including new ruins like the Park, Hospital, and Fish Farm, plus "Find Trader" missions. Settlers now have improved life cycles and visuals, making your world feel more alive.

Finally, numerous fixes and tweaks enhance the UI, pathfinding, missions, and expeditions, alongside balancing updates for radiation, trade, and resources.

Last but not least this update also includes our first iteration of Modding support!

Modding was a highly requested feature, and it was on our list from the very beginning of Endzone 2’s development. Now, we’re thrilled to introduce the very first moddable version of the game! It’s still in its early stages, but already allows you to mod several textures, sprites, audio files, and even add your own localizations.

We chose mod.io as our platform to handle mods, as it gives us the ability to also enable modding for the whole player base across multiple platforms.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that modding capabilities are still very limited but we want to put this out early to get early feedback and harden the infrastructure.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a comprehensive Modding Guide. Happy modding!

Before we dive into the comprehensive changelog, here's the trailer for the new update:


PLEASE NOTE: Some parts of the game localization are currently auto translated and several new voice overs are missing. We'll update both as soon as possible in upcoming updates.

  • Audio: Added chatter for more vibrant and lively settlements.
  • Bulletin Board: Added a Bulletin Board to the Town Center. This is now the central hub where settlers notify you of potential missions!

  • Buildings: Added a Paper Mill to produce Paper, which is used by the School.

  • Buildings: Added a School where teachers educate children.

  • Buildings: Added a new Reed Seed for Swamp Farms, which can be turned into Paper.
  • Education: Added an education system. You can now define the settlement’s educational regime. Settlers will gain badges that can serve as expedition requirements and provide buffs to your settlement.
  • Expeditions: Added a large new Endzone expedition.

  • Expeditions: Added a large new Airfield expedition.

  • Expeditions: Added a specialist slot to vehicles, which can be filled by a settler with a badge.
  • Settlers: Added children to the game.

  • Traders: Added "Find Trader" missions, which are triggered by expeditions.
  • Upcycling: Added a Park Ruin that can be upcycled on a zone.

  • Upcycling: Added a Hospital Ruin that can be upcycled on a zone.

  • Upcycling: Added a Fish Farm Ruin that can be upcycled on a zone.

  • Audio: Fixed main menu music overlapping with expedition music during expedition sandbox.
  • Buildings: Fixed upgrades where buildings had fewer workers than intended.
  • Buildings: Fixed errors when clicking on buildings that are under construction.
  • Buildings: Fixed Toolmaker ground visuals.
  • Buildings: Fixed a bug when upgrading the Jetty.
  • Camera: Fixed screen edge pan speed.
  • Camera: Fixed camera movement being slowed down when locked to an entity.
  • Controls: Fixed incorrect identifier in control mapping settings.
  • Environment: Fixed incorrect tree texture appearing during drought.
  • Expeditions: Fixed several progression issues where players were unable to reach 100%.
  • Expeditions: Fixed interaction point on a car in the Small Warehouse expedition.
  • Expeditions: Fixed explorers being deselected when moved.
  • Expeditions: Fixed focus buttons not working correctly.
  • Expeditions: Fixed dialog not always updating correctly.
  • Expeditions: Fixed potential error when pressing F during expeditions.
  • Expeditions: Fixed barks stopping voice-over during expeditions.
  • Expeditions: Fixed fly-ups from other expeditions still being displayed when entering a new expedition.
  • Expeditions: Fixed events from auto-completed expeditions being triggered multiple times.
  • Expeditions: Prevented POI discovery events from triggering when starting a session with Fog of War removed.
  • Localization: Fixed multiple misspellings.
  • Research: Fixed incorrect headline in research tooltip.
  • Resources: Fixed jumping numbers in resource output for production progress.
  • Roadmap: Fixed scaling issues so it now looks consistent across all resolutions.
  • Savegames: Invalid savegames can no longer be loaded by clicking the header.
  • Settlers: Radiated settlers now trigger the correct voice-over when selected.
  • Tutorial: Fixed baseline buildings not unlocking correctly.
  • Tutorial: Several small fixes to tutorial mission goals.
  • UI: Dialogs now always disable in-game input and block UI interaction.
  • UI: The world map no longer displays undiscovered traders.

  • Audio: Reduced settler broom animation sound by 5dB.
  • Buildings: Added Bulletin Board to the Town Center.
  • Buildings: Fixed paths in upcycle mine ruins.
  • Buildings: Graveyards now function more efficiently.
  • Buildings: House upgrade information is now displayed in a dedicated UI.
  • Buildings: Iterated Graveyard and Crematorium paths.
  • Buildings: Changed tooltip for the "Move Work Area" button in the Vehicle Workshop.
  • Expeditions: Directions are no longer displayed in the tutorial if there is more than one possible zone to occupy.
  • Expeditions: Increased number of spawned POIs across all sectors.
  • Feedback: Added a button to open the Feedback tool in the Hub.
  • Feedback: Changed the bug report button icon.
  • Missions: Voice-overs and subtitles can now be skipped via UI & ESC.
  • Missions: Added resource rewards to several events.
  • Missions: House events now trigger when you have fewer than five houses.
  • Missions: Text links are now underlined.
  • Missions: Tweaked and added rewards to several missions.
  • Missions: Added a new icon for negative happiness and applied it to Exodus events.
  • Missions: Happiness missions now display the target value instead of the current value.
  • Options: Tweaked UI scale options to be more intuitive.
  • Radiation: Incoming rain events no longer reduce radiation levels.
  • Settlers: Added several new animations.
  • Settlers: Added more unique attributes to settlers.
  • Settlers: Added more text to highlight what settlers are doing.
  • Settlers: Improved settler lifecycle.
  • Settlers: Improved settler texture variants.
  • Settlers: Settlers now die quicker.
  • Settlers: Settlers are now slightly less likely to die from sickness.
  • Trade Routes: Improved trade route layout to prevent title overlap with transported resources.
  • Traders: Added trader click barks.
  • Traders: Added additional animation variations to trader reactions.
  • Tutorial: The tutorial no longer requires tools in the Pathfinder for the last mission.
  • UI: Floating UIs now slightly fade when the camera is not at the same level.
  • UI: Updated several icons.
  • UI: Improved toolbar UI with a larger headline.
  • UI: Small improvements to the trade route UI to prevent title overlap with transported resources.
  • Upcycling: Moved spawning positions for upcycling ruins on zones.
  • Upcycling: Changed balancing and spawn weights for upcyclable ruins.
  • Vehicles: Improved pathfinding for vehicles.
  • Vehicles: Vehicle pathfinding is now prioritized.
Your Teams from Gentlymad & Assemble | 0.8.9189.34036 #cef404ba5

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