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  2. News
  3. Patch 0.9.12f1 - Hotfix

Patch 0.9.12f1 - Hotfix

Commanders, we're truly grateful for your detailed bug reports on a troubling issue in our latest major Early Access update 0.9.12 "Storytime".

You weren't able to unlock Commander Weapons because the room building was broken if you tried to build a room that in turn would unlock a new weapon. Although the rooms appeared under certain conditions like building a new empty room slot, the unlocks weren't correctly registered.

This was a tricky thing to fix but thanks to your detailed reports, we found the issue much quicker than otherwise. Thanks you, Commanders!

Apart from getting the weapon unlocks & room building to work again, we also fixed a layouting issue with Mammoth who was covering part of the dialogue text.

Currently known issues we are investigating and working on:
  • You can still equip "no weapon" by canceling out of the weapon selection window/list. This will be fixed in a future patch with a dedicated "unarmed" option for your Commander.
  • Trying to capture the Extraction Point at just the right "wrong" time can get you stuck in the current run with only an option to abort the operation or restart the game. We're work on a fix for this with high priority.
  • There may be a new way to get PhenX to glitch out of his arena (after we fixed others before).
  • The game's performance can potentially degrade heavily when playing at very high screen resolutions (UHD+), please lower the resolution to a maximum of 1440p if you encounter this. We are still trying to find the root cause of this problem.
  • Menus may sometimes scroll erratically when the game falsely selects a UI element at the top or bottom, e.g. in the Bunker menu or the Awards room (anywhere you have scrolling lists). We already identified the root cause within the automatic input device detection and fixed some cases of that, but few occasions remain erratic.
  • The distortion effect from black holes can erase various markers around explosive barrels and mines, making it hard to spot them in certain circumstances.
  • In certain situations, you can already substantially damage a boss between its spawn cutscene and the dialogue popup.

As always, join our Discord or post to the Steam forums if you encounter any issues or want to leave some feedback!

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!