Commander Comeback

New Boss Dialogue Unlocked!
In honor of our first story quests being implemented into Survivor Mercs, we want to hear your best Commander Comebacks in a good ol fashioned Smacktalk Smackdown! What would YOU say as winning dialogue to our salty post apocalyptic bosses? There’s nothing quite like vicious mockery, so join us Commanders and let’s tell that M.E.G.A corps to choke on our dust.
Post your Commander’s Comeback to the Survivor Mercs Community Events Forum in the Wandering Wizard Discord and use the tag “Commander Comeback” to participate!
Submission Rules:
- Post your Commander Comeback to the Survivor Mercs Community Events Forum in the Wandering Wizard Discord
- Be sure to tag the post “Commander Comeback”
- React to other submissions to support your fellow Commanders
- One submission per user