Community Event: Operation D-Day

It's Elite Missions Time
D-Day is the largest seaborne invasion in history, and in honor of that auspicious day we wanted to hold a very special Commander Challenge.
What’s a better dopamine rush than taking down an evil M.E.G.A. Corps in a standard operation? Successfully taking down the Evil M.E.G.A. Corps in an ELITE OPERATION! Play in our newly released Elite Operations and show us a screenshot or short video of you successfully taking down one of our bosses to earn an Elite Commander role in the Wandering Wizard Discord!
The trial is tough, but not impossible. We want your successful hard fought victory to ring throughout history, so while you’re at it, give your victory an Elite Title so powerful and noteworthy the world of Survivor Mercs will never forget it.
[h3]Submission Rules:[/h3]
- Submit a screenshot or short video of you successfully taking down one of our bosses in our new Elite Operations Mode to the Survivor Mercs Community Events Forum in the Wandering Wizard Discord
- Use the forum tag “Operation D-Day” in your submission
- Give a creative Epic Title to your successful Elite Operation, glorifying it for all of history
- React to other submissions to support your fellow Commanders
- One submission per user
[h3]Submission Details:[/h3]
- You can submit your screenshot or short video by creating a post in the Survivor Mercs Community Events Submission Forum
- In the upper right corner click “New Post”
- Select the tag Operation D-Day
- Title Your Submission something cool and awesome, add a description for more flavor
- Click on the photo icon in the top right corner of the message submission box to upload your photo or video file
- Click Submit and watch the reactions roll in
- The honor of earning the “Elite Commander” role in the Wandering Wizard Discord
If you can’t tell we’re very excited about this most recent update! If you would like to see the patch notes please check here.
As we continue to roll our major updates and balancing fixes toward 1.0 your feedback is invaluable to us. Whether it’s chatting with you on the Discord or reading your threads in the Steam Forum, please know we want to hear from you. We actively take your thoughts into consideration when developing this game, Early Access serves the purpose of just that, so please keep it coming! Share with your friends, talk about your favorite roguelite mechanics, gloat about your most impressive runs, and above all - have fun!
We salute you Commanders.
- The Survivor Mercs Community Team