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  2. News
  3. Patch 0.9.14f1 - Fixes & Improvements

Patch 0.9.14f1 - Fixes & Improvements

[h2]Happy New Year, Commanders! [/h2]

We're happy to see so many of you enjoying the last major update "Merry MerX-mas" - we hope you had some great holidays and a good start into 2025.

Thank you all for the detailed reports on some issues, we can mostly fix with this patch, alongside various improvements:
  • Fixed Priest's AoE scale to the intended size. Anti-Priest's life siphon should heal more reliably, too.
  • Reduced the pulse frequency for Priest's "Vampire Squad" special.
  • Fixed automatic level-ups still triggering when your Commander dies, forcing you to spend level-ups before you can exit the run.
  • Fixed automatic level-ups triggering during the battle intro.
  • Fixed an instance where you could get stuck in the Missions list in the Pause menu when using gamepad or keyboard only.
  • Fixed missing UI animators for various elements.
  • Fixed UI layout in the map overview details panels that sometimes caused overlapping texts.
  • Added a delay and slow-down effect to the camera animation highlighting the Extraction Point.
  • Changed the Barrage warning to appear at T-30 instead of T-20.
  • Boss Intro now shows the name of the Boss instead of the placeholder text.
  • The grave of your Commander holding your lost components from a prior run appears again.
  • Fixed Dash Cooldown leveling beyond its level cap.
  • Fixed a mismatch of kill counter in HUD with actual kill counter.
  • Fixed potential objective rewards showing "0" for unavailable loot options in the map overview details panel.
  • Fixed scrolling texts in UI overlapping with icons or remaining cut off, particularly after switching languages.
  • Fixed and replaced multiple icons corresponding to stats or upgrades.
  • Replaced icons for unlocking new maps.
  • Added "Exclude" option to generic Commander level-up upgrades.
  • Beacons no longer spawn when your Merc slots are filled but you still have open Gear slots.
  • Gear Crates only spawn while you still have Gear slots to fill.
  • Gear Crates drop XP as fallback loot if you capture it after your Gear slots are already filled.
  • Complication "Neuro-Inhibitors" correctly shows and applies the XP debuff.
  • Slightly enhanced the full-body illustrations for the bosses.
  • Prepared various Merc full-body illustrations to be used in upcoming mission dialogues.

We're aware of these known issues and will try to fix them with upcoming patches & updates:
  • In rare cases, you may get stuck in the game if you die to the Barrage at the end of battle. We can't currently reproduce this, please report back with details if you encounter this issue.
  • Shock bolts may stack on larger enemies instead of jumping to the next target, causing more damage than intended.
  • The UI may disappear after certain camera animations. We're currently investigating this. If you encounter this, please report back with details.
  • You can still equip "no weapon" by canceling out of the weapon selection window/list. This will be fixed in a future patch with a dedicated "unarmed" option for your Commander.
  • The game's performance can potentially degrade heavily when playing at very high screen resolutions (UHD+), please lower the resolution to a maximum of 1440p if you encounter this. We are still trying to find the root cause of this problem.

[h2]What's Next?[/h2]
We're working on the next major update to complete the main part of UI 2.0, Weapons & Synergies 2.0, and start adding new content to the game. We may run another community playtest before releasing it, so join our Discord to get the latest news first.

Talk to us on Discord or post to the Steam forums if you encounter any issues or want to leave some feedback!

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!