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  2. News
  3. ⚙️ Early Access Update 03 ⚙️

⚙️ Early Access Update 03 ⚙️


Oi, Speedfreeks!,
With your continued feedback we further add to, tweak and improve the game.

Today, we are now live with:
  • Added new Kill Konvoy map "Big Eruptor" based on the Deff Rally map Burna Valley
  • New alternate lighting variations for Rok Rush (dark nebula)
    and Frozen Dakka (night-time)
  • Improved terrain and collision in Kill Konvoy maps Frozen Dakka and Ded 'Ard Desert
  • Death volumes added underneath all the maps to respawn people automatically in case they accidentally clip through the terrain
  • Added map names to top right of starting screen and end of match team score screen
  • Burna Bottle now does 10 direct hit damage and its splash damage radius has been reduced by 25%
  • Grot Rigging heal increased to 50 from 30
  • Scrapjet missile range reduced to 100m
  • Scrapjet drill now does impact damage based on velocity. Damage over time removed due to inconsistency
  • Kustom Boosta Blasta Jump ability no longer does damage and knockback to nearby enemies
  • Shokkjump Dragsta Shokk Rifle now has enough projectile speed to be functionally hitscan

  • There is now an option to dash in the steering direction rather than camera direction
  • All HUD reticles now have shadows for easier visibility on bright surfaces
  • New colourized ability icons shown on the HUD
  • Customization presets can now be switched ingame via the vehicle selection screen
  • Presets button now more prominently shown in the UI
  • Parties can now matchmake against other parties by using the same game name and matchmaking at the same time. Other players are able to backfill (matchmake) normally into this game once it's created. Note that matchmaking using party vs. party may take longer to match than usual, as it is waiting to create a new game with the other party
  • Matchmaking region selection is now available, as to provide players more control over where they would like to play
  • Players can switch teams regardless of skill level as long as their team is winning by 200 points and the losing team has the same or fewer players, or their team is up by 300 points and the losing team has 1 more player or less
  • Leader board stats have now been reset
  • Players can now opt out of the Leader boards via an option at the top of the Leader boards screen
  • For match stats to count towards the Leader boards, there must be 12 human players in the match. Stats acquired in limited time events don’t count
  • Scrap Loota board no longer counts Scrap Boosts or daily challenge rewards
  • Gork’s chosen board now measures kills + assists instead of kills – deaths
  • Sawbonez board now tracks raw healing stats

NOTE: Leaderboards will keep getting reset through early access, but will not be reset ever again once the game launches v1.0
  • Switch team function now available for all players on the winning team, if they would like to help balance the match. Switching team is only available if the winning team is leading by a decent amount and the losing team doesn't have 2 more players than the winning team already
  • Deff Rally point bonus for getting a kill while holding the point has been increased back to 5 from 2. This only applies to the losing team
  • Reduced height of bomb spawn scrap piles in Kill Konvoy
  • Communication pings on the HUD no longer appear on enemies with hidden nametags due to stealth abilities
  • Quick comms messages can now be seen during respawn screen and end of match screen
  • Anonymous player names option added for those wanting to stream the game and not worry about offensive player names
  • When pinging an ally ("PROTECT DAT GIT"), their name now appears next to the message
  • Kill assist duration window increased to 10 seconds (from 7)
  • Air-time no longer included in MVP screen stats
  • Fixed total scrap calculation for player stats
  • Windowed mode now available (has issues, to be used at player's discretion)
  • Fixed a crash happening at the settings screen

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks!

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