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  3. ⚙️ Early Access Update 05 ⚙️

⚙️ Early Access Update 05 ⚙️



Speeding onto your PCs is another Early Access update our grots have been slaving over working on. This update addresses a bunch of feedback from the community but also pushes the game further towards our wider goals, with part of that being it needing to feel more race-y. Game'z called SPEED FREEKS now, innit?

So, along with the plentiful fixes/changes, and alternative weapons we've added for this patch, your vehicles can now drift. Now let's GIVE IT SUM WAZZA!!!

Alternate weapons are back!

Every vehicle now has alternate weapon that are switched on for select weekends. The first weekend starts today until Sunday night!

Again we're looking for feedback on these for feel free to let us know your thoughts in Discord or Steam.

Deffkilla Wartrike
The Trike now has an alternate hook (Pulla Klaw) in addition to the default hook (Grapnel), which has also been modified. The Grapnel no longer pulls enemies, but gives the user a much greater speed boost, even able to pull you into the air. The Pulla Klaw doesn't increase your speed, but it yanks enemies towards you which creates proppa fun scenarios!

Megatrakk Scrapjet
The Scrapjet has a new alternate secondary weapon: the Combat Rokkit. This switches the high-recoil, high-cooldown rokkit with a weapon that's more suited for combat. It can be fired much more frequently and has much higher DPS. However, it still requires great driving skill to use, as the weapon is mounted to the vehicle and shoots straight forwards.
  • Scrapjet drill speed down to 185 from 200, and we’ve adjusted the curve to add speed more slowly. This should help players catch the Scrapjet before it can escape or reach a ramp to go airborne with the bomb in Kill Konvoy, since it's been relatively easy to deliver this way - and although fun for the bomber, it can be frustrating for opponents.
  • Scrapjet recoil rokkit damage down to 20 from 35 and the recoil force has been reduced to 210 from 240 as well as its cool down increased to 8 second from 6.
  • We’ve also added a large knockback force to give it a real punch.
Shokkjump Dragsta
The Dragsta has a new alternate primary weapon: the Unstable Shokk Rifle. This switches the long-range primary weapon with a spammable short range version. Use the Dragsta's great manoeuvrability to get in close and shokk your enemies, then disappear with the Warp Tunnel. Careful though, you still have to mind the asymmetrical firing angle.
  • The braking force at the end of the Dragsta’s Warp Tunnel has been removed and its cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.
  • Fixed issue where Dragsta could deal full damage with the Shokk Rifle at up to 270m instead of the intended 125m
  • The Shokk rifle now deals full damage to targets within 150m, up from the intended 125m.
The Dragsta's max range has been drawn back because of the potential for passive playstyles, especially with groups of them. We welcome feedback about this change and will continue tweaking until a good balance is found, as we know there are some passionate Dragsta mains out there

Grot Mega Tank
The Mega Tank now has a new alternate tertiary weapon, the Kustom Mega Blasta. This is a powerful energy weapon that applies a large knockback force in the area it hits, sliding vehicles along the floor if they're grounded and pushing them away in the air.

Boomdakka Snazzwagon
The Snazzwagon default primary weapon recoil has been removed. This was slowing the vehicle to 65kph (from its base speed of 80kph) with no boost and 80kph while boosting(!) when firing forward.
  • To compensate, the base speed has been reduced to 70 (from 80). This results in about the same average speed as before, but its now more consistent.
  • Following feedback from the community, its primary weapon range has been increased by 25m.
  • Snazzwagon Burst alternate primary damage increased to 2.2 (from 2), damage falloff set to [75, 1.0] > [125, 0.5] (from [25, 1.0] > [75, 0.5])
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
  • The Squigbuggy alternate Big Grub Squig cooldown has been increased from 2.0 to 2.5 seconds
Two of the alt weapons we've added are aimed at giving more defensive options to players trying to stop aerial bomb deliveries in Kill Konvoy. We love the high flying bomb runs, but we want to ensure there is adequate counter-play. The Trikes's Pulla Klaw and the Mega Tank's Kustom Mega-Blasta are both effective displacement tools that are quite effective on players flying through the air.

Many weapons have also been given a small downwards knockback force to help fight aerial bombers

As mentioned, we added drifting to the driving model for all non-tank vehicles.
  • TAP handbrake to drift while turning
  • HOLD handbrake to do a tight donut.
Drifting will tighten the turning radius and also provide a speed boost, making it helpful for racing, and chasing enemies down. Be sure to drift if you want to pull off tight manoeuvres.

This is the first public iteration of drifting so we're happy to gather your feedback about it!

  • Added acid rain weather version for Big Erupta (Kill Konvoy)
  • Added Megabommer planes to Big Erupta (Kill Konvoy)
  • Added a 2nd race version to each capture point for all Death Rally levels
  • Many boost pads added to Deff Rally maps
  • Improved slope visuals and clarity in most maps, as well as added small rocks. Now the slopes leading up to rock obstacles can more easily be seen
  • Collision on rocks in all maps has been vastly improved for smoother traversal. Collision improvements pass done on some maps in general
  • Various small gameplay improvements to levels, including making sure tanks don't get stuck in pipes in Ded 'Ard Desert (Kill Konvoy)
  • Improved dust VFX that comes off the back of vehicles when driving on terrain
  • Added sparks effect to big fan in Burna Valley to communicate lifting force
  • Changed some level shadow settings to be more performant
  • Added Challenge progress pop-ups on the HUD. Now players can now see their progress in real-time
  • Added lifetime Medals to the game, which track progress for various stats like kills/assists, bombs delivered/stopped, races won, etc. Players will now see popups on the HUD when a lifetime medal is achieved
  • Added Kill Streak medal popups ingame for when players get more than one kill in a single life (ex. getting 3 kills before dying). Kill Streaks of up to 15 are supported, but there is an issue with audio playing loudly at 12+ kills. This will be fixed next update
  • HUD damage falloff crosshair scaling is much stronger, so the "full damage" area should be clearly defined
  • Some weapon crosshairs now have indicators for cooldown status
  • Added moar skulls to da skulls vehicle kits 💀
  • Added AZERTY keyboard support
  • Fixed issue with the game window losing focus if running in lower resolution than desktop default
  • Updated Easy Anti-Cheat module and made it more stable on Steam Deck
  • Enabled localization in the game. Players can now choose their language from the settings menu
  • Improved various VFX in the game
  • Fixed issue with end of match Orks looking upwards when graphics settings are low
  • Updated Shokkjump Dragsta Warp Tunnel SFX to sound even more cool AF
  • Vehicle engine SFX now has a tremolo effect when airborne
  • Improved many explosion sounds to be higher quality and more explodey
  • Fixed bug where bomb drop noise played on top of the bomb pickup noise when someone picked up a bomb
  • Fixed bug where rain/snow sounds from a map would persist to main menu and any other match played in the same session
  • Added Orks to the back of the-... ah, never mind.
  • Added explainers to the main menu for update news and all 8 alternate weapons
  • Fixed a bug with a "new" notification showing for items that were not new
  • Added HUD effect for driving over a boost pad
  • Improved presentation of Challenges screen
  • Added ingame player reporting system reason and comment box
  • Switched Deff Rally and Kill Konvoy game mode buttons in the UI. We want people to try Deff Rally again as we've improved it significantly!
  • Improved render scene for inspecting items
  • Various UI texture optimizations

Right, dat's enuf talk - let's get krumpin'!

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH!
Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

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