Devlog 55: One Last Hill

File 04 is getting closer to completion!

Here's what I worked on since the last devlog!
- Composing music tracks
- Drawing CGs
- Testing the game
- Revising the mystery
With the revisions, CGs, and music done, that's all the major assets finished. There's just "one last hill" to get over — the methods minigames. I always put them off because it's another thing that I don't enjoy doing very much. However, knowing that they are the last major thing I have to do is a bit of a relief. There are still a few other remaining tasks on the list, but they are much easier — coding expressions, finishing the casefile, reskinning the score menu. And the translation work starts this month as well. I'm looking forward to finally finishing this File !
Until next time!
— LockedOn.