1. Keeper's Toll
  2. News
  3. Hot Fix 1.0.2

Hot Fix 1.0.2

This build contains a fix for players who are playing in Spanish. There was a bug on leveling up due to some issues with Localization. Our translator messed up some of the game keys when translating and thus the system could not read the text. Thank you to player, Renko, for reporting this to us and providing us with his game logs. We were able to instantly find the issue and we've updated the entire localization file and the bug is now fixed. There should be no issues leveling up on some classes while playing in Spanish. If anyone encounters similar issues in another language please let us know. We will be doing a thorough review of all languages due to this issue, but if you are experiencing something similar we'll address that language with another hot fix asap.

Stay posted for more updates. We have a lot more improvements/fixes coming plus some new content/features very soon!

Stingbot Games