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Keeper's Toll News

Patch Build 1.1.3

Hi All, got some QoL and fixes added to KT:

Patch Notes (1.1.3)
- UI: Indicator Icons now offset their position so they do not overlap the player HUD
- Updated various localization and adjusted the language dropdown in the Options menu
- Bug Fix: End of Round Title Text is now disabled when the scroll is closed
- Bug Fix: Boss Name is now properly localized when changing languages while in-game
- Bug Fix: Necromancer Skeletons will no longer die from invisible barrier during the Velya boss fight

Patch Build 1.1.2

Just a small bug fix in today's patch build:

- In the previous version (1.1.1) some code was overwritten that unlocked Tome 25 (reach level 50 in a run) by accident. This has been fixed and the tome will now unlock as it should.

Patch Build 1.1.1

Patch Build 1.1.1 fixes a few things related to Spirit Abilities:

- Bug Fix: Necromancer Ability, Fulmination, now properly activates as a spirit ability
- Bug Fix: Necromancer Ability, Effigy, now levels up properly when activated as a spirit ability
- Bug Fix: Adjusted XP gain calculation to scale properly at higher levels
- Bug Fix: When a new spirit shrine is initialized, rerolls will now be properly reset

Thank you to those who reported some issues. We always do our best to address bugs as fast we can.

Stingbot Games

NEW Version 1.1.0 – Spirit Shrines + Trading Cards

Hi Everyone,

We’re thrilled to announce that Keeper’s Toll has transitioned to version 1.1, introducing an exciting new feature:

[h3]Spirit Shrines[/h3]

Have you ever wished to play as a warrior while summoning a golem or shooting a fireball? Or maybe you’ve wanted to enhance your Necromancer’s army by summoning a wolf ally? With Spirit Shrines, these combinations—and many more—are now possible!

Here’s how Spirit Shrines work:
• Each run spawns two Spirit Shrines.
• By making a small donation to a shrine, you can select one ability from another survivor class for the remainder of your run.
• Each shrine offers one ability from each class, but you can only purchase one ability per shrine, allowing for a maximum of two spirit abilities per run.
• You can reroll abilities up to four times, with reroll costs doubling each time.
• Shrines accept either gold or XP, so plan your resources carefully to unlock the ultimate build!
This addition may seem simple, but its development was anything but. Implementing Spirit Shrines required over 200 hours of work and modifications to more than 10,000 lines of code. Despite the challenge, we felt it was worth the effort to enhance build variety and make runs feel more dynamic. While interacting with Spirit Shrines is entirely optional, we hope you’ll have fun experimenting with them!

[h2]Bug Fixes for Version 1.1.0:[/h2]
• Bug Fix: Necromancer Effigy now references the correct ability for explosion damage level-up effects.
• Bug Fix: Blood Maiden no longer slides while dying if the ultimate ability was active when the player died.
• Bug Fix: Blood Maiden is no longer vulnerable to damage while the ultimate ability is active.
• Bug Fix: Light Altar in Usvit Depths will properly disable the indicator icon when the altar is deactivated

[h2]Steam Trading Cards[/h2]
At long last, Steam Trading Cards are now available for Keeper's Toll! We hope you collect and enjoy them all!

[h2]Happy New Year![/h2]
To all players: we wish you a very happy 2025! To our players in China, we wish you an early Happy Chinese New Year! To celebrate, we’re offering a 20% discount from January 27 – February 10.

[h2]What’s Next:[/h2]
Producing version 1.1.0 was a significant effort, and our team will take some time to recharge, and shift focus to console ports. While new content will be on hold for now, we’ll continue to release patches as needed to refine the game and ensure the best experience. Expanding Keeper’s Toll to more platforms and territories is our priority in the coming months.

Thank you for your incredible support and enthusiasm for Keeper’s Toll. If you have feedback, bug reports, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out.

Thank you,
Stingbot Games

Patch Build v1.0.11

Small patch build (1.0.11) with the following fixes/improvements:

- Improved state management logic - Added new transition state to check for resume functionality and prevent unwanted state change behavior which could result in various unwanted behaviour
- Lowered the position of the continue button for the Dialogue UI, improving text readability
- Bug Fix: Added a null check for detecting hit AI when leaving a trigger in Usvit Depths

Sometime next month, likely around mid January we'll have a new major feature added to the game, and we'll have other news to share. More to come!

Thanks for your feedback and support.

Stingbot Games