Patch Build 1.1.1
Patch Build 1.1.1 fixes a few things related to Spirit Abilities:
- Bug Fix: Necromancer Ability, Fulmination, now properly activates as a spirit ability
- Bug Fix: Necromancer Ability, Effigy, now levels up properly when activated as a spirit ability
- Bug Fix: Adjusted XP gain calculation to scale properly at higher levels
- Bug Fix: When a new spirit shrine is initialized, rerolls will now be properly reset
Thank you to those who reported some issues. We always do our best to address bugs as fast we can.
Stingbot Games
- Bug Fix: Necromancer Ability, Fulmination, now properly activates as a spirit ability
- Bug Fix: Necromancer Ability, Effigy, now levels up properly when activated as a spirit ability
- Bug Fix: Adjusted XP gain calculation to scale properly at higher levels
- Bug Fix: When a new spirit shrine is initialized, rerolls will now be properly reset
Thank you to those who reported some issues. We always do our best to address bugs as fast we can.
Stingbot Games