Do You Dare Descent Into Darkness? - Update 5 OUT NOW!

Greetings Dice Slingers,
Update #5 has just been released for SpellRogue! This is a rather large update for us, full of exciting new ways to play along with new content, achievements, unlocks and a whole slew of improvements and reworks to supporting features and UI.
[h2]Ancient Remains of a Bygone Era[/h2]

First off, Update #5 introduces the new boss Ancient Skull and Ribcage. A harrowing fight that certainly poses a threat. Do you choose to destroy the Ribcage to avoid it Vexing your dice and blocking damage, or is it better to go for the Skull to attempt to end the fight early?
[h2]“Descent” Difficulty[/h2]
As mentioned in a previous post, we have reworked the difficulty system. We now call it “Descent” and there are currently 9 stages, each adding layers of challenges to overcome!
From the first stage a Mutator must be chosen at the start of each act. We really like this approach, as it spreads the difficulty bump and complexity out over a full run. This means you continue to make important decisions throughout a run and are less often pigeonholed into a build from the start.
Other Descent stages provide increased difficulty in the form of increased enemy Health and Damage, less player starting Health, increased shop prices and of course increasing the severity of the Mutator draft itself.

If you end up missing the previous difficulty system, don't worry! It is now available in the new Custom Mode system for those that prefer the large mutator draft at the start of a run.
[h2]Custom Mode[/h2]
Update 5 also includes new ways to customize your experience of SpellRogue. Enabling "Custom Mode" allows you to put together a selection of Modifiers which can substantially change how you play, or you can simply make small tweaks to suit how you want to enjoy the game.
The system also includes a series of "Presets" which are groups of modifiers that go well together, and are a great place to start exploring what the system has to offer. You unlock Custom Mode once you have won 3 times, and more Presets and Modifiers as you continue to win additional games.

Note that Steam Achievements and Descent stage progression does not count for Custom Mode runs, as you could otherwise simply put together an easy-mode to reach the top stages - you gotta earn those wins!
[h2]The Codex and overhauled progression[/h2]
The “meta layer” of the game has historically been somewhat confusing, so we put a ton of effort into how we present your progress and unlock new content. We now have a single menu - “The Codex” - that holds all your knowledge and any relevant information.

For instance, The Codex shows what you can unlock by completing objectives (such as “gain 25 Blessing”), or how far along you are in Descent with various Dice Slingers. It also contains the Run History and Catalogs for all the Items, Mutators and Enemies you encounter throughout the game.
We have also streamlined unlocks by removing the Gold Dice tokens and milestones in addition to improving the UI with added feedback such as showing pop ups whenever you complete an objective or achievement:
- Each Dice Slinger now has 10 levels, where each “level up” unlocks either Spells and Artifacts you can start a run with.
- Unlock Objectives are still available which unlock additional Spells, Artifacts and Rituals.
- Steam Achievements - which in general are harder Objectives - no longer unlocks anything, and simply exist for bragging rights.
We also track which items you have seen in previous runs and which of them that you have won Runs with already, allowing you to challenge yourself playing with items which generally see less use. We now also display the highest Descent Stage win when picking loadouts and starter Artifacts, to give you more goals to pursue, while also providing a smoother introduction to the different features of the game.

[h2]Player Profiles[/h2]
With all these meta changes in Update #5, we are also introducing Player Profiles! You can now easily start a new playthrough to experience SpellRogue from the beginning, and also let other people play on their own profile without impacting your progress.
NOTE: While we keep some progress from earlier versions, you might want to start a new profile when starting to play Update 5, if you want to experience the new progression flow in the intended way.
[h2]Map Optimization[/h2]
As described in a previous Dev Blog post, we have made substantial upgrades and optimizations to how we generate maps. With this improved control we are better able to avoid generating identical paths and allow for even more meaningful choices. This is a somewhat subtle change, but we think it’s providing very engaging maps! As a bonus, the new flexibility allows us to make huge and unique maps for the new Custom Mode!

[h2]Simple Keywords[/h2]
And finally a small but heavily requested change is simpler or shorter descriptions for Spells. We have added a setting in the options to toggle “keywords titles” off, which cuts down the text for e.g. Spells and Rituals. So give it a try - we can’t go back after having it on ourselves!

We have unfortunately not been able to update other languages yet for all the new UI and content in this version, but rest assured that we will be adding translations for everything in future updates!
There’s a huge amount of changes besides the ones mentioned above, so have a look at the changelog below for more details!
SpellRogue 0.9.5: "Descent Into Darkness!"
- New Act 1 boss: Ancient Skull and Ribcage!
- 9 new Spells, 7 artifacts!
- 28 new Mutators + their variants!
- 38 New Achievements & 29 New Unlock Objectives!
- Feature: New “Descent” difficulty system with 9 stages
- Feature: Added “Custom Mode” with Presets & Modifiers to customize runs
- Feature: Added “Player Profiles” menu
- Feature: Starting Artifact is now selected before the run
- Overhauled progression: Additional stats and new Unlocks & Achievements
- New map generation algorithm: Improved for speed and better results
- QOL: Added “Show Keyword Names” option to shorten effect descriptions
- QOL: Sanctuaries now auto close after choice has been made
- QOL: Removed Shop’s “are you sure you want to leave” popup for mouse and keyboard
- QOL: Various status effect icons changed
- QOL: Made Yes/No dialog popups easier to read
- QOL: Gamepad improvements and changes
- QOL: Artifacts, Mutators and Status Effects plays a quick animation when about to trigger
- UI: New "Codex" menu (progression & knowledge), accessible in character selection and Pause menu
- UI: Overhauled loadout screen
- UI: New Settings and Pause menu
- UI: Added “Abandon Game” in Pause menu
- UI: End Screen and Summary Screens improved
- UI: Added “Win” star to Spells, Artifacts, Rituals, Mutators
- UI: Added “Won with this Spell” text+icon when inspecting spells where this is true
- UI: Added “Shard slot” UI to Signature spells
- Balance: Buffed some Spells and Spell upgrades with low pick or win rates
- Balance: Mutator values generally decreased across the board.
- Balance: Adjusted frequency weights for how often certain Mutators appear in drafts.
- Balance: Removed some Mutators that didn’t work well.
- Balance: Some Rituals have gotten an earlier cast point.
Patch Notes
[h2]Bug fixes[/h2]
Bug Fixes with 🧙 has been reported by the community. A gigantic thank you to all the testers and players who gives feedback and help us make SpellRogue what it is! ❤️
🧙Fixed Blood Circle not actually costing HP
🧙Fixed Shadowfire “No valid intent”
🧙Fixed Stifle+ only mutes 1 turn
🧙Fixed “No block on turn 2” Mutator
🧙Fixed various “Dice Rotation Issues”
Fixed Critical VFX on enemies looking weird
🧙Fixed issue with Spells drafts having Runes they should not have (+2 block on Inner Storm)
🧙Fixed Spell Echo + Rising Torrent interaction
🧙Fixed Glacial triggering instead of Surf
🧙Fixed Stone Meld not being considered a source of Block by Everguard
🧙Fixed Artifact draft + UI menu clipping issue
🧙Fixed Lifelink not specifying it expires on end of turn
🧙Fixed Rod of Resurgence not triggering
🧙Fixed Ashfall + Broken interaction
🧙Fixed red HP loss text in upper left on final boss victory
🧙Fixed some various text and localization issues
🧙Fixed Staff of Lightning + Delicate issue
Fixed some descriptions not using Attack-keyword
Fixed Alchemy map issue
🧙Fixed Malady + Tempest trigger issue
Fixed dice split/overflow weighted result due to bug
🧙Fixed Undying mutator + Djinn interaction
🧙Fixed Decrepit+ triggering only once
🧙Fixed Fluctuates Poison not affected by Elemental Overdrive
🧙Fixed Incendiary + Elemental Overdrive interactions
Fixed Sanctuary disenchant spell option not working correctly with save/load
Fixed that some Cursed Artifacts not showing up in Codex
🧙Fixed Rampart Upgrade A being able to target muted spells
🧙Fixed Red Minerals + no-charge spells interaction
Fixed various unlocks and achievements not being progressed
🧙Fixed random Events being able to softlock game in some cases
🧙Fixed random Events “No valid targets” text issue
🧙Fixed Achievement “Voidstar” being transferred even though its substantially different
🧙Fixed Contamination upgraded tooltip issue
🧙Fixed M’olly and “On dice rolled” interactions
Fixed several “Turn N:” artifacts not being previewed correctly
And tons more undocumented bugs.
Content Changes
NEW: Spell (Void) ANTI-LIFE 'Deal 6 Damage 2 times to all enemies. Receive 1 Vexed.'
NEW: Spell (Void) ETHEREAL 'Gain 1 Dodge. Mute for 3 turns.'
NEW: Spell (Void) INEXPLICABLE 'Apply 1 Dazed and 1 Marked to all enemies. Destroy random Dice.'
NEW: Spell (Void) ONYX LANCE 'Deal 12 Damage. Enchant lowest Dice with Silence.'
NEW: Spell (Earth) ANOINTED IMPACT 'Deal 6 Damage. Increase by 9 if able to remove 1 Blessing.'
NEW: Spell (Earth) CONSECRATE 'Roll 1 dice1-dice4. Gain 1 Blessing.'
NEW: Spell (Earth) INTERVENTION 'Gain 5 Block. Increase by 5 if able to remove 1 Blessing.'
NEW: Spell (Fire) BOIL 'Deal 5 Damage. If Weak on target: Increase by 5.'
NEW: Spell (Water) TRICKLE 'Apply 1 Poison. Increase by 1 per Attack Spell cast this turn.'
NEW: Artifact MONSOON MANTLE 'Cast 10 Countdown Spells: Gain 1 Rain.'
NEW: Artifact NAUTILUS 'Turn 1: Gain 1 Reinforce.'
NEW: Artifact SERPENT'S KISS 'Gain 5+ Block from a single Spell cast: Apply 1 Poison to random enemy.'
NEW: Artifact TIDEBREAKER 'End of round: Block is converted to Fury.'
NEW: Artifact COUP DE GRACE 'Apply 1 Marked to the first enemy that goes below 50% Health in a combat.'
NEW: Artifact DUALITY DISC 'Turn 1: Increase a random Spell's Damage and another Spell's Block by 1.'
NEW: Artifact IGNIS INSIGNIA 'Cast 4 Utility Spells: Apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies.'
NEW: Mutator ACCELERATED CHANGE 'When entering first 3 tiles, pick a level 1 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator ACCELERATED CHANGE+ 'When entering first 3 tiles, pick a level 2 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator ACCELERATED CHANGE++ 'When entering first 3 tiles, pick a level 3 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator ACCELERATED CHANGE+++ 'When entering first 3 tiles, pick a level 4 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator BOLSTERED 'Normal enemies have +15% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator BOLSTERED+ 'Normal enemies have +30% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator BOLSTERED++ 'Normal enemies have +50% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator DEADLY 'During Normal Battles, enemies start with 1 Power.'
NEW: Mutator DEADLY+ 'During Normal Battles, enemies start with 2 Power.'
NEW: Mutator DEADLY++ 'During Normal Battles, enemies start with 3 Power.'
NEW: Mutator DEADLY+++ 'During Normal Battles, enemies start with 4 Power.'
NEW: Mutator DEADLY++++ 'During Normal Battles, enemies start with 5 Power.'
NEW: Mutator DULLING 'After casting an Attack Spell, reduce its Damage by -1 until next turn.'
NEW: Mutator DULLING+ 'After casting an Attack Spell, reduce its Damage by -2 until next turn.'
NEW: Mutator ECHO SNARE 'Every 2nd turn: Receive 1 Suppress.'
NEW: Mutator ECHO SNARE+ 'Every turn: Receive 1 Suppress.'
NEW: Mutator EVOLVING ELITES 'When entering Elite battle, pick a level 1 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator EVOLVING ELITES+ 'When entering Elite battle, pick a level 2 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator EVOLVING ELITES++ 'When entering Elite battle, pick a level 3 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator EVOLVING ELITES+++ 'When entering Elite battle, pick a level 4 Mutator.'
NEW: Mutator FATIGUED 'During turn 4, cannot gain any Block.'
NEW: Mutator FATIGUED+ 'During turn 3, cannot gain any Block.'
NEW: Mutator FATIGUED++ 'During turn 2, cannot gain any Block.'
NEW: Mutator FINAL GIFT 'On enemy death: All enemies gain Undying.'
NEW: Mutator FRANTIC 'End of each round: A random enemy gains 1 Power.'
NEW: Mutator FRANTIC+ 'End of each round: A random enemy gains 2 Power.'
NEW: Mutator FRANTIC++ 'End of each round: A random enemy gains 3 Power.'
NEW: Mutator FRAIL MANA 'Combat start: Activate a Sap Trap'
NEW: Mutator FUROR 'Combat start: A random enemy gains Frenzy.'
NEW: Mutator FUROR+ 'Combat start: ALL enemies gains Frenzy.'
NEW: Mutator HARMFUL MANA 'Combat start: Activate a Damage Trap.'
NEW: Mutator HYSTERICAL STRENGTH 'Every 3rd turn: A random enemy gains 1 Critical.'
NEW: Mutator HYSTERICAL STRENGTH+ 'Every 2nd turn: A random enemy gains 1 Critical.'
NEW: Mutator HYSTERICAL STRENGTH++ 'Every turn: A random enemy gains 1 Critical.'
NEW: Mutator IMPERVIOUS 'Turn 2: ALL enemies gain Invulnerable.'
NEW: Mutator IMPERVIOUS+ 'Turn 1: ALL enemies gain Invulnerable.'
NEW: Mutator IMPERVIOUS++ 'Turn 1 & 2: LL enemies gain Invulnerable.'
NEW: Mutator LAST ACT 'During turn 1, whenever an enemy dies, receive 10 Damage.'
NEW: Mutator LAST ACT+ 'During turn 1, whenever an enemy dies, receive 20 Damage.'
NEW: Mutator MALADY+ 'End of each turn: Receive 2 Damage for each Charge left on Spells.'
NEW: Mutator MALFORMATION 'Enemies start with 4 Regeneration.'
NEW: Mutator MALFORMATION+ 'Enemies start with 8 Regeneration.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY BOSSES 'During Boss Battles, enemies start with 1 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY BOSSES+ 'During Boss Battles, enemies start with 2 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY BOSSES++ 'During Boss Battles, enemies start with 3 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY BOSSES+++ 'During Boss Battles, enemies start with 4 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY BOSSES++++ 'During Boss Battles, enemies start with 5 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY ELITES 'During Elite Battles, enemies start with 1 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY ELITES+ 'During Elite Battles, enemies start with 2 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY ELITES++ 'During Elite Battles, enemies start with 3 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY ELITES+++ 'During Elite Battles, enemies start with 4 Power.'
NEW: Mutator MIGHTY ELITES++++ 'During Elite Battles, enemies start with 5 Power.'
NEW: Mutator PERFORATING MANA 'Combat start: Activate a Rupture Trap.'
NEW: Mutator PYROMANIAC 'Combat start: A random enemy gains Immolate.'
NEW: Mutator PYROMANIAC+ 'Combat start: ALL enemies gains Immolate.'
NEW: Mutator RALLYING CRY 'Turn 5: ALL enemies gain 3 Power.'
NEW: Mutator RALLYING CRY+ 'Turn 4: ALL enemies gain 4 Power.'
NEW: Mutator RALLYING CRY++ 'Turn 3: ALL enemies gain 5 Power.'
NEW: Mutator REVERBERATION 'Combat start: A random enemy gains Spell Mirror.'
NEW: Mutator REVERBERATION+ 'Each turn: A random enemy gains Spell Mirror.'
NEW: Mutator SPELLBREAK+ 'Whenever losing Health, apply Broken to a random Spell.'
NEW: Mutator STIFLE 'Combat start: Rightmost Spell becomes Mute for 1 turn.'
NEW: Mutator STIFLE+ 'Combat start: Rightmost Spell becomes Mute for 2 turn.'
NEW: Mutator STIFLE++ 'Combat start: Rightmost Spell becomes Mute for 4 turn.'
NEW: Mutator STOUT BOSSES 'Boss enemies have +10% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator STOUT BOSSES+ 'Boss enemies have +25% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator STOUT BOSSES++ 'Boss enemies have +50% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator STOUT ELITES 'Elite enemies have +10% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator STOUT ELITES+ 'Elite enemies have +25% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator STOUT ELITES++ 'Elite enemies have +50% max Health.'
NEW: Mutator STRAINING MANA 'Combat start: Activate a Weak Trap.'
NEW: Mutator THRESHOLD 'Reduce Damage and Health Loss enemies take to 25.'
NEW: Mutator THRESHOLD+ 'Reduce Damage and Health Loss enemies take to 20.'
NEW: Mutator THRESHOLD++ 'Reduce Damage and Health Loss enemies take to 15.'
NEW: Mutator THRESHOLD+++ 'Reduce Damage and Health Loss enemies take to 12.'
NEW: Mutator THRESHOLD++++ 'Reduce Damage and Health Loss enemies take to 10.'
NEW: Mutator TOXIC MANA 'Combat start: Activate a Poison Trap.'
NEW: Mutator UNRELENTING FOES++ 'Turn 1 & 2: ALL enemies receive Undying.'
NEW: Mutator WILD RAGE 'Combat start: A random enemy gains Berserker.'
NEW: Mutator WILD RAGE+ 'Combat start: ALL enemies gains Berserker.'
Spell (Void) ALCHEMY+A '+1 charges' -> '+2 charges'
Spell (Void) AMALGAMATE dice sockets changed '[ ] [ ]' -> '[ ] = [ ]'
Spell (Void) CONVOKE Damage: 18 -> 16
Spell (Void) CONVOKE+A 'mute other spell' -> 'mute other spell +1 charge'
Spell (Void) DARK ARTS Bonus: 2 -> 3
Spell (Void) DARK ARTS Rupture: 3 -> 2
Spell (Void) DARK ARTS+A '+1 rupture /cast' -> '+2 rupture /cast'
Spell (Void) DARK ARTS+B '[*4*]' -> '[*5*]'
Spell (Void) GRIM RITE+B '+1 charge' -> '+1 charge +1 power'
Spell (Void) INSCRIBE+B '+1 charge' -> '+2 charge'
Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Block: 2 -> 4
Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Stack: 2 -> 1
Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH+A '+1 block / spell' -> '+2 block / spell'
Spell (Earth) BOULDER TOSS+A '+2 damage' -> '+3 damage'
Spell (Earth) CULTIVATE MIGHT+A '+2 block' -> '+3 block'
Spell (Earth) DESOLATION+B '2 dazed' -> '+2 dazed +1 charge'
Spell (Earth) HURL MONOLITH+A 'On dice6 : -1 countdown' -> 'On dice6 : -2 countdown'
Spell (Earth) HURL MONOLITH+B '+1 dazed' -> '+2 power'
Spell (Earth) INFUSE POTENCY+B '+1 charges' -> '+1 dice'
Spell (Earth) KILLSHOT Redesigned: 'Deal 6 Damage. If kill: Roll 1 dice5-dice6.' -> 'Deal 6 Damage. Target below 50%Health: increase Damage by 4.'
Spell (Earth) KILLSHOT+A '+3 damage' -> '+2 damage health : +4 damage'
Spell (Earth) MEND MAGIC+B 'Combat start: +2 charge to spell' -> 'Each turn: +1 charge to spell'
Spell (Earth) MULCH+B 'On 2: Gain 1 Thorns' -> 'On 4: Gain 1 Thorns'
Spell (Earth) PRIMAL CRAZE+A '[*7*]' -> '[*6*]'
Spell (Earth) SOW POWER+B 'On blessing : +1 charge' -> 'On blessing : +2 charge'
Spell (Earth) STALK+A '+1 marked' -> 'Combat start: Cast spell'
Spell (Earth) STING Charges: 3 -> 2
Spell (Earth) WILD STRIKES+B '+1 charge' -> '1 blessing'
Spell (Fire) BLAZE Damage: 4 -> 3
Spell (Fire) BLAZE Damage multiplier: 2 -> 3
Spell (Fire) BOMBARD+A '+1 hit -2 charges' -> '+1 hit -1 charges'
Spell (Fire) BURN SCAR Sockets: [5-6] -> [Even]
Spell (Fire) BURN SCAR+B '[*4*]' -> '[*2*]'
Spell (Fire) BURNING BOTH ENDS+B '-2 health' -> '-3 health'
Spell (Fire) CAUTERIZE+A 'wound : +1 charge' -> 'wound : +2 charge'
Spell (Fire) CHAOS BOLTS+B 'destroy : -1 countdown' -> 'destroy : -2 countdown'
Spell (Fire) CRIMSON PULSE Charges: 4 -> 3
Spell (Fire) ERUPTION+B '[*8*]' -> '[*9*]'
Spell (Fire) FOCUSED HEAT+B '+1 charge destroy random dice' -> '+2 charges destroy random dice'
Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE Sockets: [1-5] -> [2-6]
Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE+B '+1 rupture' -> '+2 rupture'
Spell (Fire) INCINERATE Dice: 2 -> 3
Spell (Fire) INFERNO+B '+2 banefire' -> '+3 banefire'
Spell (Fire) PHLOGISTON+A '+1 banefire' -> '+2 banefire'
Spell (Fire) PHLOGISTON+B 'depleted : Roll 1 wound' -> '+1 radiant depleted : 1 wound'
Spell (Fire) PHOENIX BLAST+A '+4 damage' -> '+6 damage'
Spell (Fire) ROARING EMBERS Damage multiplier: 4 -> 5
Spell (Fire) ROARING EMBERS Damage: 4 -> 3
Spell (Fire) ROARING EMBERS+A '+1 damage / dice' -> '-2 damage +2 damage / dice'
Spell (Fire) SIZZLE: Bonus Damage 3 -> 4
Spell (Water) DEPTHS OF POWER Power: 4 -> 3
Spell (Water) DEPTHS OF POWER+B '-1 mute' -> '-3 mute'
Spell (Water) Engulf '[*9*]' -> '[*10*]', Damage: 9 -> 10, Block: 3 -> 4
Spell (Water) FORBEARANCE+A '+4 damage' -> '+5 damage +1 charge'
Spell (Water) INDOMITABLE FORM+A '+5 block' -> '+6 block'
Spell (Water) INNER STORM+B 'Gain dicex block' -> 'Gain dicex block, [1-4]'
Spell (Water) LIQUIFY+B '[*2*]' -> '+1 rain, [*3*]'
Spell (Water) MULTI JET Charges: 3 -> 2
Spell (Water) OVERCHILL+B '+4 fury' -> '+7 fury'
Spell (Water) PLUNGE+B '+1 charges' -> '[Odd]'
Spell (Water) POISON FLING Damage: 2 -> 0
Spell (Water) POISON FLING+B '+2 charges' -> '+2 charges +2 damage'
Spell (Water) WAVESHIFT Charges: 4 -> 3
Spell (Water) WAVESHIFT+A 'Even: 2 fury' -> 'Even: 3 fury'
Spell (Water) WAVESHIFT+B 'only higher dice, [1-4]' -> 'only higher dice, [1-5]'
Spell (Water) WHIRLPOOL+B '+1 charge' -> '+1 dice'
Spell (Water) Winter's Bite '[*3*]' -> '[*4*]', Damage: 3 -> 4
Spell (Water) Winter's Bite+A '+3 damage, -1 charge' -> '+2 damage, -1 charge'
Artifact DWARVEN TANKARD Redesigned: 'On Potion used: Gain 2 Concoction' -> 'On Potion used: Gain 1 Concoction and 1 Power.'
Artifact ERRATIC EYE AMULET Element: Water -> None
Artifact FOOL'S HOPE CHARM Element: Water -> None
Artifact FROSTVEIL Element: Water -> None
Artifact SENTINEL SIGIL Element: Earth -> None
Artifact SENTINEL SIGIL Type: Starter -> Normal
Ritual CRISIS ORB: Added '3 energy: Gain 10 Block,'
Ritual EMPOWER: Added '4 energy: Gain 2 Power.'
Ritual TRUE NORTH: Added '6 energy: Gain 1 Hailstorm.'
Rune VISION RUNE renamed to Forecast Rune, 'Depleted Gain 1 Foresight' -> 'Depleted Gain 1 Rain'
Mutator ADAPTATION Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator ADAPTATION+ Value: 8 -> 6
Mutator BANEFUL Value: 2 -> 1
Mutator BANEFUL+ Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator BANEFUL+ Curse: 3 -> 4
Mutator CATACLYSM Value: 2 -> 1
Mutator CATACLYSM Damage: 25 -> 30
Mutator CATACLYSM Turn Number: 6 -> 7
Mutator CATACLYSM+ Value: 4 -> 3
Mutator CATACLYSM+ Damage: 25 -> 30
Mutator CATACLYSM+ Turn Number: 5 -> 6
Mutator CATACLYSM++ Value: 12 -> 6
Mutator CATACLYSM++ Damage: 25 -> 30
Mutator CATACLYSM++ Turn Number: 4 -> 5
Mutator CATACLYSM+++ Value: 18 -> 10
Mutator CATACLYSM+++ Damage: 25 -> 30
Mutator CATACLYSM+++ Turn Number: 3 -> 4
Mutator CONDEMNATION Curse: 2 -> 1
Mutator CONDEMNATION Turn Number: 3 -> 1
Mutator CONDEMNATION+ Turn Number: 2 -> 1
Mutator CONDEMNATION++ Curse: 2 -> 3
Mutator DECREPIT+ Sap: 2 -> 1
Mutator DECREPIT+ Turn Number: 2 -> 1
Mutator ELUSIVE FOES Value: 2 -> 1
Mutator ELUSIVE FOES+ Value: 5 -> 2
Mutator FUMBLE Value: 2 -> 1
Mutator FUMBLE+ Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator FUMBLE+++ Value: 4 -> 3
Mutator IRRECOVERABLE Reduction: 0.2 -> 0.25
Mutator IRRECOVERABLE+ Reduction: 0.4 -> 0.5
Mutator IRRECOVERABLE++ Reduction: 0.6 -> 0.75
Mutator JINX Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator MAJOR VEX Value: 2 -> 1
Mutator MAJOR VEX Dice Roll Required: 5 -> 6
Mutator MAJOR VEX+ Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator MAJOR VEX+ Dice Roll Required: 4 -> 5
Mutator MAJOR VEX++ Value: 4 -> 3
Mutator MAJOR VEX++ Dice Roll Required: 3 -> 4
Mutator MAJOR VEX+++ Dice Roll Required: 2 -> 3
Mutator MALADY Value: 8 -> 4
Mutator OBSTACLE Block: 12 -> 15
Mutator OBSTACLE+ Block: 12 -> 15
Mutator OBSTACLE++ Block: 12 -> 15
Mutator OFFERING+ Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator PENANCE Value: 2 -> 1
Mutator PENANCE+ Value: 4 -> 3
Mutator SKULK Value: 6 -> 3
Mutator SPELLBREAK Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator SPINY Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator SPINY+ Value: 6 -> 4
Mutator STRAINING MANA Value: 2 -> 3
Mutator TEMPEST++ Damage: 10 -> 15
Mutator TEMPEST+++ Damage: 15 -> 10
Mutator TEMPEST+++ Turn Factor: 3 -> 2
Mutator TEMPEST++++ Value: 10 -> 8
Mutator TEMPEST++++ Damage: 10 -> 20
Mutator TEMPEST++++ Turn Factor: 2 -> 3
Mutator TEMPEST+++++ Value: 11 -> 9
Mutator TEMPEST+++++ Damage: 5 -> 15
Mutator TEMPEST+++++ Turn Factor: 1 -> 2
Mutator TEMPEST++++++ Value: 16 -> 11
Mutator TEMPEST++++++ Damage: 15 -> 20
Mutator UNRELENTING FOES Value: 2 -> 1
Mutator UNRELENTING FOES+ Value: 4 -> 2
Mutator UNWIELDINESS Value: 3 -> 2
Mutator UNWIELDINESS+ Value: 6 -> 4
Mutator UNWIELDINESS++ Value: 11 -> 7
That's all for now! We hope you enjoy the update, and as always, we’d love to hear your feedback on the changes!
May your dice roll true 🧙
Tim & Thorbjørn