Dev Blog #14: Game of the Year & New Combat Mechanics preview
Greetings Dice Slingers!
We are incredibly proud to share that SpellRogue have won Game of the Year and Best Game Design at Spilprisen 2025 (the Danish Oscar/Bafta for games), and we couldn’t be more thrilled 🥳🎉✨

This recognition means the world to us, but more importantly, we want to thank you—our amazing community. Your feedback, discussions, and support have been instrumental in shaping SpellRogue into the game it is today.
[h2]New Combat Mechanics[/h2]
Early Encounters
We're refining Act 1 encounters to encourage more interesting choices and introduce Dice Enchants and Spell Buffs earlier. An example is giving the small mushroom enemy, Corrupt Brute, the ability to Wound your dice. Alongside this, we're testing a tweak to the Wound Enchant itself—allowing the damage to be blocked rather than being a direct health loss, making it more interactive to play around.

Other encounters, like the dreaded Chaos Angel in Act 3, previously restricted all spells to refill a single Charge per turn with Depleting Presence. Now, it applies the new spell buff Fade to random spells, creating a similar restricting but overall less punishing effect—at least at first.

Scaling Spell Debuffs
Some Spell debuffs used to scale poorly. Ignite for instance dealt 2 damage to yourself when an ignited spell was cast—punishing early game but negligible later. We're testing it dealing variable damage that scales with Ignite stacks, keeping the pressure on throughout all acts.

These are just a few of the many new and reworked mechanics we are working on, so look forward to a new and challenging experience for 1.0!
[h2]The Continued Road to 1.0[/h2]
As you can see, work on 1.0 is progressing steadily! Most of our features are reaching a solid state, and we are now mainly working on polishing, balancing & fixing bugs.
Although we previously aimed for a Q1 release, we may slightly overshoot that to ensure SpellRogue launches in the best possible shape. One of the benefits of being a small team is that we can take our time to get the game done right. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to share more soon!
Stay tuned for more updates, and thanks again for being part of this journey!
May your dice roll true 🧙
Tim, Thorbjørn & Paw