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  2. News
  3. Dev Blog #13: Path to 1.0

Dev Blog #13: Path to 1.0

Greetings Dice Slingers!

The work continues on Air Spells for the fourth character. Air has its own set of new interesting status effects, enchanted dice and mechanics that tie together to form strong combos. A specific goal for upgrades on the new Spells is to have crossover between archetypes, so that mixing different build types is more viable than ever - which is something we are planning to improve on the other classes as well!

[h2]Autosave in Combat[/h2]
Some of you may have discovered that if you exit the game during combat and then later come back to the game, we currently reload the combat from the start. This can both be annoying having to take the same actions again, but also push some players to repeatedly reload combat to get an optimal outcome, which makes decisions less meaningful and dilutes the accomplishment of winning runs or achieving goals. Instead, we now save the state of combat after every action, so reloading simply brings up the exact state you left the game in.

[h2]Making the Codex searchable[/h2]
Although we upgraded the Codex menus in the previous update, it can still be tedius to find exactly what you’re looking for. We’re currently experimenting with a search feature, to help with tracking down specific names or mechanics in the codex.

[h2]New features & experiments[/h2]
A neat mechanic we are testing at the moment is the act of selling/disenchanting Spells being moved to your Spell inventory, and being available at all times. This means you can disenchant Spells at will to refund Shards and pivot your build, and also gain gold for use in events and rerolling drafts!

Another feature we are trying out is receiving Mutators in Random Events, as a way to introduce players to the mechanic before starting to play with Descent mode.

Since we have implemented autosave in combat there is longer the option of reloading combat for any “valid reasons”, e.g. making a mistake or not understanding a mechanic. So we’re looking into an “undo” mechanic, that allows resetting the game to an earlier state (currently the start of the turn, with a limited amount of uses). However since we have a fair amount of “random effects” we are still very uncertain about this feature. Will it push players to undo a reroll- or a “damage random enemy” Spell to get an optimal outcome?

[h2]Other news[/h2]

SpellRogue has been nominated in the danish game award show “Spilprisen” for Game of the Year, Best Debut, Best Design and Best Visuals! Shout out to Spilprisen and the other nominated games.

May your dice roll true 🧙
Tim, Thorbjørn & Paw