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  2. News
  3. Update 5.2: "Big Font Energy"

Update 5.2: "Big Font Energy"

Greetings Dice Slingers,

Before diving into this update, here’s a quick status check on our road to 1.0. Development is now underway for the new Air character, and we're thrilled with the progress so far. While it’s still a bit early to reveal her in detail, we aim to share teasers and previews in the coming months as we approach the full release in late Q1 2025.

As for today’s update, we’ve focused on quality-of-life improvements, addressing several community-reported bugs and tweaking a few balance issues. Additionally, we’ve introduced a new font size scaling option, designed especially with Steam Deck and other small-screen devices in mind. This is part of our ongoing effort to achieve Steam Deck Verified status and ensure a seamless SpellRogue experience for everyone!

Check out the full patch notes below for all the details.


  • New “Big font size” setting in options, try it out on your Steam Deck!
  • Improved text readability for several UI components and menus.
  • Combat preview now shows expected reduction for Dodge (and few other status effects) when hovering end turn.

[h2]Bug fixes:[/h2]
Fixes with 🧙 has been reported by the community. A huge thanks to all the testers and players who give feedback and help us make SpellRogue what it is! ❤️

🧙Fixed Lucky Survivor achievement not working.
🧙Fixed Liquify not working on enemies with exactly 30 / 45 hp.
🧙Removed Mutators with 9+ value (fixes 100% Star-completion not possible).
🧙Fixed Coup de Grace able to put Marked on yourself.
Fixed Stygian dice not targetable with “enchant target dice” effects.
🧙Fixed Spell given from additional Mutator draft skipped if inventory full.
🧙Fixed Cultivation not hitting lowest dice if it is enchanted.
🧙Fixed Sow Power & Stalk “auto-cast” effects triggering while Broken.
Fixed soft lock if in Inspect mode while Spell being triggered to cast.
Fixed act 3 combat scene’s water plane being FPS dependent.

[h2]Content Changes:[/h2]
Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS+A '+2 block / power Lose 1 power' -> '+1 block / power'
Spell (Earth) PROWL Block: 10 -> 11
Spell (Earth) PROWL+A '+3 block' -> '+4 block'
Spell (Earth) STONE MELD Rarity: Uncommon -> Rare
Spell (Water) ACCUMULATION Block: 4 -> 2
Spell (Water) TIDAL HAUBERK Mute: 3 -> 2
Spell (Water) TIDAL HAUBERK+A '-2 mute' -> '0 mute'

Artifact COUP DE GRACE Marked: 1 -> 2

Ritual ELEMENTAL OVERDRIVE Redesigned: +1 -> +2 status effects, but only last for one cast

Mutator FUROR Value: 3 -> 4
Mutator FUROR+ Value: 5 -> 6
Mutator HYSTERICAL STRENGTH Value: 3 -> 4
Mutator HYSTERICAL STRENGTH+ Value: 5 -> 6
Mutator IRRECOVERABLE++ Value: 7 -> 6
Mutator TOXIC MANA Value: 7 -> 8

Enemy IMP WARRIOR Action 1: Deal 6 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 5 Damage 2 times.
Enemy IMP WARRIOR Action 2: Apply Snare on 2 random Spells. -> Apply Snare on random Spell. Gain 1 Power.

May your dice roll true 🧙

Tim, Thorbjørn & Paw