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  3. Enter the Chronosphere - Version 92

Enter the Chronosphere - Version 92

The Open Beta has been up for one week, and this is our first update. We will be making these regularly!

Thanks to everyone who has reported an issue or given feedback or suggestions. If you do have any feedback on the game, please let us know via Discord and Steam Discussions. We read it all!

This update fixes bugs and balance issues, adds new outer walls to each level, and introduces a cool new distortion visual effect.

  • 🧱 Added outer walls to each level.
  • 🌈 New and improved trippy distortion visual effect.
  • 💀 Reduced instances of player causing damage to themselves.
  • 🏃‍♂️ Added new animations to “Grenadier” and “Radgunner” enemies.
  • 💊 Reworked mod drawbacks to be less punishing.
  • 💊 Make mod early mod stations more relevant to your build.
  • 💊 Weapons with mods only appear later in the run.
  • ⚙️ General gameplay tuning and bugfixing.
  • 🎮 Slightly improved controller support (still WIP).
  • 🔥 Flames now set enemies on fire (and look more like flames).
  • 🥚 Larvae spawned as a result of the Ovipositor are now friendly, so you can build-up a small army of bugs.
  • 🪲 Reduced enemy health in Bellusect biome.

Check out the full changelog.

We’re going to be taking some time off for the end of year, but we’ll still be around on Discord and responding to feedback. Looking forward to the next update in January!

Happy holidays!

—Chronosphere Team