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  2. News
  3. Spring Goos Content update!

Spring Goos Content update!

Spring has sprung. With this we have 5 new goos and a ton of game improvements.

Performance improvements

Lets get the less exciting stuff out of the way first. As any current or old player would know the game takes a long time to even show up on your computer! Some people had to wait for over a minute before they saw anything show up. That is now been brought down to just a few seconds! On top of that the game now uses less than half of the memory it used before while running the game AND is half size it was before (its now less than 400mb from 1GB). Long story short the game runs a whole lot better now.

New goos!

Now for the fun stuff. We have 5 new goos joining the gang! (spring goos will go into free rotation this Saturday (7/1) so everyone will get to check them out.

Lets talk about about our new friends!


BOohuk brings some new mechanics to the table! Whenever any goo mutates he will gain +2 HP/ATK
You can get him turn one with the new banana Item so you can start scaling BOohuk right away! He is mutated by the new held item Banana, When holding a banana any goo can benefit from gaining stats when mutating! This can stack with BOohuk's ability to really get things growing quick.


A big focus with this update was to give Plant goos some more options to be on par with Water goo teams. Acorn can help plants with a buff of +1 Defense to all other plant goos! Acorn is very selfless though and only can provide protection to his friends and not himself.


Buggo is the only Goo that you can't get from the base goo until Round 9! That is for good reason as they are a TANK, They gain +1 Defense after EACH attack. This can make them super annoying to kill if you don't have fast goos as they will keep protecting themselves!


Keeping with the trend of empowering plants, We didn't have something to compete with Gramma on the plant side so we have added Turnip! Turnip like Gramma will gain +1 HP/ATK PER plant goo that is also on the team. Combo-ed with Acorn and you can get some strong plants pretty quickly!


Lastly we have Chomper. They are an aggressive early game Plant goo. They will gain +5 HP whenever they are able to KO another Goo. This can really help your plants win some early game battles especially if they are getting buffs from the other new plant goos!

Other thoughts and future updates

Sorry for the long time between this update and the last update!! We originally planned for this to come out last month, however my harddrive with a ton of the content for this update died and I hadn't backed it up in awhile so we had to re-do a ton of the work. I have better backup practices now so this will be avoided in the future. As such we are inching closer to the mobile release of Goo Gladiators and plan to add a new Type of goo very soon, You might be SHOCKED to see them so soon..

Full(ish) Patch Notes
  • Added 5 new goos and 3 new items
  • Improved startup time of game to around 3 seconds from over a minutue
  • Reduced size of game download from over 1GB to ~400MB
  • Improved performance of game on lower end machines