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Goo Gladiators News

Goo Gladiators on iOS

The title really says it all.. As long promised we finally have Gooin on the go! Goo Gladiators is out now on the iOS App store!! Your accounts, progress & gameplay all transfer 100% between the Steam and Mobile version. Thank you all for staying with goo the past year and a half, we are just getting started. Hope to see you on Mobile soon :)

March balance and content update!

Another goo update just went out. This update has tons of balance changes and bug fixes and even a few cool new features. Lets get right into it.

Balance changes

The area has been reset as many goos have been buffed or reworked. Firstly heres some nerdy stats brought to you by nerdy birdy

All Goos last Arena (expect intermediate goos like seed, tadpole & burning) Got some wins in the arena!
Here are the one who had the most luck:

[h3]Top 6:[/h3]
(1) Flirx
(2) Meow
(3) Snaim
(4) Swampy
(5 -T) Nerdy Birdy
(5 -T) Frumptun

With all the recent buffs to fire goos in recent updates it seems to have paid off for the Flirx as it had the most luck in the arena with the highest win rate of all goos!

Most of the rest of the goos were pretty close in the middle of the pack, however there were some goos who fizzled out at the bottom!

[h3]Bottom 6:[/h3]
(0) Cha-boom
(1) Chomper
(2) Yolki
(3) Mooshy
(4) Bubble
(5) Jack
(6) Kite

Cha-boom even with its recent re-works only won in the arena ONCE since the last balance update (with around 15k matches happening since then, that's not a good look) We decided to give these goos a little bit of love in this update.

Bubble and Mooshy are both goos that come into play in the mid - late game. They used to be painfully slow at 3 speed so upping their speed to 4 and giving them a bit more attack and health should help them be able to catchup with some of the other goos at that stage of the game! As well Mooshy's Mushroom summons will be a little faster and have a little more attack!

Kite, Chomper, Yolki and Jacks all had buffs to their abilities buffed as their stats are not bad. Kite now will also give +5 ATK to Flying goos as well as Electrik goos after being hit. Jacks as well now gives 13 HP to fresh summons instead of the 10 it did before! (This will also help Mooshy be more viable when they are combined) Lastly Chomper and Yolki's abilities got better giving slightly more HP for both of their abilities.

And for the big bomb in the room, Cha-boom got a major buff and now starts with 40 HP (up from 30) , 20 ATK (up from 16) and also now starts with 1 Defense! So it will now have an easier time staying alive long enough to go off in later rounds!

Ease of Use updates!

We added a ton of community suggested 'ease of use' improvements to the game this update! You can now see the type and starting stats of goos in the Goopendium, as well we now have a special section in the item list for Items got from goos (bubble, sap, ect)

As well we have made it easier to join friend's private matches! Adding a 'join game' button below them if you have them on your friends list.

Ever been in a match and forgetting how many wins or losses you have at that point? Worry no more! as we now show your current run stats on the battle menu as well.

Lastly we have added a Global replays to the replays menu! It will show the most recent Arena wins and the Teams they have won with, Go here to gloat or try to get some ideas from Teams that are winning in the arena!

Final Thoughts and new update

The next update is going to be the biggest update in the history of the game! We will have over 20 new goos, 4 new goo types a new game mode and TONS of new content :) Thank you guys so much for the support that you have shown Goo Gladiators the past Year and a half the love and support you have shown these creatures means the world to me

Full(ish) patch notes

  • Added Global Wins view
  • Added goo type and starting stats to the Goopendium
  • Added special Items to item list in Goopendium
  • Added join friends button to group play menu
  • Added current run wins/losses in the top left in battle menu
  • Update goo Balance
  • Fix some small typos across the game
  • Fixed bug where buying DLC pass wouldn't show you had all goos right away
  • Fix some UI positioning that was off

[h2] Balance update [/h2]
[h3] Cha-boom[/h3]
ATK 16 -> 20
HP 30 -> 40
DEF 0 -> 1
[h3] Mooshy [/h3]
Speed 3 -> 4
ATK 7 -> 10
[h3] Mooshy Summon [/h3]
Speed 2 -> 3
ATK 4 -> 5
[h3] Bubble [/h3]
Speed 3 -> 4
ATK 14 -> 18
HP 16 -> 18
Ability Update: Gives +4HP (was +3) to goos behind each round
ATK 2 -> 3
HP 17 -> 20
Ability Update: Gives +13HP (was +10) to all summoned goos upon summon
ATK 3 -> 7
HP 6 -> 7
Ability Update: +5 ATK to Electrik and Flying goos when hit (was just Electrik before)
ATK 2 -> 5
DEF 2 -> 5
Ability Update: +7 HP when KOing another goo (was +5)
Speed 5 -> 6
ATK 9 -> 10
Speed 5 -> 6
ATK 5 -> 8
HP 5 -> 8
DEF 5 -> 0
Speed 2 -> 1

Content Update! Daily Quests, tons of improvements, Balance changes.

A new update is out with tons of new content! Lets get right into it.

Daily Quests

We have added daily quests! Every 24 hours you will be given two quests to complete that range from winning matches with a certain goo type or playing a private match! Completing Quests will reward you with Goolah and Experience.

New Background & Skin

We have added another background to celebrate the coming cold season. Its a little too cold for the Frobz so we also decided to give him a beanie to help keep them warm!

Quality of Life Improvements

There are now more ways to get Goolah! Getting awards and Ranking up will now award you with some extra Goolah. Extra goolah has been added to all accounts that got awards and level ups before this update :) As well completing the daily quests will give you Goolah and Experience.

We have also added a way to reset your password if you forget it in game! You can now recover it via your login email.

Balance Changes

[h3]Base goos[/h3]
Meow now gets +2 HP +1 ATK per hit instead of +1/+1
Meow Starting HP buffed 15 -> 20
Meooow ATK 14 -> 16
Gramma ATK/HP 15/15 -> 16/16
Frumptun ATK: 7 ->5
Frumptun DEF: 5 -> 7
Frumptun HP: 20 -> 25
Burning Goo ATK: 6 -> 8
Flrix ATK/HP 15/15 -> 17/17

[h3]Extra Goos[/h3]
Yolki is now a fire type goo
Shoe HP 8 -> 10
Chiloki ATK 3-> 4
Mothor Speed 8 -> 7
Mothor HP 15 ->10

Full(ish] Patch Notes
  • Added ability to reset password
  • Added Daily Quests
  • Added new Frobz Skin
  • Added new background
  • Added splash screens when ranking up
  • Added some effects when you gain goolah
  • Changed some of the sound effects
  • Changed Ranking up to now give Goolah
  • Changed Collecting Awards to now give Goolah
  • Fixed some wordings throughout the game
  • Fixed arrow showing when more goos weren't actually on the next page in the Goopendium
  • Fixed rare crash on Replay menu
  • Balance changes!

[h3] patch 1.13.1 [/h3]
  • Fixed bug where selecting sub goos on right side of goopendium was off
  • Fixed bug where if you leveled up multiple times it only processed the first level up.
  • Fixed bug where account wouldn't update after completing arena

Content update: Electrik Goos & more!

New update! New goos, New background, some reworks and more! Lets get into it.

New Background.

We have only had two backgrounds since launch as such we added a new one (we will try to have a new one each update as well to add even more variety) This can be unlocked by anyone in the background area on the main menu!

Rework of 'reflect' attacks

Fire goos have really never risen to be relevant in the games Meta like I would have liked them too. As such they are getting a slight buff. The reflect abilities on Burning, Flirx, and Shoe goos would only ever drop a goo to 1 HP. It now can KO them! This should make them more dangerous as you can now take out enemies without even needing to attack them!

New Goos!

5 new goos to discover and play with! The Electrik Goos. Electrik goos center around doing effects to other goos when they are toched. That is pretty shocking if you ask me. All Electrik goos have a new type they target of 'fastest goo'. This can make for some interesting counters to fast teams.

Lets go over the new goos briefly and talk about their abilities...


The Base for all Electricity is a little spark. That is where Shocks comes in. They are a Round 1 Goo that will mutate into any of the 4 other Electrik Goos. Shocks by themselves can pack a punch too reflecting two damage on any goo that touches them.


The Kite goo is a mid game goo meant for heavy Eletrik Goo teams. Whem hit it will give any other friendly Electrik goos 5 ATK!! Wowza


Eel brings in another new mechanic of doing an action at the start of a battle! Eel will shock the entire enemy team for 2 points of damage at the start of the battle! This will help knock out anyone who is neglecting beefing up shields in the late game!


If you leave shock goo to grow on its own it will turn into Robby! Robby has a secret Weapon, Whenever Robby's Shields break it will deal 200% whatever Robby's Attack is onto whoever hit them! This can insta KOa goo without shields fairly easily!


Lastly we have the Hedgehog! This is a great late game goo to help slow down the opponent. Hedgehog will set the speed of any goo that hits it to 3!! This can really slow down the enemy team so you can go lighting fast past them!

Final thoughts

Thank you guys so much for still having fun with Goo! We are still working on a mobile version that will be cross-play and cross-progression with the Steam version that *should* be out fairly soon. As always please let us know if there's anything you would like to see in future updates! As well stay tuned for some some spooky themed holiday events coming next month.

[h2]Patch notes[/h2]
  • Added new background
  • Added 5 new goos 3 new items
  • Fixed bug where sometimes goos would show negative HP and still be on screen
  • Fixed bug where feather was absent from item list.
  • Fixed some bugs with the goo selection menu

  • Bottled Lighting moved from round 5 item to a round 1 item
  • Bottled Lighting is now -1 speed and +1 ATK
  • Jumpitio Rework:
    ATK: 14 -> 5
    Speed: 5 -> 6
    Heath: 15 -> 8
    (you can now get it 3 turns earlier)
  • Reflect abilities can now KO enemy goos! This is a buff for Burning, Flrix and Shoe goos!

Spring Goos Content update!

Spring has sprung. With this we have 5 new goos and a ton of game improvements.

Performance improvements

Lets get the less exciting stuff out of the way first. As any current or old player would know the game takes a long time to even show up on your computer! Some people had to wait for over a minute before they saw anything show up. That is now been brought down to just a few seconds! On top of that the game now uses less than half of the memory it used before while running the game AND is half size it was before (its now less than 400mb from 1GB). Long story short the game runs a whole lot better now.

New goos!

Now for the fun stuff. We have 5 new goos joining the gang! (spring goos will go into free rotation this Saturday (7/1) so everyone will get to check them out.

Lets talk about about our new friends!


BOohuk brings some new mechanics to the table! Whenever any goo mutates he will gain +2 HP/ATK
You can get him turn one with the new banana Item so you can start scaling BOohuk right away! He is mutated by the new held item Banana, When holding a banana any goo can benefit from gaining stats when mutating! This can stack with BOohuk's ability to really get things growing quick.


A big focus with this update was to give Plant goos some more options to be on par with Water goo teams. Acorn can help plants with a buff of +1 Defense to all other plant goos! Acorn is very selfless though and only can provide protection to his friends and not himself.


Buggo is the only Goo that you can't get from the base goo until Round 9! That is for good reason as they are a TANK, They gain +1 Defense after EACH attack. This can make them super annoying to kill if you don't have fast goos as they will keep protecting themselves!


Keeping with the trend of empowering plants, We didn't have something to compete with Gramma on the plant side so we have added Turnip! Turnip like Gramma will gain +1 HP/ATK PER plant goo that is also on the team. Combo-ed with Acorn and you can get some strong plants pretty quickly!


Lastly we have Chomper. They are an aggressive early game Plant goo. They will gain +5 HP whenever they are able to KO another Goo. This can really help your plants win some early game battles especially if they are getting buffs from the other new plant goos!

Other thoughts and future updates

Sorry for the long time between this update and the last update!! We originally planned for this to come out last month, however my harddrive with a ton of the content for this update died and I hadn't backed it up in awhile so we had to re-do a ton of the work. I have better backup practices now so this will be avoided in the future. As such we are inching closer to the mobile release of Goo Gladiators and plan to add a new Type of goo very soon, You might be SHOCKED to see them so soon..

Full(ish) Patch Notes
  • Added 5 new goos and 3 new items
  • Improved startup time of game to around 3 seconds from over a minutue
  • Reduced size of game download from over 1GB to ~400MB
  • Improved performance of game on lower end machines